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Our web app, EatsMatch, is the place to go to save money when ordering in. No need to search through all the services to find the best price and coupon codes - EatsMatch allows users to compare food delivery prices from different services, such as UberEats and DoorDash, and automatically tells them where the price is right.

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Our web app, EatsMatch, is the place to go to save money when ordering in. No need to search through all the services to find the best price and coupon codes - EatsMatch allows users to compare food delivery prices from different services, such as UberEats and DoorDash, and automatically tells them where the price is right.

Table of Contents


To install necessary dependencies, run the following command:

npm i


To use EatsMatch, simply visit us here: EatsMatch. You will then be able to add your favorite dishes from local restaurants to your cart, and checkout at the right price across delivery services.



This project is licensed under the MIT license.


Contribution Guidelines

Thank you for considering contributing to our project! We welcome and appreciate your help. Please follow these guidelines to make the contribution process smooth and efficient for everyone involved.

  1. Code of Conduct All contributors are expected to adhere to our Code of Conduct. By participating, you agree to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment.

  2. Prerequisites Familiarity with Git and GitHub Basic knowledge of JavaScript, MySQL

  3. Getting Started Fork the repository by clicking the "Fork" button on the top right corner of the main repository page. Clone your forked repository to your local machine: git clone Add the original repository as a remote to your local repository: git remote add upstream

  4. Branching Create a new branch for each feature or bug fix you work on. Use the following naming convention for branches:

For features: feature/short-feature-description For bug fixes: bugfix/short-bugfix-description

  1. Development Environment Install the required dependencies: npm i

  2. Commit Messages Write clear and concise commit messages describing the changes made. Use the imperative mood.

  3. Submitting a Pull Request Fetch the latest changes from the original repository: git fetch upstream Rebase your branch on the latest main branch: git rebase upstream/main Push your changes to your fork: git push origin your-branch-name Open a pull request on GitHub, providing a clear description of your changes and any additional context.

  4. Issue Reporting Before reporting a bug or requesting a new feature, search the existing issues to avoid duplicates. When creating a new issue, follow the provided issue template.

  5. Review Process Pull requests will be reviewed by maintainers and/or other contributors. Address any requested changes and maintain a respectful and constructive tone during the review process.

  6. Contributor Recognition Contributors will be recognized in the file and in the project's documentation.

  7. Communication Join our chat room or forum (links provided in README) to ask questions and discuss the project.

Thank you for contributing! We look forward to working together to improve this project.


To perform tests, run the following command:

npm test


If you have any questions about this project, you can contact us. Please see for details or email.

You can find more of our work at acst52 / Haozhe-H / rnvshi / MaximosSarmpas / Musadaq23.


Our web app, EatsMatch, is the place to go to save money when ordering in. No need to search through all the services to find the best price and coupon codes - EatsMatch allows users to compare food delivery prices from different services, such as UberEats and DoorDash, and automatically tells them where the price is right.







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