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Create Cristobal Arreaza #7331

wants to merge 1 commit into from

Create Cristobal Arreaza #7331

wants to merge 1 commit into from

Commits on Mar 23, 2023

  1. Create Cristobal Arreaza

    | Announcements |
    | [[All OSes] Go 1.17.x will be removed and 1.20.x set as default on April, 3](#7276) |
    | [The Ubuntu 18.04 Actions runner image will begin deprecation on 2022/08/08 and will be fully unsupported by 2023/04/01](#6002) |
    # Ubuntu 22.04
    - OS Version: 22.04.2 LTS
    - Kernel Version: 5.15.0-1034-azure
    - Image Version: 20230317.1
    ## Installed Software
    ### Language and Runtime
    - Bash 5.1.16(1)-release
    - Clang: 12.0.1, 13.0.1, 14.0.0
    - Clang-format: 12.0.1, 13.0.1, 14.0.0
    - Clang-tidy: 12.0.1, 13.0.1, 14.0.0
    - Dash 0.5.11+git20210903+057cd650a4ed-3build1
    - GNU C++: 9.5.0, 10.4.0, 11.3.0, 12.1.0
    - GNU Fortran: 9.5.0, 10.4.0, 11.3.0, 12.1.0
    - Julia 1.8.5
    - Kotlin 1.8.10-release-430
    - Mono
    - MSBuild (Mono
    - Node.js 18.15.0
    - Perl 5.34.0
    - Python 3.10.6
    - Python3 3.10.6
    - Ruby 3.0.2p107
    - Swift 5.7.3
    ### Package Management
    - cpan 1.64
    - Helm 3.11.2
    - Homebrew 4.0.6
    - Miniconda 23.1.0
    - Npm 9.5.0
    - NuGet
    - Pip 22.0.2
    - Pip3 22.0.2
    - Pipx 1.2.0
    - RubyGems 3.3.5
    - Vcpkg (build from commit ffe7360e0)
    - Yarn 1.22.19
    #### Environment variables
    | Name                    | Value                  |
    | ----------------------- | ---------------------- |
    | CONDA                   | /usr/share/miniconda   |
    | VCPKG_INSTALLATION_ROOT | /usr/local/share/vcpkg |
    #### Homebrew note
    Location: /home/linuxbrew
    Note: Homebrew is pre-installed on image but not added to PATH.
    run the eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)" command
    to accomplish this.
    ### Project Management
    - Lerna 6.5.1
    - Maven 3.8.8
    ### Tools
    - Ansible 2.14.3
    - apt-fast 1.9.12
    - AzCopy 10.17.0 - available by `azcopy` and `azcopy10` aliases
    - Bazel 6.1.1
    - Bazelisk 1.13.2
    - Bicep 0.15.31
    - Buildah 1.23.1
    - CMake 3.26.0
    - CodeQL Action Bundles 2.12.3 2.12.4
    - Docker Amazon ECR Credential Helper 0.6.0
    - Docker Compose v1 1.29.2
    - Docker Compose v2 2.16.0+azure-2
    - Docker-Buildx 0.10.4
    - Docker-Moby Client 20.10.23+azure-2
    - Docker-Moby Server 20.10.23+azure-2
    - Fastlane 2.212.1
    - Git 2.40.0
    - Git LFS 3.3.0
    - Git-ftp 1.6.0
    - Haveged 1.9.14
    - Heroku 7.69.1
    - jq 1.6
    - Kind 0.17.0
    - Kubectl 1.26.3
    - Kustomize 5.0.1
    - Leiningen 2.10.0
    - MediaInfo 21.09
    - Mercurial 6.1.1
    - Minikube 1.29.0
    - n 9.0.1
    - Newman 5.3.2
    - nvm 0.39.3
    - OpenSSL 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.8
    - Packer 1.8.6
    - Parcel 2.8.3
    - Podman 3.4.4
    - Pulumi 3.58.0
    - R 4.2.2
    - Skopeo 1.4.1
    - Sphinx Open Source Search Server 2.2.11
    - SVN 1.14.1
    - Terraform 1.4.2
    - yamllint 1.29.0
    - yq 4.31.2
    - zstd 1.5.4
    ### CLI Tools
    - Alibaba Cloud CLI 3.0.157
    - AWS CLI 2.11.4
    - AWS CLI Session Manager Plugin 1.2.463.0
    - AWS SAM CLI 1.76.0
    - Azure CLI 2.46.0
    - Azure CLI (azure-devops) 0.26.0
    - GitHub CLI 2.24.3
    - Google Cloud SDK 422.0.0
    - Hub CLI 2.14.2
    - Netlify CLI 13.1.6
    - OpenShift CLI 4.12.7
    - ORAS CLI 0.16.0
    - Vercel CLI 28.17.0
    ### Java
    | Version              | Vendor          | Environment Variable |
    | -------------------- | --------------- | -------------------- |
    | 8.0.362+9            | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_8_X64      |
    | 11.0.18+10 (default) | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_11_X64     |
    | 17.0.6+10            | Eclipse Temurin | JAVA_HOME_17_X64     |
    ### GraalVM
    | Version   | Environment variables |
    | --------- | --------------------- |
    | CE 22.3.1 | GRAALVM_11_ROOT       |
    ### PHP Tools
    - PHP: 8.1.2
    - Composer 2.5.4
    - PHPUnit 8.5.33
    Both Xdebug and PCOV extensions are installed, but only Xdebug is enabled.
    ### Haskell Tools
    - Cabal
    - GHC 9.6.1
    - GHCup
    - Stack 2.9.3
    ### Rust Tools
    - Cargo 1.68.0
    - Rust 1.68.0
    - Rustdoc 1.68.0
    - Rustup 1.25.2
    #### Packages
    - Bindgen 0.64.0
    - Cargo audit 0.17.4
    - Cargo clippy 0.1.68
    - Cargo outdated 0.11.2
    - Cbindgen 0.24.3
    - Rustfmt 1.5.1
    ### Browsers and Drivers
    - Google Chrome 111.0.5563.64
    - ChromeDriver 111.0.5563.64
    - Chromium 111.0.5547.0
    - Microsoft Edge 111.0.1661.44
    - Microsoft Edge WebDriver 111.0.1661.44
    - Selenium server 4.8.0
    - Mozilla Firefox 111.0
    - Geckodriver 0.32.2
    #### Environment variables
    | Name              | Value                               |
    | ----------------- | ----------------------------------- |
    | CHROMEWEBDRIVER   | /usr/local/share/chrome_driver      |
    | EDGEWEBDRIVER     | /usr/local/share/edge_driver        |
    | GECKOWEBDRIVER    | /usr/local/share/gecko_driver       |
    | SELENIUM_JAR_PATH | /usr/share/java/selenium-server.jar |
    ### .NET Tools
    - .NET Core SDK: 6.0.407, 7.0.104, 7.0.202
    - nbgv 3.5.119+5d25f54fec
    ### Databases
    - sqlite3 3.37.2
    #### PostgreSQL
    - PostgreSQL 14.7
    User: postgres
    PostgreSQL service is disabled by default.
    Use the following command as a part of your job to start the service: 'sudo systemctl start postgresql.service'
    #### MySQL
    - MySQL 8.0.32-0ubuntu0.22.04.2
    User: root
    Password: root
    MySQL service is disabled by default.
    Use the following command as a part of your job to start the service: 'sudo systemctl start mysql.service'
    #### MS SQL
    - sqlcmd 17.10.0001.1
    - SqlPackage 16.1.8089.0
    ### Cached Tools
    #### Go
    - 1.17.13
    - 1.18.10
    - 1.19.7
    - 1.20.2
    #### Node.js
    - 14.21.3
    - 16.19.1
    - 18.15.0
    #### Python
    - 3.7.16
    - 3.8.16
    - 3.9.16
    - 3.10.10
    - 3.11.2
    #### PyPy
    - 3.7.13 [PyPy 7.3.9]
    - 3.8.16 [PyPy 7.3.11]
    - 3.9.16 [PyPy 7.3.11]
    #### Ruby
    - 3.1.3
    ### PowerShell Tools
    - PowerShell 7.2.10
    #### PowerShell Modules
    - Az: 9.3.0
    - MarkdownPS: 1.9
    - Microsoft.Graph: 1.23.0
    - Pester: 5.4.0
    - PSScriptAnalyzer: 1.21.0
    ### Web Servers
    | Name    | Version | ConfigFile                | ServiceStatus | ListenPort |
    | ------- | ------- | ------------------------- | ------------- | ---------- |
    | apache2 | 2.4.52  | /etc/apache2/apache2.conf | inactive      | 80         |
    | nginx   | 1.18.0  | /etc/nginx/nginx.conf     | inactive      | 80         |
    ### Android
    | Package Name               | Version                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
    | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
    | Android Command Line Tools | 9.0                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
    | Android Emulator           | 32.1.11                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
    | Android SDK Build-tools    | 33.0.0 33.0.1 33.0.2<br>32.0.0<br>31.0.0<br>30.0.0 30.0.1 30.0.2 30.0.3<br>29.0.0 29.0.1 29.0.2 29.0.3<br>28.0.0 28.0.1 28.0.2 28.0.3<br>27.0.0 27.0.1 27.0.2 27.0.3                                         |
    | Android SDK Platform-Tools | 34.0.1                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
    | Android SDK Platforms      | android-33-ext5 (rev 1)<br>android-33-ext4 (rev 1)<br>android-33 (rev 2)<br>android-32 (rev 1)<br>android-31 (rev 1)<br>android-30 (rev 3)<br>android-29 (rev 5)<br>android-28 (rev 6)<br>android-27 (rev 3) |
    | Android SDK Tools          | 26.1.1                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
    | Android Support Repository | 47.0.0                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
    | CMake                      | 3.10.2<br>3.18.1<br>3.22.1                                                                                                                                                                                   |
    | Google Play services       | 49                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
    | Google Repository          | 58                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
    | NDK                        | 23.2.8568313<br>24.0.8215888<br>25.2.9519653 (default)                                                                                                                                                       |
    | SDK Patch Applier v4       | 1                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
    #### Environment variables
    | Name                    | Value                                       |
    | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
    | ANDROID_HOME            | /usr/local/lib/android/sdk                  |
    | ANDROID_NDK             | /usr/local/lib/android/sdk/ndk/25.2.9519653 |
    | ANDROID_NDK_HOME        | /usr/local/lib/android/sdk/ndk/25.2.9519653 |
    | ANDROID_NDK_LATEST_HOME | /usr/local/lib/android/sdk/ndk/25.2.9519653 |
    | ANDROID_NDK_ROOT        | /usr/local/lib/android/sdk/ndk/25.2.9519653 |
    | ANDROID_SDK_ROOT        | /usr/local/lib/android/sdk                  |
    ### Cached Docker images
    | Repository:Tag          | Digest                                                                   | Created    |
    | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------- |
    | alpine:3.14             | sha256:fa26727c28837d1471c2f1524d297a0255c153b5d023d7badd1412be7e6e12a2  | 2023-02-11 |
    | alpine:3.15             | sha256:59b00c6f1614a599aa83d946d2a276c9257d2d29461c86c6a114d9932f2ddcd4  | 2023-02-11 |
    | alpine:3.16             | sha256:2cf17aa35fbcb6ece81692a64bfbadaf096590241ed9f95dd5f94f0e9f674784  | 2023-02-11 |
    | alpine:3.17             | sha256:ff6bdca1701f3a8a67e328815ff2346b0e4067d32ec36b7992c1fdc001dc8517  | 2023-02-11 |
    | buildpack-deps:bullseye | sha256:6f2703639d3d17f70288d4ba212d55e159b682a990c20fc2a6562b098f01a1e7  | 2023-03-01 |
    | buildpack-deps:buster   | sha256:63be0fe0bfb9d06b8747dcd87683787ef6d82c6f05b8a2ae213c38d56dc2bf53  | 2023-03-01 |
    | debian:10               | sha256:2d356e1e22c0902f88ef65cb7159ecd5a96feb62345747edfd4324b0d83a2923  | 2023-03-01 |
    | debian:11               | sha256:f81bf5a8b57d6aa1824e4edb9aea6bd5ef6240bcc7d86f303f197a2eb77c430f  | 2023-03-01 |
    | moby/buildkit:latest    | sha256:990e55e71c16281ed72f00b0308980865dae03d598b2cb8316da023d80336543  | 2023-03-06 |
    | node:14                 | sha256:481a78885f7a83f86fcb3ac48dab9bede651851d1b250650c17645a988902728  | 2023-03-01 |
    | node:14-alpine          | sha256:1d02d4073d7dfd58950a222a862f8b819afd774560b7b3e992b27ff4cd088285  | 2023-02-17 |
    | node:16                 | sha256:8ef06c513538040a988ac7731afa8ad8b1135cfe5d8b6ad78489d80c6f6c0137  | 2023-03-01 |
    | node:16-alpine          | sha256:fcb03294d3c0695cf9762dec94c0366f08e7a8c6a3c1e062d38c80ac30684d8a  | 2023-02-21 |
    | node:18                 | sha256:8d9a875ee427897ef245302e31e2319385b092f1c3368b497e89790f240368f5  | 2023-03-08 |
    | node:18-alpine          | sha256:ffc770cdc09c9e83cccd99d663bb6ed56cfaa1bab94baf1b12b626aebeca9c10  | 2023-03-08 |
    | ubuntu:18.04            | sha256:8aa9c2798215f99544d1ce7439ea9c3a6dfd82de607da1cec3a8a2fae005931b  | 2023-03-08 |
    | ubuntu:20.04            | sha256:24a0df437301598d1a4b62ddf59fa0ed2969150d70d748c84225e6501e9c36b9  | 2023-03-08 |
    | ubuntu:22.04            | sha256:67211c14fa74f070d27cc59d69a7fa9aeff8e28ea118ef3babc295a0428a6d21  | 2023-03-08 |
    ### Installed apt packages
    | Name                   | Version                             |
    | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
    | acl                    | 2.3.1-1                             |
    | aria2                  | 1.36.0-1                            |
    | autoconf               | 2.71-2                              |
    | automake               | 1:1.16.5-1.3                        |
    | binutils               | 2.38-4ubuntu2.1                     |
    | bison                  | 2:3.8.2+dfsg-1build1                |
    | brotli                 | 1.0.9-2build6                       |
    | build-essential        | 12.9ubuntu3                         |
    | bzip2                  | 1.0.8-5build1                       |
    | coreutils              | 8.32-4.1ubuntu1                     |
    | curl                   | 7.81.0-1ubuntu1.8                   |
    | dbus                   | 1.12.20-2ubuntu4.1                  |
    | dnsutils               | 1:9.18.1-1ubuntu1.3                 |
    | dpkg                   | 1.21.1ubuntu2.1                     |
    | fakeroot               | 1.28-1ubuntu1                       |
    | file                   | 1:5.41-3                            |
    | flex                   | 2.6.4-8build2                       |
    | fonts-noto-color-emoji | 2.038-0ubuntu1                      |
    | ftp                    | 20210827-4build1                    |
    | gnupg2                 | 2.2.27-3ubuntu2.1                   |
    | haveged                | 1.9.14-1ubuntu1                     |
    | imagemagick            | 8: |
    | iproute2               | 5.15.0-1ubuntu2                     |
    | iputils-ping           | 3:20211215-1                        |
    | jq                     | 1.6-2.1ubuntu3                      |
    | lib32z1                | 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2ubuntu9.2            |
    | libc++-dev             | 1:14.0-55\~exp2                     |
    | libc++abi-dev          | 1:14.0-55\~exp2                     |
    | libcurl4               | 7.81.0-1ubuntu1.8                   |
    | libgbm-dev             | 22.2.5-0ubuntu0.1\~22.04.1          |
    | libgconf-2-4           | 3.2.6-7ubuntu2                      |
    | libgsl-dev             | 2.7.1+dfsg-3                        |
    | libgtk-3-0             | 3.24.33-1ubuntu2                    |
    | libmagic-dev           | 1:5.41-3                            |
    | libmagickcore-dev      | 8: |
    | libmagickwand-dev      | 8: |
    | libsecret-1-dev        | 0.20.5-2                            |
    | libsqlite3-dev         | 3.37.2-2ubuntu0.1                   |
    | libssl-dev             | 3.0.2-0ubuntu1.8                    |
    | libtool                | 2.4.6-15build2                      |
    | libunwind8             | 1.3.2-2build2                       |
    | libxkbfile-dev         | 1:1.1.0-1build3                     |
    | libxss1                | 1:1.2.3-1build2                     |
    | libyaml-dev            | 0.2.2-1build2                       |
    | locales                | 2.35-0ubuntu3.1                     |
    | lz4                    | 1.9.3-2build2                       |
    | m4                     | 1.4.18-5ubuntu2                     |
    | mediainfo              | 22.03-1                             |
    | mercurial              | 6.1.1-1ubuntu1                      |
    | net-tools              | 1.60+git20181103.0eebece-1ubuntu5   |
    | netcat                 | 1.218-4ubuntu1                      |
    | openssh-client         | 1:8.9p1-3ubuntu0.1                  |
    | p7zip-full             | 16.02+dfsg-8                        |
    | p7zip-rar              | 16.02-3build1                       |
    | parallel               | 20210822+ds-2                       |
    | pass                   | 1.7.4-5                             |
    | patchelf               | 0.14.3-1                            |
    | pkg-config             | 0.29.2-1ubuntu3                     |
    | pollinate              | 4.33-3ubuntu2                       |
    | python-is-python3      | 3.9.2-2                             |
    | rpm                    | 4.17.0+dfsg1-4build1                |
    | rsync                  | 3.2.7-0ubuntu0.22.04.2              |
    | shellcheck             | 0.8.0-2                             |
    | sphinxsearch           | 2.2.11-8                            |
    | sqlite3                | 3.37.2-2ubuntu0.1                   |
    | ssh                    | 1:8.9p1-3ubuntu0.1                  |
    | sshpass                | 1.09-1                              |
    | subversion             | 1.14.1-3ubuntu0.22.04.1             |
    | sudo                   | 1.9.9-1ubuntu2.3                    |
    | swig                   | 4.0.2-1ubuntu1                      |
    | tar                    | 1.34+dfsg-1ubuntu0.        |
    | telnet                 | 0.17-44build1                       |
    | texinfo                | 6.8-4build1                         |
    | time                   | 1.9-0.1build2                       |
    | tk                     | 8.6.11+1build2                      |
    | tzdata                 | 2022g-0ubuntu0.22.04.1              |
    | unzip                  | 6.0-26ubuntu3.1                     |
    | upx                    | 3.96-3                              |
    | wget                   | 1.21.2-2ubuntu1                     |
    | xorriso                | 1.5.4-2                             |
    | xvfb                   | 2:21.1.3-2ubuntu2.7                 |
    | xz-utils               | 5.2.5-2ubuntu1                      |
    | zip                    | 3.0-12build2                        |
    | zsync                  | 0.6.2-3ubuntu1                      |
    Spaz1503cm committed Mar 23, 2023
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