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Adafruit 7" HDMI Backpack PCB

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Its a mini panel-mountable HDMI monitor! So small and simple, you can use this display with any computer that has HDMI output, and the shape makes it easy to attach to a case or rail. This backpack features the TFP401 for decoding video, and includes the attached display so its plug-n-play.

The TFP401 is a beefy DVI/HDMI decoder from TI. It can take unencrypted video and pipe out the raw 24-bit color pixel data - HDCP not supported! The 7" display is 800x480 resolution, which is just enough to run most software, but still small enough that it can be used in portable or embedded projects without the bulk.

You can even power the entire display from a USB port. With the default 7" 800x480 display and 150mA backlight current, the current draw is 600mA total. You can reduce that down 400mA by running the backlight at half-brightness (75mA). With the backlight off, the decoder and display itself draws 250mA. If you want more backlight control, there's a PWM input, connect that to your microcontroller or other PWM output and you can continuously dim the backlight as desired.

We have two versions, one is video only and one is video+touch.

For more details, check out the product pages at

PCB files for the Adafruit 7" HDMI Backpack. The format is EagleCAD schematic and board layout


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Designed by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries. Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike, all text above must be included in any redistribution. See license.txt for additional information.


PCB files for the Adafruit 7" HDMI Backpack







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