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Tired of including a long list of LANGUAGE pragmas at the top of your Haskell source files? This is a preprocessor that expands shorthand for collections of common pragmas. The only currently defined meta-pragma is Haskell2015 as a guess to what people might expect to work out of the box today. It includes

  • ConstraintKinds
  • DataKinds
  • EmptyCase
  • FlexibleContexts
  • FlexibleInstances
  • GADTs
  • InstanceSigs
  • KindSignatures
  • LambdaCase
  • MultiParamTypeClasses
  • NoImplicitPrelude
  • RankNTypes
  • ScopedTypeVariables
  • TypeFamilies
  • TypeOperators

You use this preprocessor by installing it somewhere (I build it in a sandbox, and cabal install --symlink-bindir ~/.cabal/bin), then, in the source file you want to use it, you write,

{-# META Haskell2015 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF metapragma #-}

You can include other LANGUAGE pragmas on other lines at the top of the file.


If you want to define your own meta-pragmas, create a directory $HOME/.metapragma and place within it plain text files with one LANGUAGE pragma per line. You can then refer to this meta-pragma by the name of the file (any file extension will be dropped).


To reduce boilerplate. This saves a small amount of time, and reduces the vagaries of how people manage long lists of pragmas.

You can list language extension pragmas in your .cabal file, but there is a preference among some for including this information in the source file to reduce reader surprise, and play better with stand-alone file reading (e.g. as a blog post). While, today, nobody knows what Haskell2015 as used here implies, the intent is to offer a straw man that folks can rally around or beat to the ground in order to nail down a set of commonly used meta-pragmas (or maybe just one a year).


LANGUAGE pragma collections for GHC







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