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Script to convert TGeo resolve file options into the new TGeo format.
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timadye committed Sep 28, 2021
1 parent cbc72d6 commit 25299ab
Showing 1 changed file with 298 additions and 0 deletions.
298 changes: 298 additions & 0 deletions Examples/Scripts/Detectors/TGeoDetector/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# - convert TGeo response file options to ACTS v13.0.0 JSON format

from __future__ import print_function

import sys, os, re, getopt, json, subprocess
from collections import OrderedDict

def usage():
print (prog,"""- convert TGeo response file options to ACTS v13.0.0 JSON format
"""+prog+""" [OPTIONS] tgeo.response
ACTS v13.0.0 (PR #884) changed the way the TGeo detector configuration is specified.
A JSON file is now used, instead of the previous method using Boost options,
which were often collected together in a response file (--response-file).
This script converts an old response file to the new JSON file.
To include all the required settings, this script needs to know the defaults for
any options not specified in the response file. These defaults can be obtained
by running a TGeo example with the --geo-tgeo-dump-jsonconfig=def.json option.
This script includes a hardcoded copy of these defaults (produced with ACTS v13.0.0).
These are used by default, but the latest defaults can be regenerated and used by
specifying the -d (or -c) option.
The JSON file is written to stdout.
-h display this help and exit
-v verbose running
-d use ActsExampleGeometryTGeo --geo-tgeo-dump-jsonconfig to get list of default options
-c CMD run CMD --geo-tgeo-dump-jsonconfig instead
-f JSON read list of default options from JSON file
-n don't add any defaults
If none of -dcfn options is specified, then use hardcoded default options.
AUTHOR: Tim Adye <>""")

prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])

def main():
args = getopts()
for filename in args:
with open (filename) as f:
process (f)
except IOError as e:
print (prog+":",e, file=sys.stderr)

def getopts():
global opt, verbose
optlist, args = getopt.getopt (sys.argv[1:], 'hvdc:f:n')
except getopt.GetoptError as e:
print (prog+":",e, file=sys.stderr)
opt= dict(optlist)
if "-h" in opt or len(sys.argv)<=1:
verbose = ("-v" in opt)
return args

def process (f):
vols = []
cfg = OrderedDict()
vol = None
iline = 0
for line in f:
iline += 1
if verbose: print (str(iline)+":"+line, end='', file=sys.stderr)
line = re.sub (r"#.*", "", line).strip()
if not line: continue

if re.match (r"--geo-[\w-]+-loglevel\s\d+$", line): continue

m = re.match (r"--(geo-tgeo-[\w-]+)\s+(.*)$", line)
if not m:
print ("%s:%d: unrecognised type of option: %s" % (, iline, line), file=sys.stderr)
o, v = m.groups()

if o == "geo-tgeo-filename" or o == "geo-tgeo-worldvolume":
# cfg[o] = v

if o == "geo-tgeo-unit-scalor":
cfg[o] = float(v)

if o == "geo-tgeo-beampipe-parameters":
cfg["geo-tgeo-build-beampipe"] = True
cfg[o] = [float(x) for x in v.split(":")]

if o == "geo-tgeo-volume":
if vol is None: cfg["Volumes"] = vols
vol = OrderedDict()
vol["geo-tgeo-volume-name"] = v

if vol is None:
print ("%s:%d: unrecognised global option: %s" % (, iline, line), file=sys.stderr)

if re.match("geo-tgeo-sfbin-(r|z|phi)-tolerance$", o):
vv = [float(x) for x in v.split(":")]
vol[o] = OrderedDict([("lower", vv[0]), ("upper", vv[1])])

m = re.match("geo-tgeo-([ncp])(.*)$", o)
if not m:
print ("%s:%d: unrecognised option: %s" % (, iline, line), file=sys.stderr)

side, oo = m.groups()
side = {"n": "negative",
"c": "central",
"p": "positive"}[side];
oo = "geo-tgeo-"+oo
vv = v

if oo == "geo-tgeo-layers":
oo = "geo-tgeo-volume-layers"
vv = bool(int(vv))

elif oo == "geo-tgeo-volume-name":
oo = "geo-tgeo-subvolume-names"

elif oo == "geo-tgeo-module-name":
oo = "geo-tgeo-sensitive-names"
vv = vv.split("|")

elif oo == "geo-tgeo-module-axes":
oo = "geo-tgeo-sensitive-axes"

elif re.match ("geo-tgeo-layer-[rz]-split$", oo):
vv = float(vv)

elif re.match ("geo-tgeo-layer-[rz]-range$", oo):
oo += "s"
vv = [float(x) for x in vv.split(":")]
vv = OrderedDict ([("lower", vv[0]), ("upper", vv[1])])

print ("%s:%d: unrecognised option: %s" % (, iline, line), file=sys.stderr)

if oo not in vol: vol[oo] = OrderedDict()
vol[oo][side] = vv

if "-n" not in opt:

if "-d" in opt:
empty = generate_empty_config ("ActsExampleGeometryTGeo")
elif "-c" in opt:
empty = generate_empty_config (opt["-c"])
elif "-f" in opt:
with open(opt["-f"]) as ef:
ecfg =
empty = json.loads (ecfg, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
empty = None

if not empty:
empty = empty_config()

for o, v in empty.items():
if o not in cfg:
cfg[o] = v
if len(empty.get("Volumes",[])):
for vol in vols:
for o, v in empty["Volumes"][0].items():
if o not in vol:
vol[o] = v

print (json.dumps (cfg, indent=2))

def generate_empty_config (cmd):
cmd += " --geo-tgeo-dump-jsonconfig=/dev/stdout"
if verbose: print ("+",cmd, file=sys.stderr)
cfg = subprocess.check_output (cmd, shell=True)
if not cfg:
print (prog+": command failed: "+cmd, file=sys.stderr)
return None
if verbose: print (cfg, file=sys.stderr)
return json.loads (cfg, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)

def empty_config():
return json.loads ("""
"geo-tgeo-unit-scalor": 1.0,
"geo-tgeo-build-beampipe": false,
"geo-tgeo-beampipe-parameters": [
"Volumes": [
"geo-tgeo-volume-name": "",
"geo-tgeo-sfbin-r-tolerance": {
"lower": 0.0,
"upper": 0.0
"geo-tgeo-sfbin-z-tolerance": {
"lower": 0.0,
"upper": 0.0
"geo-tgeo-sfbin-phi-tolerance": {
"lower": 0.0,
"upper": 0.0
"geo-tgeo-volume-layers": {
"negative": false,
"central": false,
"positive": false
"geo-tgeo-subvolume-names": {
"negative": "",
"central": "",
"positive": ""
"geo-tgeo-sensitive-names": {
"negative": [],
"central": [],
"positive": []
"geo-tgeo-sensitive-axes": {
"negative": "",
"central": "",
"positive": ""
"geo-tgeo-layer-r-ranges": {
"negative": {
"lower": 0.0,
"upper": 0.0
"central": {
"lower": 0.0,
"upper": 0.0
"positive": {
"lower": 0.0,
"upper": 0.0
"geo-tgeo-layer-z-ranges": {
"negative": {
"lower": 0.0,
"upper": 0.0
"central": {
"lower": 0.0,
"upper": 0.0
"positive": {
"lower": 0.0,
"upper": 0.0
"geo-tgeo-layer-r-split": {
"negative": 0.0,
"central": 0.0,
"positive": 0.0
"geo-tgeo-layer-z-split": {
"negative": 0.0,
"central": 0.0,
"positive": 0.0
"geo-tgeo-cyl-disc-split": false,
"Splitters": {
"CylinderDisk": {
"geo-tgeo-cyl-nphi-segs": 0,
"geo-tgeo-cyl-nz-segs": 0,
"geo-tgeo-disc-nphi-segs": 0,
"geo-tgeo-disc-nr-segs": 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
sys.exit (main())

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