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File metadata and controls

175 lines (143 loc) · 6.37 KB

Webpack 4, frontend only

webpack browsersync pug sass

This repo sets up a development environment where you can happily edit your .pug, .scss and .js files while your development server automatically updates when you save.

The main optimisations are a high page speed score and built-in SEO structure. The only reason the page scored 99/100 page speed is because Google Analytics doesn't leverage browser caching sufficiently.

Page speed

Live Demo of a webpage built with this module


  1. Make html structure using pug
  2. Write styling in Sass
    1. The essential-above-the-fold.scss is embedded into the header as a minified <style> element
    2. The styles.scss is loaded with javascript
  3. Write js in ES2015 compiled by Webpack
  4. Have an auto-refreshing browser preview using Browsersync

Getting started

Basic usage:

git clone
npm install
npm start # This will open the preview on your browser

To make the final build version:

npm run build

Note that the assets/ folder is copied from the source to public directory.


By default the folder containing the source files is src/ and the folder containing the compiled website is public/ in development mode and docs/ in production mode.

The pug files depend on a number of configuration options that can be found in modules/config.js:

    // Identity variables used in pug templates
    identity: {
        title: "Website",
        desc: "Description of website",
        "logo": "logo.jpg"
    // System vars managing some pug elements as well as file paths
    system: {
        public: __dirname + '/../public/',
        source: __dirname + '/../src/',
        url: process.env.local ? 'http://localhost:3000/' : '',
        gverification: undefined,
        year: new Date().getFullYear()
    // About the author. Change this to your own unless you went me to get credit for your page of course... <3
    author: {
        firstname: "Mentor",
        lastname: "Palokaj",
        email: "",
        twitter: "@actuallymentor",
        // facebook profile id, used for retargeting ad permissions
        facebook: "1299359953416544",
        url: ""
    // Tracking codes
    track: {
        ga: "UA-XXXXXXXX-XX"

In pug this configuration object is passed as const site = require( config.js ).

SEO and Social

Every page currently requires you to specify a variable: page that contains the title and details for the current page.

const page = { title: 'Home', desc: 'Home page', published: '2017-01-01', url: '/', featuredimg: '/image.jpg' }

The pug template includes social sharing parameters in the header:

    meta( charset='utf-8' )
    meta( http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge" )
    meta( name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" )
    base( href=site.system.url )
    meta( name="robots" content="index,follow,noodp" )
    meta( name="googlebot" content="index,follow" )
    if site.system.gverification
        meta( name="google-site-verification" content=site.system.gverification )

    //- Regular meta tags
    title !{site.identity.title} - #{page.title}
    meta( name="description" content=site.identity.desc )

    //- Facebook tags
    meta( property="og:site_name" content=site.identity.title )
    meta( property="og:title" content=site.identity.title + ' - ' + page.title )
    meta( property="og:description" content=page.desc )
    meta( property="article:published_time" content=page.published)
    meta( property="og:type" content="article" )
    meta( property="og:url" content=page.url )
    meta( property="og:image" content=page.featuredimg)
    meta( property="fb:admins" )
    meta( property="profile:first_name"
    meta( property="profile:last_name"

    //- Twitter tags
    meta( name="twitter:site" )
    meta( name="twitter:title" content=site.identity.title + ' - ' + page.title )
    meta( name="twitter:description" content=page.desc)
    meta( name="twitter:image" content=page.featuredimg)
    meta( name="name=twitter:image:alt" content=page.title )
    meta( name="twitter:card" content=page.desc )

    //- DNS Prefetching
    link( rel="dns-prefetch" href="//" )
    link( rel="dns-prefetch" href="//" )

    //- Temporarily hide body, this is undone by the app stylesheet
        body { display: none; }
    script( src=site.system.url + 'js/app.js' async)

The footer contains google's rich markup as ld+json:

        "@context": "",
        "@type": "Article",
        "mainEntityOfPage": {
            "@type": "WebPage",
            "@id": "#{page.url}"
        "headline": "#{page.title}",
        "image": {
            "@type": "ImageObject",
            "url": "#{site.system.url}#{page.featuredimg}",
            "height": "696px",
            "width": "696px"
        "datePublished": "#{page.published}",
        "dateModified": "#{page.updated}",
        "author": {
            "@type": "Person",
            "name": "#{} #{}",
            "url": "#{}"
        "publisher": {
            "@type": "Organization",
            "name": "#{site.identity.title}",
            "url": "#{site.system.url}",
            "logo": {
                "@type": "ImageObject",
                "url": "#{site.identity.logo}",
                "width": "60px",
                "height": "600px"
        "description": "#{page.desc}"