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While there are multiple template libraries for Go, I wanted one that would allow me to mix different styles of templates, without having to create some kind of lookup table to see which library a template was created in.

Multitemplate is a set of parsers, a html function library, template interoperation functions, and an implementation of a Template similar to the html/template Template struct in the standard library. The execution backend of this is the html/template package from the standard library, multitemplate is a set of functions, parsers, and glue that adds a larger set of functionality on top of the standard library.

Current documentation is available at

Current status is beta. The happy path works, but straying off the happy path may lead to big bad bears. Right now, I'm endeavoring to build real things with multitemplate, so I will be pushing new versions of multitemplate at arbitrary times to fix the issues I find. At some point in the next month or two I plan to start moving multitemplate to a release candidate state for the 0.5 release.

Bham documentation

I am continuing to add to the godoc documentation, this is a simple snippet from the booking examples written in bham.

      = yield "head"
      = block "header"
          = if .user
              Connected as {{.user.Username}} |
              %a(href="{{ url "Hotels.Index" }}") Search
              %a(href="{{ url "Hotels.Settings" }}") Settings
              %a(href="{{ url "Application.Logout" }}") Logout
      = end_block
      = yield "content"

Terse Documentation

Terse is fairly well documented, but could always use some longer form examples. This is the same snippet as bham, but in terse

              Connected as {{.user.Username}} |
              a href=(url "Hotels.Index") Search
              a href=(url "Hotels.Settings") Settings
              a href=(url "Application.Logout") Logout

Using the library

Like database/sql, you can load in dialects (or parsers in this case) like the following

import (
  _ ""

multitemplate uses extensions to detect which parser to use, a file named layout.bham.html would be shortened to layout.html as a template and parsed using the bham parser.

The simplest way to parse files, it to simply pass an array of file names to ParseFiles or Template.ParseFiles (which will determine parsers, remove extenstions for you), but you can also pass the name, source and parser name to the Parse function, but Parse will not remove extensions or detect parsers for you.

In addition to Execute and ExecuteTemplate, there is also an ExecuteContext, which it the way to configure layouts, and pre-set blocks and template to yield or output during execution.

Revel integration

You can find instruction on how to integrate multitemplate and revel at the godoc for Information on the replacement controller struct to use with the revel integration is at the godoc for

The sample in the revel folder is the booking sample from, but with templates converted to use multitemplate languages.

Martini Integration

You can find instruction on how to integrate multitemplate and revel at the godoc for Information on the replacement controller struct to use with the revel integration is at the godoc for

The Sample in the martini folder is a port of a small Redis viewer I wrote a while ago, but with the templates all in the terse language.


New versions are released when the features planned for that version are complete. If a feature looks to not be ready in the same timeframe as the other features earmarked for that version, then the longer features may get bumped.

Actual Future Version Plans


  • Component library for reusable html code
  • Fixes added while building a website (or two) with the library


  • Common parser structures like indent parser, maybe a delimeter parser
  • Bham, Terse using common structures


  • Use composable parser stages for Bham, Terse, Stdlib, Mustache-ish


  • More stability and tests

Version History


  • New language (terse)
  • New sub-library for html helpers
  • FormTag, Link, General, Simple Asset helper modules
  • helpers modules that are enabled individually
  • Better parser construction (working in terse)
  • Martini integration (multirender)


  • Blocks know how they've been escaped and will check for escaping ruleset matches when being rendered (security)
  • Fix bugs in revel integration exposed by security fixes


  • Fix issues with bham around function parsing
  • Started documenting library
  • Various fixes


  • Move helpers, mussed, and bham into subdirectories of the same repo.
  • Write a buildable version of multitemplate.Template
  • Figure out how to set up Delims on standard library
  • Write tests on multitemplate.Template
  • Fix up yield function to take fallback template name
  • Content_for function with template name
  • Implement block and end_block
  • Write a revel connector


Template library for multiple formats, which can interoperate





