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224 lines (177 loc) · 9.12 KB

Reproducibility materials for SIGSPATIAL'24 submission 192

Here is the link to the PDF of the paper.


Here are the links to the datasets used in the Evaluation in Section 4. Each dataset is provided as a TSV file with two columns, with one geometry per line (ID in the first column, WKT in the second column).

Datasets from Section 4.2 (and Table 2): OHM, FIN, GER, OSM.

Datasets from Section 4.3.2: restaurants, transit stops, residential streets, administrative regions, powerlines.

Comparison of our standalone tool (Section 4.2)

Build and install spatialjoin

Fetch this repository and init submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd spatialjoin
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j

To install, type

make install

Alternatively, add the build directory to your PATH.

Go back to the root directory:

cd ..

Preparing data for spatialjoin

wget -O OHM.spatialjoin-input.tsv
wget -O FIN.spatialjoin-input.tsv
wget -O GER.spatialjoin-input.tsv
wget -O OSM.spatialjoin-input.tsv.bz2
bunzip2 OSM.spatialjoin.input.tsv.bz2
bunzip2 residential-streets.tsv.bz2

Running the evaluation and analyzing the results for Table 3

For each of the datasets OHM, FIN, GER and OSM, run the evaluation script in folder scripts as follows:

./scripts/ $DATASET --combinations bcsdoi,Bcsdoi,BCsdoi,BCSdoi,BCSDoi,BCSdOi,BCSdoI 2>&1 | tee $DATASET.spatialjoin-evaluation.tsv
./scripts/ $DATASET --combinations bcsdoi,Bcsdoi,BCsdoi,BCSdoi,BCSDoi,BCSdOi,BCSdoI --analyze total --minutes

Comparison against PostgreSQL+PostGIS (Section 4.3)

Preparing data for spatialjoin

To mark a non-selfjoin spatialjoin expects the data of the second side to be marked with a non-zero value. To create the duplicate dataset we replace \t with \t1\t and generate .1 variants of each dataset.

cat restaurants.tsv | sed 's/\t/\t1\t/' > restaurants.1.tsv
cat transit-stops.tsv | sed 's/\t/\t1\t/' > transit-stops.1.tsv
cat residential-streets.tsv | sed 's/\t/\t1\t/' > residential-streets.1.tsv
cat administrative-regions.tsv | sed 's/\t/\t1\t/' > administrative-regions.1.tsv
cat powerlines.tsv | sed 's/\t/\t1\t/' > powerlines.1.tsv

Preparing data into PostgreSQL+PostGIS

For PostgreSQL, we use the official package for version 16 provided on, with the default configuration.

For PostGIS, we use the package for version 3.4.2 provided by UbuntuGIS, also with the default configuration.

Install PostgreSQL 16 with PostGIS 3.4.2

This installation guide is for Ubuntu 22.04. The process may be different for other distributions.

PostgreSQL 16
apt install gnupg2 curl
echo "deb jammy-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/postgresql.gpg
apt update
apt install postgresql-16 postgresql-contrib-16
PostGIS 3.4.2
apt install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
apt update
apt install postgresql-16-postgis-3

Create Database and enable PostGIS

Change to user postgres:

su postgres
createdb spatialjoin_db
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"

Create tables and geom index

For each of the datasets OHM, FIN, GER, OSM, restaurants, transit_stops, residential-streets, administrative-regions, and powerlines, do the following, where ${DATASET} is the dataset name, and ${DATASET/-/_} is the dataset name with - replaced by _:

psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${DATASET/-/_} (id VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, geom GEOMETRY);"
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${DATASET/-/_}_loader (id VARCHAR, geom_text VARCHAR);"
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "\copy ${DATASET/-/_}_loader FROM '${DATASET}.tsv' WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER E'\t', HEADER false);"
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "INSERT INTO ${DATASET/-/_} (id, geom) SELECT id, ST_GeomFromText(geom_text, 4326) FROM ${DATASET/-/_}_loader;"
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "DROP table ${DATASET/-/_}_loader;"
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "CREATE INDEX ${DATASET/-/_}_geom_idx ON ${DATASET/-/_} USING GIST (geom);"

Queries used for table data generation

Queries used for Table 4

For each of the datasets OHM, FIN, GER, OSM, do the following, where ${DATASET} is again the dataset name:

# Compute #candidates
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "\timing" -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${DATASET} a, ${DATASET} b WHERE a.geom && b.geom;"

# Compute #results
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "\timing" -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${DATASET} a, ${DATASET} b WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.geom);"
# Compute #candidates
spatialjoin --num-threads 2 --no-geometry-checks --no-diag-box -o /dev/null < ${DATASET}.tsv
# Compute #results
spatialjoin --num-threads 2 -o /dev/null < ${DATASET}.tsv

Queries used for Table 5

# candidates
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "\timing" -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM restaurants a, transit_stops b WHERE a.geom && b.geom;"
# intersects
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "\timing" -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM restaurants a, transit_stops b WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.geom);"
# candidates
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "\timing" -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM residential_streets a, administrative_regions b WHERE a.geom && b.geom;"
# intersects
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "\timing" -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM residential_streets a, administrative_regions b WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.geom);"
# candidates
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "\timing" -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM residential_streets a, residential_streets b WHERE a.geom && b.geom;"
# intersects
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "\timing" -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM residential_streets a, residential_streets b WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.geom);"
# candidates
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "\timing" -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM powerlines a, residential_streets b WHERE a.geom && b.geom;"
# intersects
psql -d spatialjoin_db -c "\timing" -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM powerlines a, residential_streets b WHERE ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.geom);"
# candidates
cat restaurants.tsv transit-stops.1.tsv | spatialjoin --num-threads 2 --no-geometry-checks --no-diag-box -o /dev/null
# all predicates
cat restaurants.tsv transit-stops.1.tsv | spatialjoin --num-threads 2 -o /dev/null 
# candidates
cat residential-streets.tsv administrative-regions.1.tsv | spatialjoin --num-threads 2 --no-geometry-checks --no-diag-box -o /dev/null
# all predicates
cat residential-streets.tsv administrative-regions.1.tsv | spatialjoin --num-threads 2 -o /dev/null 
# candidates
cat residential-streets.tsv | spatialjoin --num-threads 2 --no-geometry-checks --no-diag-box -o /dev/null
# all predicates
cat residential-streets.tsv | spatialjoin --num-threads 2 -o /dev/null 
# candidates
cat powerlines.tsv residential-streets.1.tsv | spatialjoin --num-threads 2 --no-geometry-checks --no-diag-box -o /dev/null
# all predicates
cat powerlines.tsv residential-streets.1.tsv | spatialjoin --num-threads 2 -o /dev/null