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Haversack is an Elixir + Phoenix web app that serves as a backend for Blackguard and Conjurer via a GraphQL web API.

This project was built for my Activate 2019 workshop, Let’s Go On an Adventure: Building a Realtime, Collaborative Game with Web Tech. One of the central ideas behind that workshop was that this project—and its related projects—should serve as but an MVP for a game, so PRs are welcome!

Table of contents

Getting Started

You’ll need the following tools installed:

  • Erlang/OTP 21
  • Elixir 1.8
  • PostgreSQL 11

First, clone the repo and then install the dependencies:

mix deps.get

Next, initialize the database before proceeding:

mix ecto.setup

Finally, start the app:

mix phx.server

The server runs by default at localhost:4000.

Learn more about Phoenix


If you submit a PR, please adhere to the Code of Conduct.


This project is GPL-3.0-or-later © Nicholas Scheurich.