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MatrixPortal hangs and disconnects from USB after reading URL multiple times #6205

jldeon opened this issue Mar 26, 2022 · 64 comments


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jldeon commented Mar 26, 2022

CircuitPython version

Adafruit CircuitPython 7.2.0 on 2022-02-24; Adafruit Matrix Portal M4 with samd51j19
Board ID:matrixportal_m4


import time
import board
import traceback

from adafruit_matrixportal.matrixportal import MatrixPortal
from secrets import secrets

matrix_portal = MatrixPortal(status_neopixel=board.NEOPIXEL, debug=True)
network =
display =

url = ""

while True:
        print(f"Reading url: {url}")
        resp = network.fetch(url)
    except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as e:
        print("Likely data read error:")
        traceback.print_exception(None, e, e.__traceback__)
    except OSError as e:
        print("Likely wifi connection error:")
        traceback.print_exception(None, e, e.__traceback__)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Unknown error:")
        traceback.print_exception(None, e, e.__traceback__)


After some time passes (random, but typically less than an hour), the device stops responding.

The last thing printed is "Retrieving data..." (which is a print that can't be turned off in the CircuitPython libraries). The LED matrix is stuck on red (so the call to fetch hasn't returned.)

After some time passes, USB disconnects. The board has to be hard-reset to recover.

There is no Python backtrace or any other error message printed via the serial port.


No response

Additional information

I tested this initially with a text file hosted on an Apache server on the local LAN. I then tested with just to rule out anything weird on my Apache instance. (So you ought to be able to repro this with various URLs, basically)

You can probably omit most of the exception handling from my example code. I've found that sometimes the MatrixPortal doesn't want to connect to wifi or the response gets screwy on occasion, so I handle those. However, I haven't hit those exceptions when performing this test, so it's likely not needed.

@jldeon jldeon added the bug label Mar 26, 2022
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jldeon commented Mar 26, 2022

Slightly more minimal example:

import time
import board

from adafruit_matrixportal.matrixportal import MatrixPortal

matrix_portal = MatrixPortal(status_neopixel=board.NEOPIXEL, debug=True)
network =

url = ""

while True:
    print(f"Fetch start")
    resp = network.fetch(url)
    print(f"Fetch end")

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ajs256 commented Mar 27, 2022

Can confirm this.

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kroezem commented Mar 31, 2022

Same issue. This code will not run properly without access to my Spotify api.

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same issue. I tried resetting the Network connection every couple minutes as well, but the issue still persists. Running on the latest 7.2.4 uf2

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jepler commented Apr 4, 2022

It's not a fix, but an option you have is to try the hardware watchdog, which would reset the whole microcontroller (the one where CircuitPython resides) if your program stops running normally.

Before doing this, be comfortable with entering safe mode on your board, because an errant watchdog reset can make it difficult to modify your

You'd initialize the watchdog with a timeout:

from microcontroller import watchdog as w
from watchdog import WatchDogMode
w.timeout=2.5 # timeout in seconds
w.mode = WatchDogMode.RESET

and within your top-level loop you'd keep the watchdog happy with w.feed(). If it's ever NOT called for 2.5 seconds, the whole microcontroller is reset, similar to pressing the reset button.

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Wintaru commented Apr 4, 2022

I battled this as well and worked with staff to figure out the issue. We tried replacing hardware too which helped failure rates but it still fails. Trying the watchdog thing now and it seems to be stable so far, I just started a rather long print so we'll see if it's still running in the morning.

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dhalbert commented Apr 4, 2022

For those of you who had this problem, what version of the NINA-FW firmware are you using on the ESP32 that's on the MtarixPortal? That is printed out by the simple Internet test given here: The key value is esp.firmware_version.

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Wintaru commented Apr 4, 2022

Firmware vers. bytearray(b'1.2.2\x00')

1 similar comment
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Firmware vers. bytearray(b'1.2.2\x00')

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jldeon commented Apr 4, 2022

Same here:

Firmware vers. bytearray(b'1.2.2\x00')

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I tried using the watchdog time out as suggested above. Just had it crash and reset automatically. Thanks for the suggestion @jepler

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Wintaru commented Apr 4, 2022

I tried using the watchdog time out as suggested above. Just had it crash and reset automatically. Thanks for the suggestion @jepler

I had to increase the timeout to 15, and make sure you have the feed call both there and in your loop otherwise it's not fed soon enough to enter the loop.

Also, if your loop is longer than the timeout, you'll have to feed the watchdog somehow or shorten your loop sleep.

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anecdata commented Apr 4, 2022

It's worth testing whether NINA v1.7.4 improves things, though I couldn't definitively tie any NINA fixes to this problem.

It seems odd to me that this is only reported on MatrixPortal and not other M4+Airlift configs like PyPortal.

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jepler commented Apr 4, 2022

On this board the 'effective' watchdog timeout values are slightly above 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 seconds; values are rounded up.

@dhalbert dhalbert added this to the 7.x.x milestone Apr 6, 2022
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dhalbert commented Apr 6, 2022

OK, I have managed to get an exception on MatrixPortal, using CIrcuitPython 7.2.5 and running NINA-FW 7.1.1, after 1766 seconds doing simple fetches from a local webserver, using the example above: #6205 (comment).

763 Fetch start Retrieving data...Fetch end
1764 Fetch start Retrieving data...Fetch end
1765 Fetch start Retrieving data...Fetch end
1766 Fetch start Retrieving data...Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 14, in <module>
  File "adafruit_portalbase/", line 480, in fetch
  File "", line 864, in get
  File "", line 734, in request
OutOfRetries: Repeated socket failures

There were upstream fixes in NINA-FW 1.7.2, so I will upgrade to 1.7.4 and see if I can reproduce.

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jldeon commented Apr 7, 2022

OK, I have managed to get an exception on MatrixPortal, using CIrcuitPython 7.2.5 and running NINA-FW 1.7.1, after 1766 seconds doing simple fetches from a local webserver, using the example above: #6205 (comment).

763 Fetch start Retrieving data...Fetch end
1764 Fetch start Retrieving data...Fetch end
1765 Fetch start Retrieving data...Fetch end
1766 Fetch start Retrieving data...Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 14, in <module>
  File "adafruit_portalbase/", line 480, in fetch
  File "", line 864, in get
  File "", line 734, in request
OutOfRetries: Repeated socket failures

There were upstream fixes in NINA-FW 1.7.2, so I will upgrade to 1.7.4 and see if I can reproduce.

I don't think this is the same issue. I've seen various exceptions from the lower-level libraries, including this one.

The issue I'm reporting is that it hangs - there's no exception raised.

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dhalbert commented Apr 7, 2022

The issue I'm reporting is that it hangs - there's no exception raised.

I upgraded to 1.7.4, and I am also now seeing hangs, sometimes after a couple of minutes sometimes much longer. I don't think this is necessarily due to the upgrade; it's just that happened to see a different error before. No panel is attached to the MatrixPortal, so that's not a factor. So it's disappointing the upgrade is not helping, but I have some leads.

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Wintaru commented Apr 7, 2022

OK, I have managed to get an exception on MatrixPortal, using CIrcuitPython 7.2.5 and running NINA-FW 1.7.1, after 1766 seconds doing simple fetches from a local webserver, using the example above: #6205 (comment).

763 Fetch start Retrieving data...Fetch end
1764 Fetch start Retrieving data...Fetch end
1765 Fetch start Retrieving data...Fetch end
1766 Fetch start Retrieving data...Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "", line 14, in <module>
  File "adafruit_portalbase/", line 480, in fetch
  File "", line 864, in get
  File "", line 734, in request
OutOfRetries: Repeated socket failures

There were upstream fixes in NINA-FW 1.7.2, so I will upgrade to 1.7.4 and see if I can reproduce.

I don't think this is the same issue. I've seen various exceptions from the lower-level libraries, including this one.

The issue I'm reporting is that it hangs - there's no exception raised.

Same for me, it hangs and, importantly, the USB device is unmounted.

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anecdata commented Apr 8, 2022

I haven't cleanly reproduced this yet, but using CP 7.2.5 and NINA 1.6.1, I notice that occasionally it takes over a minute for "Retrieving data..." to complete (usually more like 1.5 seconds), and if I try to re-save during that time, the device will disconnect from serial and eject CIRCUITPY. Not sure if that's a related issue or separate.

update: I hit a case where it's stuck at "Retrieving data..." for about 15 minutes so far, but it hasn't disconnected from serial nor ejected CIRCUITPY, but control-C has no effect.

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dhalbert commented Apr 9, 2022

I have been testing a simpler web fetcher that does not use the MaxtrixPortal/PortalBase library. It's been running for hours without crashing. It is like #6205 (comment) above, but without the library. For both I have been fetching from a simple local webserver: python -m http.server. The lack of a crash doesn't mean there's not a core bug, but it means something about the library might be provoking it.

import board
import busio
from digitalio import DigitalInOut
import adafruit_requests as requests
import adafruit_esp32spi.adafruit_esp32spi_socket as socket
from adafruit_esp32spi import adafruit_esp32spi
import time

    from secrets import secrets
except ImportError:
    print("WiFi secrets are kept in, please add them there!")

esp32_cs = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_CS)
esp32_ready = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_BUSY)
esp32_reset = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_RESET)

spi = busio.SPI(board.SCK, board.MOSI, board.MISO)
esp = adafruit_esp32spi.ESP_SPIcontrol(spi, esp32_cs, esp32_ready, esp32_reset)

requests.set_socket(socket, esp)

if esp.status == adafruit_esp32spi.WL_IDLE_STATUS:
    print("ESP32 found and in idle mode")
print("Firmware vers.", esp.firmware_version)
print("MAC addr:", [hex(i) for i in esp.MAC_address])

print("Connecting to AP...")
while not esp.is_connected:
        esp.connect_AP(secrets["ssid"], secrets["password"])
    except RuntimeError as e:
        print("could not connect to AP, retrying: ", e)
print("Connected to", str(esp.ssid, "utf-8"), "\tRSSI:", esp.rssi)
print("My IP address is", esp.pretty_ip(esp.ip_address))

URL = ""

secs = 0
while True:
    print(secs, "Fetch start ", end = "")
    print("Fetch end")
    secs += 1

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anecdata commented Apr 9, 2022

fwiw, ESP32SPI, on all-in-ones and separate co-processor configs, has been very stable for me though not using any of the higher-level networking or portal-type libraries, only esp32spi and requests, no crashes in a long, long time.

But... I restarted the Matrix Portal and let the code above (minor tweaks to print more info) run again until it hung (but again it didn't eject CIRCUITPY or disconnect from serial). After a few hours I came back and it hadn't changed, but macOS Finder, once selected, was spinning beach ball then eventually timed out, then CIRCUITPY ejected and serial disconnected.

update: Last night I started up equivalent code on PyPortal, using the PyPortal library, which also uses PortalBase. It's still running. In the process I noticed that even the networking portions of the libraries differ significantly between PyPortal and MatrixPortal, and I suspect the issue (or trigger to the issue) is in the differences.

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jepler commented Apr 9, 2022

I assume MatrixPortal initializes the rgbmatrix display. One suspicion I have is that there's still a low-probability "crash during soft reset" bug in that code.

Maybe a program which

  • sets up the display
  • sets auto-restart on exception
  • triggers an exception

would give interesting results. It could help confirm/disconfirm my suspicion.

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ghost commented May 6, 2022

Has anyone found any clues for resolving this/ work arounds for now? or news of firmware update in development that may fix it?

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dhalbert commented May 6, 2022

As noted above, when not using the Matrix Portal library, I don't see these crashes. We're not sure why the library is causing a problem, but you could try rewriting your program to use adafruit_requests directly and see whether you see the problem.

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ghost commented May 6, 2022

I'm not using Matrix Portal library; direct adafruit_requests post methods with similar network setup via Internet connect guide, leading to the same symptoms mentioned here (hang, USB disconnect). My flash just wiped itself clean as I press reset button. So unless there's a manual wipe button sequence I just pressed, it seems like other things are wrong with my board. Not sure what to do at this point. I'll reset firmware and try to repeat symptoms I guess.

I might as well ask.: Should a Matrix Portal M4 be able to run 3 small post requests every 30 seconds with 5kb responses? Does this raise any red flags for hardware limits of MP M4? Should that be something it can manage? I suppose I should have studied that before pursuing this project. I've tried several ways to do basic requests, from MatrixPortal library to wifi manager to direct requests. I can't get this to consistently do anything with the internet longer than 3-4 hours max without hanging. And I'm left wondering if this is simply beyond the capability of the device?

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dhalbert commented May 6, 2022

@dsohrabian We would be quite interested in the simplest example program you have that seems to cause trouble, including your descriptions of what is returned from the requests. 5kB reponses might eventually lead to memory fragmentation, depending on how you hang on to the results. But there also might be bugs in the ESP32 firmware.

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ghost commented May 29, 2022

Thank you, that is interesting. I have a lot to learn about memory use.
I have gc.collect() sprinkled throughout now. And will see how this goes.

As far the transit site: it definitely tolerates requests every 30 seconds. The site is even hard-coded to auto-refresh on that interval if you leave it open on browser. It is meant for public wear and tear and probably doesn't get much traffic. I push it and fetch 4 times on 30-second interval (which is the ultimate need of this project, but 1 per 30 seconds freezes the MP4 too). So far, the transit server doesn't seem to mind. Have only gotten 200 status codes on responses so far.

This version of my only fetches one route per 30 seconds.

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ghost commented May 30, 2022

@dhalbert One thing I've reproduced a couple times: when I comment out all the Matrix objects and don't engage with the LED matrix in any way, the board hums along and requests for 24 hours+ with no issues. The second I bring the LED display (via adafruit_matrixportal Matrix) into the picture, alongside fetching data online, the system will inevitably hang within couple hours.

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The second I bring the LED display (via adafruit_matrixportal Matrix) into the picture, alongside fetching data online, the system will inevitably hang within couple hours.

Thanks, that is very helpful.

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The second I bring the LED display (via adafruit_matrixportal Matrix) into the picture, alongside fetching data online, the system will inevitably hang within couple hours.

Just to clarify, is just import adafruit_matrixportal enough to cause trouble, or are you displaying things?

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ghost commented May 31, 2022 via email

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dhalbert commented Jun 4, 2022

@dsohrabian I tried your 30-second-interval code.txt above. I stopped it after round 740, so it ran for hours without difficulty.

The fix I mentioned above for adafruit_esp32spi is now in its version 4.2.2 or later, which you can get from the bundle, circup or the repo. I have been using that fix. It generates less garbage as it's running and fixes a problem that showed up with certain servers that produced chunked output. Could you try that version for a few hours?

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ghost commented Jun 4, 2022

@dhalbert Thank you so much for testing out the code. I will give your esp32spi library version a shot.

By the way, the I shared only runs 1 request per 30 seconds. The project needs 4 requests per 30 seconds, but that crashes even sooner when feeding the data to the LED display. And I was trying to keep it as simple as possible for reproducing so cut the other requests. I was hoping this wouldn't need to be manually reset every 1-6 hours, and was shooting for more like every couple weeks or months at worst.

Without engaging with the Matrix class and the display, the MP can run the 4 post requests per 30 seconds indefinitely, so I know the ESP is capable and implies to me that the requests aren't the issue. That's where I am lost.

Were you able to debug the crash on your end at all or did it disconnect without any clues?

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dhalbert commented Jun 4, 2022

Were you able to debug the crash on your end at all or did it disconnect without any clues?

It did not crash or disconnect at all: I just stopped it because it had run for about 6 hours, far longer than the 90 minutes you mentioned. So definitely try the new library version. I was also using CircuitPython 7.3.0 Update all the libraries: the Portal libraries have also been revised, though not as recently.

I am running the latest (1.7.4) NINA-FW firmware as well. To determine the version, you can use the test program here, which will print it out:

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dhalbert commented Jun 4, 2022

I changed your code to have it do four fetches at a time (removed [:1]), and it stopped after 47 cycles. So I have a good place to start looking. It did the fetches and then something happened before it could print "Finished round". I am printing out the fetches to collect the data so I could simulate it locally at higher speed.

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ghost commented Jun 4, 2022

I changed your code to have it do four fetches at a time (removed [:1]), and it stopped after 47 cycles. So I have a good place to start looking. It did the fetches and then something happened before it could print "Finished round". I am printing out the fetches to collect the data so I could simulate it locally at higher speed.

That sounds like a great lead! Please let me know if I can help in any way.

I will be running tests to confirm again that the freeze doesn't happen when display setup and text update lines are commented out.

I am running 1.7.4 for the ESP too.

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ghost commented Jun 5, 2022

@dhalbert A correction for you: performing the import via from adafruit_matrixportal.matrix import Matrix is enough to cause the freeze. Creating the Matrix object is not in fact necessary like I thought. Without that import, I am running 1300+ rounds of 4 requests with no issues as of now.

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Is there a memory leak in 7.3.0 I just tried updating from a 7.2.x version and i had roughly 30,000 print out when calling gc.mem_free(), and only printing 7000 when calling gc.mem_free() and i keep getting this in the logs "memory allocation failed, allocating 232 bytes"

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dhalbert commented Jun 5, 2022

@mpicker90 Please open a new issue or a thread in the forums with the details, including your code. Make sure your libraries are all the latest version.

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ghost commented Jun 6, 2022


Now confirmed with this that the 4 requests / 30 seconds don't cause an issue with no adafruit_matrixportal.matrix library imports and no LED display. Ran it for 48 hours and no hiccups.

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dhalbert commented Jun 6, 2022

Well, now I had the problem and your did not :) . I'll do some more testing!

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dhalbert commented Jun 6, 2022

Oops, misinterpreted your latest post. So some interaction is causing problems, not sure what. I will see what is happening when the example with the MatriPortal library hangs.

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Closing in favor of #6489, which is meant to describe the root cause. Thanks to everyone who tested and contributed to this issue, and feel free to continue discussions in #6489.

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ghost commented Jun 15, 2022

Closing in favor of #6489, which is meant to describe the root cause. Thanks to everyone who tested and contributed to this issue, and feel free to continue discussions in #6489.

Dan, I really appreciate the efforts to figure this out. Will be eagerly following the issue. While this is helping me learn some lower-level concepts, this is above my understanding. But I would be glad to help how I can.

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@dsohrabian -- so you are not blocked, here is a build to try that might run for longer, and not hang up. It does not use DMA at all for SPI: It says 8.0.0-alpha1-something, but you should be able to use it with the 7.x libraries. I think it may seem slower, but I'm not sure if you'll notice or not.

It might still sporadically have the other problem I mentioned, which is a communications issue with the ESP32 Airlift. You might see Error response to command. That I don't understand yet.

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Closing, but can continue ancillary discussion here if not directly relevant to #6489.

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ghost commented Jun 15, 2022

Thank you, I will try the no DMA option and report back if it made a difference.

It might still sporadically have the other problem I mentioned, which is a communications issue with the ESP32 Airlift. You might see Error response to command. That I don't understand yet.

I've noticed this bug too and early on it misled me as the possible root cause. Glad you are aware of it too. It didn't happen often. And luckily it prompts an error exception which seems it can be handled with ESP_SPIcontrol.reset() or similar

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ghost commented Jun 21, 2022

@dhalbert The project now works with this non-DMA version 🙏 Thank you so much for making the bootloader for me. And the Error response to command issue is managed by resetting ESP and reconnecting to wifi on exceptions.

I will hang on to this no-DMA version. It looks like you fixed it for the next release, so I'll plan on upgrading.

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dhalbert commented Jun 21, 2022

I was just going to write to you. I fixed it in a different way, which I think will work too. It is not the same fix as what I gave you. See #6498 and adafruit/samd-peripherals#42. Try the build artifacts: Scroll down to see the artifacts. Unzip the file for your board and get the .uf2 you need.

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I was just going to write to you. I fixed it in a different way, which I think will work too. It is not the same fix as what I gave you. See #6498 and adafruit/samd-peripherals#42. Try the build artifacts: Scroll down to see the artifacts. Unzip the file for your board and get the .uf2 you need.

I used the latest version of the uf2 file and the newest library and still got the following error message:

Getting time for timezone Europe/Zurich
Zurückverfolgung (jüngste Aufforderung zuletzt):
Datei "", Zeile 139, in
Datei "adafruit_portalbase/", Zeile 247, in get_local_time
Datei "adafruit_portalbase/", Zeile 216, in get_strftime
Datei "", Zeile 818, in get
Datei "", Zeile 674, in request
Datei "adafruit_esp32spi/", Zeile 138, in recv
Datei "adafruit_esp32spi/", Zeile 217, in available
Datei "adafruit_esp32spi/", Zeile 776, in socket_available
Datei "adafruit_esp32spi/", Zeile 332, in _send_command_get_response
Datei "adafruit_esp32spi/", Zeile 299, in _wait_response_cmd
Datei "adafruit_esp32spi/", Zeile 274, in _wait_spi_char
RuntimeError: Error response to command


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ghost commented Jun 28, 2022 via email

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Yes, the RuntimeError: Error response to command is caused by something else, and we still have to track that down. At least it is recoverable via a try-except.

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gadjodilo83 commented Jun 28, 2022

Hi Marc, I get that too still. It's a separate issue that I think needs to be explored. My workaround is to write a try except block for that error and use esp.reset() and esp.connect to reconnect to internet in the except block. That has been working for me well. except RuntimeError: esp.reset() esp.connect_AP(config["wifi_ssid"], config["wifi_password"])

thanks for the reference, will test it! :)

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