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Ábel Hegedüs edited this page Jul 16, 2019 · 1 revision

Massif Wrapper Rest Server

Shadow Jar based deployment

  1. Build the massif-wrapper.jar
  2. Copy the MATLAB engine.jar from MATLABROOT/R2018b/extern/engines/java/jar/engine.jar to the same folder which contains your massif-wrapper.jar
  3. Create a massif-wrapper configuration in this folder, for example called "massif-wrapper-config.json". See this template for an example and Configuration for more information.
  4. Add MATLABROOT/bin/glnxa64/ or MATLABROOT/bin/glnxa32/ or MATLABROOT\bin\win64 or MATLABROOT\bin\win32 to the path (depending on your OS).
  5. Start up MATLAB and run the following commands in the MATLAB console:
  6. Run "java -jar massif-wrapper.jar massif-wrapper-config.json"
  7. After startup, by default the Swagger UI is found at http://localhost:8234/static/massifwrapper/swagger#/
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