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  • docker and docker-compose

To run: docker-compose up.

Visit http://localhost:8000

By default, the application creates a superuser account admin with password admin.


Currently, only the backend and Solidity contracts have glimpses of tests. To run them, use docker-compose -f docker-compose.tests.yml up



  • implement tags;
  • allow getting only these posts/comments/stars which have been confirmed by the blockchain;
  • implement creating accounts and bind them with the private keys used for txs on blockchain;
  • make the frontend pretty;


  • prepare Frontend UTs, CI;
  • add TypeScript to the frontend;
  • prepare production-like environment;
  • add django-rest-knox for better security;

Built with Cookiecutter Django


Moved to settings.

A note for Linux users

On Linux, Docker runs as a system daemon with root privileges, and can actively create files inaccessible to the host user. If you'd like to avoid that, you'll need to create a docker-compose override file. Run

cp docker-compose.override.yml.example docker-compose.override.yml

and edit the new file, replacing the USER_ID value with your current host user id - you can obtain it by running echo $UID in your shell.

IMPORTANT: Don't run compose as root

Your Linux user won't have permission to use docker by default. This can be fixed by adding them to the docker group, as explained in the official docs.

Running docker and compose commands with sudo will break the setup in this template and re-introduce file permission problems we've worked hard to avoid. Please don't.

Basic Commands

Setting Up Your Users

  • To create a normal user account, just go to Sign Up and fill out the form. Once you submit it, you'll see a "Verify Your E-mail Address" page. Go to your console to see a simulated email verification message. Copy the link into your browser. Now the user's email should be verified and ready to go.

  • To create an superuser account, use this command:

    $ docker-compose run --rm app ./ createsuperuser

For convenience, you can keep your normal user logged in on Chrome and your superuser logged in on Firefox (or similar), so that you can see how the site behaves for both kinds of users.

Test coverage

To run the tests, check your test coverage, and generate an HTML coverage report::

    $ docker-compose run --rm app pytest --cov-report html --cov . --verbose
    $ open backend/htmlcov/index.html

Running tests with py.test

  $ docker-compose run --rm app pytest .


This app comes with Celery. By default all tasks is run not async. If you need work local with async you must change CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER on False in backend/settings/ then all tasks will use redis and docker configurations.



Sentry is an error logging aggregator service. You can send email to DevOps team and asking about you account and project blogchain.

You must set the DSN url in production.


The following details how to deploy this application.


See detailed project-template Docker documentation.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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