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Boltive iOS SDK

Boltive iOS SDK is a native iOS solution for intercepting malicious ad creatives.

Quick facts:

  • The minimum supported iOS version is 12.0 (this requirement can be lowered if needed).

  • SDK supports banner and interstitial ad formats.

  • SDK has been explicitly tested against GAM, AdMob, AppLovin MAX, however the SDK is not limited to these integration scenarios, see this section.

  • Current SDK version is 1.3. See release notes.



  1. In case there were no pods previously in your project, run
pod init

to create the Podfile and supporting workspace.

  1. Add Boltive pod to your Podfile:
target 'MyApp' do 
    pod 'Boltive'
  1. Save the Podfile and run:
pod install
  1. From now on use the workspace (i.e. MyApp.xcworkspace) to open the project.

Manual integration

  1. Download the SDK zip archive and unzip it:
curl -O
  1. Drag and drop the unzipped Boltive.xcframework into your Xcode project.
  2. Go to your target settings. Make sure that on the General tab under Frameworks and Libraries Boltive.xcframework is marked as Embed & Sign.

Note: Sample app project in this repo already contains a reference to the SDK in the project root, however you have to manually download and unzip the framework into the project root directory BoltiveDemo.

User Guide

The code snippets below are based on Google Mobile Ads SDK, but would be similar for any other ad network SDK - as all follow a pretty much common patterns.


BoltiveMonitor object can be instantiated either in a view controller or a view model context - ideally the one designated as GADBannerViewDelegate - so that the lifetime of the BoltiveMonitor is tied to the lifetime of the delegate and that of the ad banner context. Instantiate BoltiveConfiguration object and setup its properties:

  • clientId: unique client id provided by Boltive;
  • adNetwork: the type of used ad network(the options are GoogleAdManager, AdMob and AppLovinMAX or you can specify custom ad network; default is GoogleAdManager);

Pass BoltiveConfiguration object as BoltiveMonitor initialization parameter.

let boltiveMonitor = BoltiveMonitor(configuration: BoltiveConfiguration(clientId: "<your client id>", adUnitId: "<your ad unit id>", adNetwork: .GoogleAdManager))

In the GADBannerViewDelegate's bannerViewDidReceiveAd(_ bannerView: GADBannerView) method capture the GADBannerView object. For tracking purposes please provide BoltiveTagDetails object with these optional properties:

  • adUnitId: unique identifier for the ad unit;
  • advertiserId: unique identifier for the advertiser;
  • campaignId: unique identifier for the campaign;
  • creativeId: unique identifier for the creative;
  • lineItemId: unique identifier for the lineitem;
  • sspRefreshCode: SSP refresh code;
  • appName: name of the app(default value is Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier).

If ad server details (advertiserId, campaignId, creativeId and lineItemId) are not provided - BoltiveSDK will try to obtain them from the GADResponseInfo object in the case of Google Mobile Ads SDK as a Primary SDK.

let tagDetails = BoltiveTagDetails(adUnitId: <ad unit id>, advertiserId: <advertiser id>, campaignId: <campaign id>,
                creativeId: <creative id>, lineItemId: <lineitem id>, sspRefreshCode: <SSP refresh code>, appName: <app name>)
boltiveMonitor.capture(bannerView: bannerView, tagDetails: tagDetails) { bannerView in
    // handle banner view after the ad was flagged

The call of this closure signals that the rendered ad is flagged by BoltiveMonitor. In the provided callback closure you should reload the banner and/or do any other side effects as needed, f.e. hide the banner or use a different ad unit.

Note: BoltiveMonitor blocker will prevent the malicious ad creative from rendering - so the ad would become blank, however it will not automatically remove the native banner view from the screen (so worst case the user will see a blank ad).
It will send a signal to the app native code (via the callback mechanism).
Then it is the responsibility of the app developer to take the appropriate action in the callback implementation: f.e. reload and refresh the banner, render a different ad unit, remove the banner altogether etc. The most common action to take would be to call the native method that would reload the by calling bannerView.load(_ request: GADRequest?) method.

Also please note that every time the ad is flagged, SDK stops monitoring it, so make sure you recapture the banner in every bannerViewDidReceiveAd delegate call.


BoltiveMonitor also supports capturing interstitial ads with a different API: BoltiveMonitor.captureInterstitial. Just like for banners BoltiveMonitor object should be instantiated first either in a view controller or a view model object context - the one which manages interstitial presentation.

Add a call of BoltiveMonitor.captureInterstitial method right after presenting the interstitial ad: f.e. after calling GADInterstitialAd.present(fromRootViewController: UIViewController). You should pass ad object, that you receive after loading ad(f.e. GADInterstitialAd). If there is no such object, you can pass nil. You should also provide BoltiveTagDetails object described in banner section.

let tagDetails = BoltiveTagDetails(adUnitId: <ad unit id>, advertiserId: <advertiser id>, campaignId: <campaign id>,
                creativeId: <creative id>, lineItemId: <lineitem id>, sspRefreshCode: <SSP refresh code>)
monitor.captureInterstitial(adObject: adObject, tagDetails: tagDetails) { [weak self] in
    // do any side effect here, f.e. load another interstitial ad

Note: Unlike banner ads, Boltive SDK actually blocks and dismisses a flagged interstitial ad right away. You can load a new interstitial in the provided adBlocked callback closure or perform any additional side effects in it.

Other Ad Networks and SDKs

Boltive SDK was tested against GAM and Google Mobile Ads SDK integration. However BoltiveMonitor API is designed to be SDK-agnostic. The only assumption it makes is that the ad is rendered in the WKWebView object contained somewhere within a UIView-based banner view hierarchy. Most ad SDKs provide callback mechanisms similar to a GADBannerViewDelegate's' bannerViewDidReceiveAd method in which you can use BoltiveMonitor to capture the banner - as described above for the GAM scenario.

Google Ad Manager and AdMob

Google Ad Manager and AdMob scenarios assume the integration of Google Mobile Ads SDK into the app.

AppLovin MAX

AppLovin MAX assumes integration of AppLovin MAX SDK into the app.

BoltiveDemo App

To get started with the demo app, follow these steps:

  1. Follow instructions from the Cocoapods Integration section.
  2. Open BoltiveDemo.xcworkspace
  3. Update Swift Package Manager caches (File > Packages > Reset Package Caches).

Note: Most examples work on Simulator, but Applovin MAX examples work on device only. To run the app on your device - choose your team id on Signing & Capabilities tab.


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