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Automate Approval of Deployments to Github Environments

Use this action to automatically approve workflow jobs that reference an environment with a "Required reviewers" protection rule. The action has two settings:

  • environment_allow_list specifies which environments to automatically approve deployments to.
  • actor_allow_list specifies which users/actors triggering a deployment that should be automatically approved.

An deployment must be both to an environment in the environment_allow_list AND from an actor in actor_allow_list or it will not be automatically approved and instead will require manual review as described in Github's Reviewing deployments help article.

For more information on general use of Github Environments and using them for deployments in Github Actions see Github's Using environments for deployment article.

Using this Action: Create Workflow

1. Create a Personal Access Token

In order to Approve a protected environment as a required reviewer you must use a personal access token created at The default GITHUB_TOKEN in Github Actions does not have sufficient permissions. The user who issues the token must be a Required Reviewer for the Environment protection rule as described here.

Token Permissions Permissions

For classic tokens it requires the "repo" scope. You'll need the following permissions if you're using a fine-grained access token:

  • Actions: Read-only:
  • Deployments: Read-only

For reference, below are the endpoints used and what permissions are needed are in Github's fine-grained tokens here reference.

I tried using ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} with permissions: write-all in a Github Actions workflow to avoid using a PAT but still got errors when attempting the approval.

2. Add Token to Repository Secrets

Go to{owner}/{repo}/settings/secrets/actions for your repo and create a new Repository Secret and put the Personal Access Token from above there. In the example workflow below I used the name GH_TOKEN_FOR_AUTO_APPROVING_DEPLOYS for the secret.

3. Create Workflow

# using triggers for every deployment and allowed manually
# docs on these triggers:
on: [deployment, workflow_dispatch]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Auto Approve Deploys
        # you can use any @vN.N.N tag from
        uses: activescott/automate-environment-deployment-approval@main
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN_FOR_AUTO_APPROVING_DEPLOYS }}
          environment_allow_list: |
          # the below automatically approves dependabot and anything submitted by the Github user with login "activescott"
          actor_allow_list: |

Development of this Action

First, you'll need to have a reasonably modern version of node handy. This won't work with versions older than 9, for instance.

Install the dependencies

npm install

Build the typescript and package it for distribution

npm run build && npm run package

Run the tests ✔️

npm test

See the toolkit documentation for the various packages.

Release Process (Deploying to NPM)

We use semantic-release to consistently release semver-compatible versions. This project deploys to production as well as pre-release releases to Github. Each of the below branches correspond to the following release/pre-release status:

branch release or pre-release
main production
beta pre-release

To trigger a release use a Conventional Commit following Angular Commit Message Conventions on one of the above branches.