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Releases: adambennett/Balatro-DeckCreator


12 Apr 03:52
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  • Fix 'Boosters cost $X more per Ante" option always increasing booster prices even when set to $0


11 Apr 16:56
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Requires Balatro 1.0.1c and Steamodded 0.9.8

  • Implemented 'Banned Items' menu
  • Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when using the Deck Creator without first unlocking all items in the game
  • Fixed some modifiers triggering twice when both Balamod and Steamodded are loaded simultaneously
  • Fixed various crashes that occurred when reloading a saved run
  • Fixed an issue where consumables were being re-added multiple times when loading your run
  • Fixed placeholder custom icons not loading properly on 'Starting Items' page
  • Increased max selection for "Winning Ante" option from 50 -> 9999
  • Increased max selection for "Hand Size" option from 25 -> 9999
  • Improved layout of left panel icons on 'Starting Items' page
  • Reorganized layout of Jokers displayed in add/ban Jokers menus to show wide rather than tall
  • Added support for Perishable and Rental jokers
  • Added 'Blind Score Multiplier' to 'General' page for more control of blind score requirements
  • Added 'Tags' sub-menu to 'Starting Items' page
  • Adjusted several existing Static Mods options to be more interesting
  • Added many new Static Mods options
  • Static Mods page reorganized into sections
  • Improved cross-mod compat
    • Base deck is generated the same way as the normal game, i.e. mods that change your starting deck will also change the default Base Deck cards for Deck Creator
    • Adding cards to Base Deck with modded suits is now supported
    • Adding custom Joker, Tarot, Planet, Voucher, and Spectral cards to Starting Items is now supported
  • Removed logic to add import description to decks loaded from other files ("custom deck imported via..." message)
  • Improved deck description logic
    • Max length accepted by UI increased from 70 -> 90
    • Lines are no longer split automatically based on length
    • Spaces should no longer be inserted by mistake
    • Now supports new line delimiter - enter "<n" without the quotes anywhere to create a new line
    • Now supports all base-game text modifiers, i.e. "attention" to create yellow text
      • Syntax for adding these is "<:[key]<[text]<" where the brackets represent the info you want to pass
      • For example, to write "TEST" in yellow letters, you could do: "My <:attention<TEST<" and only "TEST" would be colored
      • Also supports linking item keys which then appear on hover-over
        • For example, to create the Magic Deck description, you could start with: "Start run with the<n<:tarot,T:v_crystal_ball<Crystal Ball< voucher"
    • Added property 'rawDescription' to custom deck objects, which can be modified directly inside the CustomDecks.txt file
      • Modifications to this property will supercede all other description settings, so you can use this to create a longer-than-90-characters description
      • Follow the same syntax as the UI, i.e. "<n" for new lines

Requires Balatro 1.0.0c and Steamodded 0.9.8


10 Mar 18:34
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  • Better support for loading Steamodded and Balamod simultaneously
  • Fixed card backs not applying during run
  • Added 'Random' as card back option
  • Fixed crash that occurred when starting a run with either Paintbrush or Palette vouchers
  • Fixed issue where switching profiles in game would reset the custom deck list and not load it again until the game was reloaded
  • Fixed broken Static Mod - "Chance to Increase Rank of Drawn Cards by 1"
  • Improved 'Add Card' sub-menu to only reset selections when current editing deck is closed


10 Mar 03:52
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To update, simply replace your old 'Deck Creator' directory with the contents of the updated zip below.

To install for the first time, simply extract the zip archive below into your mods folder. You should end up with a directory called "Deck Creator" with various files inside.

Known issues:

  • Some of the deck backs got bugged last minute and I couldn't fix them in time. Most of the base game deck backs work properly, but some of the weirder special ones don't always apply correctly.
  • Sometimes when switching between the 'Base Deck' and 'Starting Items' tab, the pane will appear totally blank except for the button row. When this happens, usually waiting a few moments will allow the screen to repopulate correctly. Pressing any of the buttons on the screen at this time will likely crash the game. If you save the deck in this state, that shouldn't cause any issues, it's just a rendering problem.

v0.0.1 - Initial working release

26 Feb 06:37
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Download and extract the zip directly into your Mods folder