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A collection of leetcode Problems' Solutions.


No. Question Topic/s
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree - py Tree, Recursion
146 LRU Cache Design, Doubly Linked-List, Hash-Table
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Sliding-Window, Hash-Table, Set
1 Two Sum - py Hash-Table, Array, Binary Search
5 Palindromic Substring - py Dynamic-Programming, String, Manacher's Algo
96 Unique Binary Search Trees - py Tree, Dynamic-Programming, Memoization, Recursion
98 Validate Binary Search Tree - py Tree, Stack
702 Search in a Sorted Array of Unknown Size - py Binary-Search
763 Partition Labels - py Two-pointers, greedy
703 Kth Largest Element in a Stream - py Hash
200 Number of Islands BFS, DFS, Union Find, graph
54 Sprial Matrix - py Array
421 Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array Trie, Bit Manipulation
1171 Count good meals Array, Two Sum style, Bit Manipulation
226 Invert Binary Tree Tree, Recursion
617 Merge Two Binary Trees Tree, Recursion
253 Meeting Rooms II Priority Queue/Heap
973 K Closest Points to Origin Priority Queue/Heap
1930 Unique Length-3 Palindromic Subsequences string, set
238 Product of Array Except Self arrays
133 Clone Graph Graph, DFS


  1. To learn about spaced repetition technique - Interview Preparation Guide
  2. Spaced Repetition LeetCode Template
  3. Interview CheatSheet
  4. Python CheatSheet