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Removed scheduler=ray support (#2864) #1574

Removed scheduler=ray support (#2864)

Removed scheduler=ray support (#2864) #1574

GitHub Actions / JUnit Test Report failed May 25, 2024 in 0s

21891 tests run, 11537 passed, 10352 skipped, 2 failed.


Check failure on line 104 in deeplake/api/tests/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report


deeplake.util.exceptions.DatasetHandlerError: A Deep Lake dataset does not exist at the given path (hub://testingacc2/tmpad86_test_access_method_test_access_method_with_creds__local-managed-entry__). Check the path provided or in case you want to create a new dataset, use deeplake.empty().
Raw output
hub_cloud_ds_generator = <function hub_cloud_ds_generator.<locals>.generate_hub_cloud_ds at 0x7fc55a552790>
hub_cloud_dev_managed_creds_key = 'aws_creds'

    def test_access_method_with_creds(
        hub_cloud_ds_generator, hub_cloud_dev_managed_creds_key
        with hub_cloud_ds_generator() as ds:
            ds.create_tensor("images", htype="link[image]", sample_compression="jpg")
            ds.add_creds_key(hub_cloud_dev_managed_creds_key, managed=True)
  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
                    for _ in range(10)
>       ds = hub_cloud_ds_generator(access_method="download:2")

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
deeplake/tests/ in generate_hub_cloud_ds
    return deeplake.dataset(hub_cloud_path, token=hub_cloud_dev_token, **kwargs)
deeplake/util/ in inner
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
deeplake/api/ in init
    raise e
deeplake/api/ in init
    return dataset._load(
deeplake/api/ in _load
    ret = get_local_dataset(**dataset_kwargs)
deeplake/util/ in get_local_dataset
    ds = deeplake.load(
deeplake/util/ in inner
    return func(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

path = 'hub://testingacc2/tmpad86_test_access_method_test_access_method_with_creds__local-managed-entry__'
read_only = None, memory_cache_size = 2000, local_cache_size = 0, creds = {}
token = 'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpZCI6InRlc3RpbmdhY2MyIiwiYXBpX2tleSI6IjU4Y0tLb1p6UE1BbThPU2RpbTRiZ2tBekhWekt1VUE3MFJpNTNyZUpKRTJuaiJ9.'
org_id = None, verbose = False, access_method = 'stream', unlink = False
reset = False, indra = False, check_integrity = None, lock_timeout = 0
lock_enabled = True, index_params = None

    def load(
        path: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
        read_only: Optional[bool] = None,
        memory_cache_size: int = DEFAULT_MEMORY_CACHE_SIZE,
        local_cache_size: int = DEFAULT_LOCAL_CACHE_SIZE,
        creds: Optional[Union[dict, str]] = None,
        token: Optional[str] = None,
        org_id: Optional[str] = None,
        verbose: bool = True,
        access_method: str = "stream",
        unlink: bool = False,
        reset: bool = False,
        indra: bool = USE_INDRA,
        check_integrity: Optional[bool] = None,
        lock_timeout: Optional[int] = 0,
        lock_enabled: Optional[bool] = True,
        index_params: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, str]]] = None,
    ) -> Dataset:
        """Loads an existing Deep Lake dataset.
            >>> ds = deeplake.load("hub://org_id/dataset") # Load dataset managed by Deep Lake.
            >>> ds = deeplake.load("s3://mybucket/my_dataset", creds = {"aws_access_key_id": ..., ...}) # Load dataset stored in your cloud using your own credentials.
            >>> ds = deeplake.load("s3://mybucket/my_dataset", creds = {"creds_key": "managed_creds_key"}, org_id = "my_org_id") # Load dataset stored in your cloud using Deep Lake managed credentials.
            Loading to a specfic version:
            >>> ds = deeplake.load("hub://org_id/dataset@new_branch")
            >>> ds = deeplake.load("hub://org_id/dataset@3e49cded62b6b335c74ff07e97f8451a37aca7b2)
            >>> my_commit_id = "3e49cded62b6b335c74ff07e97f8451a37aca7b2"
            >>> ds = deeplake.load(f"hub://org_id/dataset@{my_commit_id}")
            path (str, pathlib.Path): - The full path to the dataset. Can be:
                - a Deep Lake cloud path of the form ``hub://org_id/datasetname``. To write to Deep Lake cloud datasets, ensure that you are authenticated to Deep Lake (pass in a token using the 'token' parameter).
                - an s3 path of the form ``s3://bucketname/path/to/dataset``. Credentials are required in either the environment or passed to the creds argument.
                - a local file system path of the form ``./path/to/dataset`` or ``~/path/to/dataset`` or ``path/to/dataset``.
                - a memory path of the form ``mem://path/to/dataset`` which doesn't save the dataset but keeps it in memory instead. Should be used only for testing as it does not persist.
                - Loading to a specific version:
                        - You can also specify a ``commit_id`` or ``branch`` to load the dataset to that version directly by using the ``@`` symbol.
                        - The path will then be of the form ``hub://org_id/dataset@{branch}`` or ``hub://org_id/dataset@{commit_id}``.
                        - See examples above.
            read_only (bool, optional): Opens dataset in read only mode if this is passed as ``True``. Defaults to ``False``.
                Datasets stored on Deep Lake cloud that your account does not have write access to will automatically open in read mode.
            memory_cache_size (int): The size of the memory cache to be used in MB.
            local_cache_size (int): The size of the local filesystem cache to be used in MB.
            creds (dict, str, optional): The string ``ENV`` or a dictionary containing credentials used to access the dataset at the path.
                - If 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', 'aws_session_token' are present, these take precedence over credentials present in the environment or in credentials file. Currently only works with s3 paths.
                - It supports 'aws_access_key_id', 'aws_secret_access_key', 'aws_session_token', 'endpoint_url', 'aws_region', 'profile_name' as keys.
                - To use credentials managed in your Activeloop organization, use they key 'creds_key': 'managed_key_name'. This requires the org_id dataset argument to be set.
                - If 'ENV' is passed, credentials are fetched from the environment variables. This is also the case when creds is not passed for cloud datasets. For datasets connected to hub cloud, specifying 'ENV' will override the credentials fetched from Activeloop and use local ones.
            token (str, optional): Activeloop token, used for fetching credentials to the dataset at path if it is a Deep Lake dataset. This is optional, tokens are normally autogenerated.
            org_id (str, Optional): Organization id to be used for enabling high-performance features. Only applicable for local datasets.
            verbose (bool): If ``True``, logs will be printed. Defaults to ``True``.
            access_method (str): The access method to use for the dataset. Can be:
                    - 'stream'
                        - Streams the data from the dataset i.e. only fetches data when required. This is the default value.
                    - 'download'
                        - Downloads the data to the local filesystem to the path specified in environment variable ``DEEPLAKE_DOWNLOAD_PATH``.
                          This will overwrite ``DEEPLAKE_DOWNLOAD_PATH``.
                        - Raises an exception if ``DEEPLAKE_DOWNLOAD_PATH`` environment variable is not set or if the dataset does not exist.
                        - The 'download' access method can be modified to specify num_workers and/or scheduler.
                          For example: 'download:2:processed' will use 2 workers and use processed scheduler, while 'download:3' will use 3 workers and
                          default scheduler (threaded), and 'download:processed' will use a single worker and use processed scheduler.
                    - 'local'
                        - Downloads the dataset if it doesn't already exist, otherwise loads from local storage.
                        - Raises an exception if ``DEEPLAKE_DOWNLOAD_PATH`` environment variable is not set.
                        - The 'local' access method can be modified to specify num_workers and/or scheduler to be used in case dataset needs to be downloaded.
                          If dataset needs to be downloaded, 'local:2:processed' will use 2 workers and use processed scheduler, while 'local:3' will use 3 workers
                          and default scheduler (threaded), and 'local:processed' will use a single worker and use processed scheduler.
            unlink (bool): Downloads linked samples if set to ``True``. Only applicable if ``access_method`` is ``download`` or ``local``. Defaults to ``False``.
            reset (bool): If the specified dataset cannot be loaded due to a corrupted HEAD state of the branch being loaded,
                          setting ``reset=True`` will reset HEAD changes and load the previous version.
            check_integrity (bool, Optional): Performs an integrity check by default (None) if the dataset has 20 or fewer tensors.
                                              Set to ``True`` to force integrity check, ``False`` to skip integrity check.
            indra (bool): Flag indicating whether indra api should be used to create the dataset. Defaults to false
            # noqa: DAR101
            Dataset: Dataset loaded using the arguments provided.
            DatasetHandlerError: If a Dataset does not exist at the given path.
            AgreementError: When agreement is rejected
            UserNotLoggedInException: When user is not authenticated
            InvalidTokenException: If the specified toke is invalid
            TokenPermissionError: When there are permission or other errors related to token
            CheckoutError: If version address specified in the path cannot be found
            DatasetCorruptError: If loading the dataset failed due to corruption and ``reset`` is not ``True``
            ReadOnlyModeError: If reset is attempted in read-only mode
            LockedException: When attempting to open a dataset for writing when it is locked by another machine
            ValueError: If ``org_id`` is specified for a non-local dataset
            Exception: Re-raises caught exception if reset cannot fix the issue
            ValueError: If the org id is provided but the dataset is not local
            Setting ``access_method`` to download will overwrite the local copy of the dataset if it was previously downloaded.
            Any changes made to the dataset in download / local mode will only be made to the local copy and will not be reflected in the original dataset.
        _check_indra_and_read_only_flags(indra, read_only)
        access_method, num_workers, scheduler = parse_access_method(access_method)
        check_access_method(access_method, overwrite=False, unlink=unlink)
        path, address = process_dataset_path(path)
        if creds is None:
            creds = {}
        dataset_creds_key = _fetch_creds_from_key(creds, org_id, token)
            storage, cache_chain = get_storage_and_cache_chain(
                    "lock_enabled": lock_enabled,
                    "lock_timeout": lock_timeout,
                    "index_params": index_params,
        except Exception as e:
            if isinstance(e, UserNotLoggedInException):
                raise UserNotLoggedInException from None
        if not dataset_exists(cache_chain):
>           raise DatasetHandlerError(
                f"A Deep Lake dataset does not exist at the given path ({path}). Check the path provided or in case you want to create a new dataset, use deeplake.empty()."
E           deeplake.util.exceptions.DatasetHandlerError: A Deep Lake dataset does not exist at the given path (hub://testingacc2/tmpad86_test_access_method_test_access_method_with_creds__local-managed-entry__). Check the path provided or in case you want to create a new dataset, use deeplake.empty().

deeplake/api/ DatasetHandlerError

Check failure on line 280 in deeplake/core/vectorstore/deep_memory/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / JUnit Test Report


indra.api.api.not_enterprise_organization_error: #x1B[31mHigh-Performance Features are not available for this dataset based on the usage plan of its parent organization.
    Please upgrade the organization to a plan that offers this feature.#x1B[0m
Raw output
corpus_query_relevances_copy = ('hub://testingacc2/tmpad86_test_deepmemory_test_deepmemory_evaluate_without_branch_name_with_logging', ['0-dimensiona....], 'hub://testingacc2/tmpad86_test_deepmemory_test_deepmemory_evaluate_without_branch_name_with_logging_eval_queries')
questions_embeddings_and_relevances = (array([[-0.01518817,  0.02033963, -0.01228631, ..., -0.00286692,
        -0.0079668 , -0.00414979],
       [-0.003503...A treatment decreases endoplasmic reticulum stress in response to general endoplasmic reticulum stress markers.', ...])
hub_cloud_dev_token = 'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpZCI6InRlc3RpbmdhY2MyIiwiYXBpX2tleSI6IjU4Y0tLb1p6UE1BbThPU2RpbTRiZ2tBekhWekt1VUE3MFJpNTNyZUpKRTJuaiJ9.'

    @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="Does not run on Windows")
    def test_deepmemory_evaluate_without_branch_name_with_logging(
        corpus, _, _, query_path = corpus_query_relevances_copy
        ) = questions_embeddings_and_relevances
        db = VectorStore(
            runtime={"tensor_db": True},
>       recall = db.deep_memory.evaluate(
                "log_queries": True,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
deeplake/core/vectorstore/deep_memory/ in wrapper
    return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
deeplake/core/vectorstore/deep_memory/ in evaluate
    avg_recalls, queries_dict = recall_at_k(
deeplake/core/vectorstore/deep_memory/ in recall_at_k
    view = get_view(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

query_emb = array([-0.01518817,  0.02033963, -0.01228631, ..., -0.00286692,
       -0.0079668 , -0.00414979], dtype=float32)
indra_dataset = <indra.api.api.dataset object at 0x7fc52df7b370>
return_tensors = ['text', 'metadata', 'id'], tql_filter = ''

    def get_view(
        metric: str,
        query_emb: Union[List[float], np.ndarray],
        indra_dataset: Any,
        return_tensors: List[str] = ["text", "metadata", "id"],
        tql_filter: str = "",
        tql_filter_str = tql_filter if tql_filter == "" else " where " + tql_filter
        query_emb_str = ",".join([f"{q}" for q in query_emb])
        return_tensors_str = ", ".join(return_tensors)
        tql = f"SELECT * FROM (SELECT {return_tensors_str}, ROW_NUMBER() as indices, {metric}(embedding, ARRAY[{query_emb_str}]) as score {tql_filter_str} order by {metric}(embedding, ARRAY[{query_emb_str}]) desc limit 100)"
>       indra_view = indra_dataset.query(tql)
E       indra.api.api.not_enterprise_organization_error: #x1B[31mHigh-Performance Features are not available for this dataset based on the usage plan of its parent organization.
E           Please upgrade the organization to a plan that offers this feature.#x1B[0m

deeplake/core/vectorstore/deep_memory/ not_enterprise_organization_error