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Gizmotronn committed Sep 10, 2019
1 parent 7c95e1d commit 293b319
Showing 1 changed file with 265 additions and 0 deletions.
265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
# Game Introduction
Welcome to our galaxy. Created by the Alliance of Droids, Star Sailors is what at first seems like a game for members of the Alliance of Droids. However, Star Sailors is much more than that. An imaginary galaxy full of planets, stars, nebulas, and beings mining minerals and living life, The Milky Way was previously home to a handful of life-bearing planets. Now it is the centre of a vast number of alien species that were drawn towards the Milky Way by an unknown source. One of those aliens was you.

Over the 14 billion years of the Universe’s existence, and the 200 million years since the original humans went extinct, aliens are settling into the Milky Way, creating lives that they are proud of on different planets. Earth and the Solar System have been wiped from the face of the galaxy, however some astro-archaeologists believe traces of the human homeworld remain. All the other planets across the universe that have given rise to life have similarily been destroyed, but again historians have not given up on the search.

On your Solar Sailor Starship, you have come back from suspended animation and are descending to the galactic capital, Midgard. You now have to remember which homeworld you came from, your skills and personality, and your species.

# Earthlings

Coming from planet Earth, Earthlings, or humans, have been around for around 300 million years, with their home planet coming into existence 4.8 billion years ago.Shortly after achieving intelligence, the wet, organic humans became silicon-based artificial intelligence, allowing virtually infinite life. Shortly after this, the first generation of humans – the organics – went extinct.

Attributes:Intelligence, Emotion, Strength

Homeworld: Earth (Solar System)


Starting strength: 6/20

Starting intelligence: 8/20

Starting emotion: 6/20

Choose Earthlings:

# Icites
The Icites (pronounced (e-kites) are a good example of brawns over brains. Not very technologically advanced.
Starting strength: 13/20
Starting intelligence: 2/20
Starting emotion: 10/20

# Keplernians
Coming from the Kepler 22 system, Keplernians are notable for their large brains and low muscle mass. Early on in their evolution, Keplernians moved from the muscle-dominated world that many other species live, and dedicated more energy to maintaining and improving their large brain.
Attributes: Intelligence, Cunning
Starting Intelligence: 11/20
Starting Cunning: 5/20
Starting Emotion: 1/20
Starting Strength: 2/20

# Miydlians ** actually good guys
The Miydlias were the first species to succesfully colonize a large portion of the galaxy, and they did so roughly 15000 years ago. A war-loving people, the Miydlias were infamous for their conquests, where they would invade planets to further their cause.
After they left their homeworld (which has since been lost to our records) they settled on a volcanic planet called Miydli, which is where they got their name from. Over millenia, the Miydlias terraformed the planet to be the snowy capital of the galaxy that we called Midgard (of the Midgard Legacy).
Starting strength: 9/20
Starting intelligence: 8/20
Starting emotion: 4/20

# Acridlic
The Acridlic people are an unknown quantity. Fine manufacturers of starships and a technological superpower, today they are now more machine than flesh. Some say they are descendants of the Miydlias, some say another species altogether. The Acridlic make their home on Midgard, the galactic capital.


Starting strength: 4/20

Starting intelligence: 12/20

Starting emotion: 5/20

# Cancrinites
From the 55-Cancri system, the Cancrinites followed a very similar evolution to humans. Starting off as biological lifeforms, over thousands of years the Cancrinites uploaded their consciousness into robotic, silicon-based bodies. Some say the humans helped them with this.
Starting stength: 4/20
Starting intelligence: 12/20
Starting emotion: 5/20

# Outline
Introduced to the fleet
The fleet go towards Earth
Earth, Sol disappears, including Opus

We are introduced to Gilbert McInstay
We are introduced to Alek
Transmission from Midgard Legacy (we don’t know that yet – we think it’s from the center of the galaxy)
Gilbert becomes temporary First Mate/2IC
They read the message
Massive ship comes out of hyperspace, engages tractor beam
Arlen consults Gilbert
Personal message to Gilbert – prepare for boarding

Introduction to senators
Senators debate who it was and what should be done about it

Earthlings plead their case in parliament
Earthlings introduced to Starrix
Gilbert meets with Starrix

__More In Depth__
Starrix explains about parliament
Starrix asks questions about disappearance of Sol
Gilbert brings 1 ship of Scavenger Squad/Crew with him - the rest go out to "get revenge/look"

Gilbert and crew sent to senate with Starrix
Gilbert shows history of Earth
Talk of museum for Earth?
Earthlings check out infiniraid

__Revenge Squad__
They find strange ship
They're Captured

(Earthlings watch the game of space ball) - removed (inserted into chapter 3)
Starrix looks for clues - discovers revenge squad is missing
Earthlings join a space ball team - Cancrinite Scroobles

__A few months go by__

Cancrinite Scroobles win the league
They use some of the winnings to raise awareness about Earth's situation
The senate is moved and they vote to figure out what happened

Opus Escapes
Opus finds __revenge squad__
Revenge squad have homing beacon that was placed on them by Starrix

Starrix notifies Jayin that revenge squad have been discovered
Starrix informs senate
Senate prepare for extraction team
This takes place 15 months after chapter 4

(Earthlings & Cancrinites – the space ball team Cancri Scroobs (named after small rodents) – win the league) - removed (inserted in chapter 4)
Opus rescued by Starrix
Opus reunites with Earthlings
Joins Infiniraid team at Cancrinite Scroobs

Opus reunites with Gilbert
Message from supervillian – Julia Ranta – who kidnapped Sol
This message says that Kepler will be destroyed
Jayin demands that an army be deployed, this army fails
Jayin is sacked as Chancellor because the army was defeated and Kepler was ‘destroyed’

Opus reveals he knows where supervillain is
Pox Stekkol – Senator for Kepler – elected as emergency Chancellor
Pox sends a strike team to the stronghold
Opus stands out in the ensuing conflict, awarded the province of Strilion
Months go by, Opus discovers the Siridium star in his province, constructs his arm

Opus creates his planetary garden and settles down on his space station with his arm and a pet Scroob by his side
Written as a diary entry by Opus
Mini stories of past missions (including when Opus discovered after leaving earth)
Creation of scavenger network
Scavenger planet - Charilia

Cheat sheet
Opus is actually a Cancrinite, but has every species
White marble arm (made of siridium) – right arm
Siridium arm –
Controls the universe
Siridium star (pulses different colours, but by default is gold) control panel
Pressing the button allows Opus to select different modes:
Universe hopper, Storage, Devices, Experiments, Droid cPanel, Droids, Spaceships, Collections, Communication, Aliens, Weapons)
Each brings up a holographic display
Cannot be removed
Can store things
Does kill people (after constructing arm), however their essence goes into universe hopper where they can start afresh
Basically a gauntlet, with a spaceship
Starbound-themed spaceship/tardis/starfighter
Means Opus can live forever, universe is never destroyed, arm can’t be removed – everything can go into arm (and i mean everything from the entire multiverse network)
Finds materials and constructs/develops arm at the end of the first book
Planetary garden (finds planets in Chapter 7)
Portal to star wars

# Character List
Character Species


Opus Siridium - Technically miydlian - see chapter 9
Gilbert McInstay
Alek Vicheva - First Mate of Fleet
(Unknown) Vicheva - father of Alek, benefactor of fleet
Tima Ramel (F), Ackbar Eerpfen (M), Alexandra Enen (F), and Cyrstal Winslett (F) - kernels
Arlen Wildner (M) & Nyra Drumen (F). - technicians



Starrix Lierze - Miydlian fleet commander


Lens Zaiv - senator for Icon


Jayin - Chancellor
Senator for Thulnore (unknown name)

Unnamed Characters

Multiple senators

Character Relationships

Lens Zaiv - friend of Starrix
Starrix Leirze - friend of Lens
Senator for Thulnore - critic of Chancellor Jayin
Gilbert McInstay - friend of Opus

Character Occupations

Opus - Miydlian commander, Scavenger Fleet, Scientist, Miydlian Scroob Player (Space Ball)

# Game Codes
Just like this: (view game-earthlings file)

# Infiniraid Rules
Objectives of Infiniraid
To get more goals than the opposition

Equipment for players



Different eggs can charge jetpack?

How the game works

Each team has a nest of "eggs" that they protect
The opposition tries to steal these eggs
Once they steal the eggs, they evade the opposition
The players with the eggs have to try to hatch them by throwing them to each other. Different eggs have different times to spawn. They have to make sure they don't give up the eggs

Types of players

Collectors - collect the eggs
Retrievers - chase the chasers
Defenders - protect the eggs
Throwers - throw the eggs
Shooters - shoot the alien creatures
Other defenders - defend against other creatures

To-Do: Add these to-dos to issues, new names for players, more to come, punishments if "throwers" don't pass the ball to the shooters in time or get "tackled" by retrievers

Example of gameplay


Cancrinite Scroobs
Kepler Snowbugs

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