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[DRAFT] fs Site Users

Letsee4now edited this page Jul 8, 2021 · 1 revision

Users of the ACT-R CG Website

Who are the visitors? And what are their reasons to visit the ACT rules site?

1. An Accessibility expert (New to ACT)

Why visit Act Rules?

I want to learn what ACT rules are, and if the tests / audits that I do are consistent with the work that the ACT Rules community group is proposing.

What does the visit solve?

They will need a high level explanation of ACT rules to get them started at first, and then they need to be able to look at individual rules, along with information that helps them understand what the different parts of a rule are.

2. An Accessibility expert (wants to comment)

Why visit Act Rules?

I want to leave feedback on rules, so that my interpretation is taken into account when this rule is published by the W3C, and I can limit how much I have to change my own approach to testing.

What does the visit solve?

There needs to be a clear and consistently positioned mechanism on rules pages that lets someone submit an issue, or open a pull request. For those who are unfamiliar to Github, access to easy to understand instructions on how to open an issue / pull request in GitHub is needed.

3. An developer / owner of an accessibility test tool or methodology

Why visit Act Rules?

I want to know how I can compare my tool / methodology with the ACT rules, so that I can learn what the potential impact of this rule is if customers start asking me to align my product with the ACT rules.

What does the visit solve?

Tool developers will need to know how to get the testcases.json file, and how to interpret the results they get from such a test. (What does it mean to get 20 fails on a passing example). Methodology developers will need to know how they can see the test cases one at a time.

4. An developer of an accessibility test tool or methodology

Why visit Act Rules?

I want to contribute implementation data from my product, so that I can influence which rules get proposed to the W3C for publication.

What does the visit solve?

They just need the “submit an implementation” page.

5. An Accessibility expert rule contributor

Why visit Act Rules?

I want to know how to contribute to ACT-Rules CG, so that the ACT rules project can continue to develop and test tools and methodologies will continue to harmonize.

What does the visit solve?

They need a page that tells them what kinds of contributions are helpful (reviewing, rule writing, website development, implementation). They will need to know how to sign up to the group, where to go to contribute reviews, and when the calls are for t