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This project was created for the Onyx DID Hackathon by Encode Club in September 2023.

Are you tired of downloading multiple wallets and managing different keys to access the web3 world? Do you wish you could use your existing social accounts to log in to decentralized applications and services? If yes, then you need Seamless, the ultimate platform for easy web3 wallet management using social logins. Seamless lets you use your Google, Twitter, Discord, or other social accounts to create and manage your web3 wallets. You can also manage your decentralized identities and credentials in one place, without compromising your privacy or security. Seamless is compatible with all major web3 protocols and platforms, such as Ethereum, IPFS, Filecoin, etc. With Seamless, you can enjoy the benefits of web3 without the hassle of web3. Try it today and join the web3 revolution!


  • Users need to understand concepts such as web3 wallets, private keys, gas fees, smart contracts, etc., which are unfamiliar and confusing to most people.
  • Users need to download multiple wallets, manage different keys, pay high transaction fees, and deal with unintuitive interfaces and documentation.
  • Users need to switch between different blockchains, protocols, and platforms, which are often incompatible and isolated from each other.


  • Seamless is a platform that leverages account abstraction to enable seamless web3 wallet management using social logins.
  • Users can use their existing Google, Twitter, Discord, or other social accounts to create and manage their web3 wallets and decentralized identities.
  • Users do not need to download any extra wallets, remember any private keys, or pay any gas fees.
  • Users can interact with any web3 applications and services with a simple and intuitive interface.
  • Seamless is compatible with all major web3 protocols and platforms, such as Ethereum, IPFS, Filecoin, etc.

External Repository

The contracts for zkSync Era including PermissionPaymaster can be found on this link.

System Architecture

high level design


Home page

with social accounts

User dashboard to see all VC's


Send NFT dialog box