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Boltive Android SDK

Boltive Android SDK is a native Android library for intercepting malicious ad creatives.

Quick facts:

  • SDK currently supports banner and interstitial ad formats.

  • SDK has been explicitly tested against GAM, AdMob, AppLovin MAX, however the SDK is not limited to these integration scenarios, please see this section

  • The current SDK version is 1.3. See release notes.


Maven repository

  1. Add maven repository to your *.gradle file (settings.gradle for Gradle 7+)
repositories {
    maven {
        url ""
  1. Add Boltive dependency
dependencies {
    implementation "com.boltive:boltive-sdk:1.3.18"

Manual downloading AAR

  1. Download the SDK zip archive and unzip it:
curl -OL
  1. Create libs directory inside your app module.
  2. Copy boltive-android-sdk.aar library from archive into libs.
  3. Add Boltive SDK dependency in app's build.gradle file and sync Gradle.
    dependencies {
        implementation files("libs/boltive-android-sdk.aar")

User Guide

GAM Banners

To connect Boltive SDK with the GAM banner you should call BoltiveMonitor.capture() static method within the AdListener's onAdLoaded() method, passing it an ad banner, clientId and BoltiveListener instance as parameters. BoltiveListener is called in the event when BoltiveMonitor detects an ad that is supposed to be blocked.

Note: BoltiveMonitor blocker will prevent the malicious ad creative from rendering - so the ad would become blank, however it will not automatically remove the native banner view from the screen (so worst case the user will see a blank ad).
It will send a signal to the app native code (via the callback mechanism).
Then it is the responsibility of the app developer to take the appropriate action in the callback function: f.e. reload and refresh the banner, render a different ad unit, remove the banner altogether etc. The most common action to take would be to call the native method that would reload the banner.

Create Boltive monitor instance.

    private final BoltiveMonitor boltiveMonitor = new BoltiveMonitor(
        new BoltiveConfiguration("<your client id>")

Add capture call inside AdListener's onAdLoaded with listener. You should pass more information about your app using BoltiveTagDetails object inside AdViewConfiguration's constructor.

    AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();
    gamBannerView.setAdListener(new AdListener() {
        public void onAdLoaded() {
            AdViewConfiguration adViewConfiguration = new AdViewConfiguration(
                "<banner width>", "<banner height>", "<your ad unit id>"
            boltiveMonitor.capture(gamBannerView, adViewConfiguration, ()-> {

Add terminate call when ad view destroyed or inside onDestroy of Activity (or Fragment).

    protected void onDestroy(){

Example removing banner from the view tree

If you don't want to show an ad unit after the ad has been blocked within it, you can remove the ad view from the view tree:

    boltiveMonitor.capture(gamBannerView, adViewConfiguration, () -> {
        ViewParent parent = gamBannerView.getParent();
        if (parent instanceof ViewGroup){
            ((ViewGroup) parent).removeView(gamBannerView);

GAM Interstitial

Add captureInterstitial call before calling Also make sure you call BoltiveMonitor.stopCapturingInterstitial inside interstitial's FullScreenContentCallback.onAdDismissedFullScreenContent, see example below:

    AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();
    AdManagerInterstitialAd.load(this, "<your ad unit id>", adRequest, new InterstitialAdLoadCallback() {
        public void onAdLoaded(@NonNull InterstitialAd interstitialAd){
            AdViewConfiguration viewConfiguration = new AdViewConfiguration(
                320, 480, "<your ad unit id>"
            boltiveMonitor.captureInterstitial(getApplication(), viewConfiguration, interstitialAd, ()-> {
                // Any Actions
            interstitialAd.setFullScreenContentCallback(new FullScreenContentCallback() {
                public void onAdDismissedFullScreenContent() {

You should pass more information about your app using BoltiveTagDetails object inside AdViewConfiguration's constructor. Don't forget to pass InterstitialAd parameter to BoltiveMonitor.captureInterstitial.

Note: When Boltive SDK detects an offensive interstitial - it automatically blocks and dismisses it (contrary to the behavior for banners, where it is a developer responsibility), providing you with a callback (you implement it as an anonymous function passed to BoltiveMonitor.captureInterstitial) where you can reload the interstitial and/or perform any other side effects as necessary.

Applovin MAX: Create Boltive Monitor

Create Boltive monitor instance. IMPORTANT to set second parameter AdNetwork.APPLOVIN_MAX. You should pass more information about your app using BoltiveTagDetails object inside AdViewConfiguration's constructor.

    private final BoltiveMonitor boltiveMonitor = new BoltiveMonitor(
        new BoltiveConfiguration("<your client id>", AdNetwork.APPLOVIN)

Applovin MAX Banner

Add capture call inside MaxAdViewAdListener's onAdLoaded with listener.

    private void initAd() {

        maxAdView = new MaxAdView(adUnitId, this);
        maxAdView.setListener(new MaxAdViewAdListener() {
            public void onAdLoaded(MaxAd ad) {
                AdViewConfiguration adViewConfiguration = new AdViewConfiguration(
                        "<banner width>", "<banner height>", "<your ad unit id>"
                boltiveMonitor.capture(maxAdView, adViewConfiguration, () -> {


Add terminate call when ad view is destroyed or inside the onDestroy method of the Activity (or Fragment).

    protected void onDestroy(){

Applovin MAX Interstitial

Add captureInterstitial call before calling interstitial.showAd(), and stopCapturingInterstitial inside onAdHidden. You should pass more information about your app using BoltiveTagDetails object inside AdViewConfiguration's constructor.

    MaxInterstitialAd interstitial = new MaxInterstitialAd("<your ad unit id>", this);
    interstitial.setListener(new MaxAdListener() {
        public void onAdLoaded(MaxAd ad) {
            AdViewConfiguration viewConfiguration = new AdViewConfiguration(
                    320, 480, "<your ad unit id>"
            boltiveMonitor.captureInterstitial(getApplication(), viewConfiguration, () -> {});
        public void onAdHidden(MaxAd ad) {

Memory leaks

Consider using WeakReference for the ad view reference that you use inside the BoltiveListener callback that is passed into the capture() call to prevent memory leaks.

    private static class SafeBoltiveListener implements BoltiveListener {

        private final WeakReference<AdView> adView;

        public SafeBoltiveListener(AdView adView) {
            this.adView = new WeakReference<>(adView);

        public void onAdBlocked() {
            AdView view = this.adView.get();
            if (view != null) {


    boltiveMonitor.capture(adView, adViewConfiguration, new SafeBoltiveListener(adView));

Tag Details

As part of the AdViewConfiguration you can pass a tagDetails object, containing data handy for reporting and attribution of the ad blocking events.

    BoltiveTagDetails tagDetails = new BoltiveTagDetails("<your ad unit id>");
    tagDetails.setAppName("<you app name>");
    tagDetails.setAdvertiserId("<your advertiser id>");
    tagDetails.setCampaignId("<your campaign id>");
    tagDetails.setCreativeId("<your creative id>");
    tagDetails.setLineItemId("<your line item id>");
    tagDetails.setSspRefreshCode("<your ssp refresh code>");
    AdViewConfiguration viewConfig = new AdViewConfiguration(300, 250, tagDetails);
    monitor.capture(adView, viewConfig, () -> { ... })

Please note that if any of the ad server details properties are not set (advertiserId, campaignId, creativeId, lineItemId) - Boltive SDK will attempt to fill them from ResponseInfo object in case of Google Mobile Ads SDK.

Other Ad Networks and SDKs

Boltive SDK has been tested against GAM, AdMob (Google Mobile Ads SDK) and AppLovin MAX integration scenarios. However BoltiveMonitor API is designed to be SDK-agnostic. The only assumption it makes is that the ad is rendered in the WebView object contained somewhere within a View-based banner view hierarchy. Most ad SDKs use the same integration patterns as Google Mobile Ads SDK - thus the usage of BoltiveMonitor with them would be similar.

Google Ad Manager and AdMob

Google Ad Manager and AdMob assume the integration of Google Mobile Ads SDK into the app.

Applovin MAX

Applovin MAX assumes integration of Applovin MAX Mobile Ads SDK into the app.