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Journal 8 31 4th Period

acorrell5106 edited this page Aug 31, 2015 · 1 revision

What is hazing and why is it bad? Hazing is when a person harasseses somebody else to join their group, which is like bullying, except that they are harassing someone for a specific reason. Does hazing or bullying happen in CS? When? Why? Hazing can happen in CS because a person may want to join someone's group, harassing them to get what they want. The same goes for bullying, because a person may decide to harass another person for help, or even to cheat off of them. What is the Dunning-Kruger effect and how does it negatively impact CS? The Dunning-Kruger effect is when a person is over critical when it comes to a certain knowledge that they may know lots about, when in actuality they don't know enough to judge others so critically.