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Alex Crimi edited this page Oct 14, 2021 · 6 revisions

HitBoxComponent defines one more hitboxes that will be attached to an entity. Hitboxes deal damage to any entity that has a HurtBoxComponent with intersecting hurtboxes. The configuration can range from single static hitboxes to complex, orientation-aware, time-based sequences of multiple hitboxes.


When used inside the components block, the initial state of the component can be configured with the following parameters:

Key Type Description
knockback float An optional force to apply to entities that are hit by any boxes in this component. Defaults to 0, but the DamageSystem can specify its own default knockback.
knockbackTimeFrame float The time, in seconds, that knockback will be applied to hit entities. The knockback force isn't applied through the PhysicsSystem, but is integrated immediately by the DamageSystem using this duration. Defaults to 1/60th of a second.
boxes object[] An array of hitbox configurations that will be applied by this component. If only one hitbox is defined, this key can be omitted and the hitbox configuration can be defined as the top level object, including the knockback and knockbackTimeFrame keys.
      damage int The amount of damage this hitbox inflicts on entities it hits
      hitCode int[]|int One or more hit codes that will be assigned to this hitbox
      mirrored boolean Whether or not the left/right sequences should be mirrored around the entity's horizontal axis when the opposite direction is missing. This can help avoid creating redundant configurations for each direction.
      sequence object[] A sequence of positions and sizes that this hitbox will cycle through while it's attached. If this hitbox has only one state, this key can be omitted and the configuration can be passed directly to the top level hitbox object. This will be the default sequence for any orientations without explicit configurations.
            x float The left position of the hitbox at this step of the sequence, relative to the entity's left position
            y float The bottom position of the hitbox at this step of the sequence, relative to the entity's bottom position
            width float The width of the hitbox at this step of the sequence
            height float The height of the hitbox at this step of the sequence
            duration float The time, in seconds, that the hitbox will be in this position before moving to the next in the sequence.
      left object[]|object A sequence of positions and sizes that this hitbox will cycle through while it's attached and the entity is facing left. If the hitbox has only one state in this direction, the configuration can be passed directly and the array structure can be omitted. See sequence for the supported properties.
      right object[]|object A sequence of positions and sizes that this hitbox will cycle through while it's attached and the entity is facing right. If the hitbox has only one state in this direction, the configuration can be passed directly and the array structure can be omitted. See sequence for the supported properties.
      down object[]|object A sequence of positions and sizes that this hitbox will cycle through while it's attached and the entity is facing down. If the hitbox has only one state in this direction, the configuration can be passed directly and the array structure can be omitted. See sequence for the supported properties.
      up object[]|object A sequence of positions and sizes that this hitbox will cycle through while it's attached and the entity is facing up. If the hitbox has only one state in this direction, the configuration can be passed directly and the array structure can be omitted. See sequence for the supported properties.


"HitBoxComponent": {
  "knockback": 100000,
  "knockbackTimeFactor": 0.02,
  "damage": 2,
  "hitCode": 1,
  "x": 0,
  "y": 0,
  "width": 16,
  "height": 16
"HitBoxComponent": {
  "knockback": 100000,
  "knockbackTimeFactor": 0.02,
  "damage": 2,
  "hitCode": [
  "sequence": [
      "x": 0,
      "y": 0,
      "width": 16,
      "height": 16,
      "duration": 0.2
      "x": -8,
      "y": -8,
      "width": 32,
      "height": 32,
      "duration": 0.2
"HitBoxComponent": {
  "damage": 2,
  "mirrored": true,
  "left": [
      "x": 0,
      "y": 0,
      "width": 16,
      "height": 16,
      "duration": 0.2
      "x": -8,
      "y": -8,
      "width": 32,
      "height": 32,
      "duration": 0.2
  "up": {
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0,
    "width": 16,
    "height": 16
  "down": {
    "x": 0,
    "y": 0,
    "width": 16,
    "height": 16
"HitBoxComponent": {
  "knockback": 100000,
  "knockbackTimeFactor": 0.02,
  "boxes": [
      "damage": 2,
      "hitCode": 1,
      "x": 0,
      "y": 0,
      "width": 16,
      "height": 16
      "damage": 1,
      "hitCode": [
      "x": -8,
      "y": -8,
      "width": 32,
      "height": 32
"HitBoxComponent": {
  "boxes": [
      "damage": 2,
      "x": 0,
      "y": 0,
      "width": 16,
      "height": 16
      "mirrored": true,
      "damage": 2,
      "hitCode": [
      "sequence": [
          "x": 0,
          "y": 0,
          "width": 16,
          "height": 16,
          "duration": 0.2
          "x": -8,
          "y": -8,
          "width": 32,
          "height": 32,
          "duration": 0.2
      "left": [
          "x": 0,
          "y": 0,
          "width": 16,
          "height": 16,
          "duration": 0.2
          "x": -8,
          "y": -8,
          "width": 32,
          "height": 32,
          "duration": 0.2
      "up": {
        "x": 0,
        "y": 0,
        "width": 16,
        "height": 16


This component has no exposed properties

Entity Templates

Update Scope
Value Resolution

Component Reference
Action Reference


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