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How to commit

AmbyrShae edited this page Mar 14, 2016 · 2 revisions

Git commit conventions

Once you have hit a point where you are ready to commit a change, check which files have been edited with git status. You can then add the file(s) to git using git add <file name> or shortcut git add . (adds ALL files) command in the terminal. Make sure all files were added using git status. The files that have been placed in the staging area, ready for commit, will be in green. Those that have not been staged yet will be in red. When you have added all the files you would like for a given commit, you can record the changes with git commit. This will allow you to describe what you have changed.

General convention for these commit messages is to have your first line be the a header under 50 characters. It should be a general description of the changes and it should be followed by a blank line. The header should be capitalized and in the imperative mood(Add instead of Adds, Adding, or Added). If the changes you made need more description than the single header can provide, you can describe them in more depth in paragraphs following the header line. Those paragraphs should wrap around 72 characters.

An example of a commit:

Give a brief explanation of the changes made  

Here would be a more in depth description of changes made with the  
commit. These body paragraphs should wrap around the 72 character 
mark. Here you would explain the problem that this commit is solving. 
Focus on why you made the change and what it does instead of how it
is implemented. If there are any effects from the code that would be
useful to know, you can note them here as well.

Further paragraphs come after blank lines.

 - We can use bullet points too!

 - A hyphen followed by a space will denote a bulleted list.

Once you have written your commit and are ready to push, use the command git push origin <current branch name> to push the changes to the current branch. for more information on merging branches, check out the Branch Process page.