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⚡Commercial team project by SoftRyzen. Role: Developer.

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Repository files navigation

Next.js tailwind.css and Sanity CMS starter

Design Layout

📚 Best practices

"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." - Martin Fowler

🥁 Getting started

  1. Clone repo

if you haven't access to repo - write to me in telegram @LanaSvetCat

  1. Recommended for use npm - npm i or npm install
  2. Create file .env.local in the project root using .env.local.example as a template
  3. npm run dev
  4. Open http://localhost:3000.

Project structure

Attention! The project structure is not final and can be changed at any time.

💁‍♀️ Create a components folder for each module

💡 Example:
# ✅ Good

├── sections
    ├── Header
        ├── index.js
        ├── Header.jsx
    ├── Footer
        ├── index.js
        ├── Footer.jsx

💁‍♀️ Reusable css classes should be placed in the styles folder .

💡 Example:
/*globals.css */

@layer components {
  .your-class {
    @apply ...;

💁‍♀️ Description of object structure

💡 Structure:
|-- components -> folder with reusable components
  |-- NameComponent -> folders for each component
    |-- NameComponent.jsx -> main component
    |-- index.js -> file for re-export
|-- app -> pages and routing
|-- public -> static files
|-- styles -> global styles

<!-- You can create these folders already in work -->
|-- data -> data for the project ( from graphql, json, etc.)
|-- hooks -> custom users hooks
|-- utils -> helpers, functions, etc.

📚 Components API

Each component has its own API. You can find it in the component's folder. This is a list of more common components and their API.

This is example of API for component Title and Paragraph

  • Title

Prop Default Description
children undefined required, any text content
className " " add custom or additional css class you'd need
  • Paragraph

Prop Default Description
variant normal normal, large, small
children undefined required, any content
className undefined add custom or additional css class you'd need
  • Logo

Prop Default Description
className w-[68px] h-12 xl:w-[90px] xl:h-[62px] add custom css class you'd need
isShowMenu false add if the logo should cover the mobile menu
onCloseMenu null add function to close the mobile menu
  • Button

Prop Default Description
children undefined required, any content
disabled true boolean value of button activity
className * add custom or additional css class you'd need

*rounded-lg transition duration-300 ease-in bg-btn hover:bg-btnHover cursor-pointer py-3 px-6 text-base font-medium

  • Input

Prop Default Description
name undefined required, unique(!!!) name for input element of component
labelText "" text for label
placeholderText "" text for placeholder
type undefined required, input type: one of 'name' or 'phone'
setValue undefined required, function with same name from useForm()(react-hook-form)
register undefined required, function with same name from useForm()(react-hook-form)
errors undefined required, error object with same name from useForm()(react-hook-form)
errorMessages {} custom error message, object with optional string fields: required, minLength, maxLength and pattern.
className * add custom or additional css class for wrapper you'd need

*The component needs a <form> wrapper and some outputs from the hook useForm() from the React-hook-form library

  • Section

Prop Default Description
title undefined required, string, text for title
children undefined required, any content
className "" add for section additional css class you'd need
classToTitle "" add for title additional css class you'd need
  • Slider

Prop Default Description
children undefined required, any content
centralMode true boolean value of Central Mode
className centralMode add for slider additional css className
infinite true boolean value of infinite
  • TabList

Prop Default Description
data undefined required, object of:
- id (number, required),
- title (string, required),
- description (string, required),
- addition (array),
- link (object)
isBenefit false true - for section "Benefits",
false - for section "Question-Answers"
children undefined add additional css class you'd need


Prop Default Description
name undefined required, unique(!!!) name for input element of component
labelText "" text for label
placeholderText "" text for placeholder
setValue undefined required, function with same name from useForm()(react-hook-form)
register undefined required, function with same name from useForm()(react-hook-form)
errors undefined required, error object with same name from useForm()(react-hook-form)
errorMessages {} custom error message, object with optional string fields: maxLength
className * add custom or additional css class for wrapper you'd need

*`The component needs a

wrapper and some outputs from the hook useForm() from the React-hook-form library### InputMessage


Prop Default Description
name undefined required, icon name*
className * add custom or additional css class for wrapper you'd need
width 24 icon width
height 24 icon height

* - now one of: Call, Location, Instagram, Facebook


Prop Default Description
type undefined required, string, one of: 'phone', 'location', 'social'
icon undefined required, icon name for component 'Icon'
text undefined required, text label for link
link undefined required, link for props 'href'
className * add custom or additional css class for wrapper you'd need


Prop Default Description
title undefined Group title
items [] required, array of object of:
-id (number or string),
-type (required, string, one of: 'phone', 'location', 'social')
-icon (required, string) name for component 'Icon'
-text (required, string), text label for link
-link (required, string), link for props 'href' in tag


⚡Commercial team project by SoftRyzen. Role: Developer.







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  • JavaScript 88.1%
  • CSS 11.9%