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Configuring VSTS for Reflected Work Item IDs

Adam Driscoll edited this page Jun 6, 2016 · 3 revisions

Reflected work item IDs allow for tracking from the target system back to the source system. The integration tools will fill the field in the target system with the source system's ID for the same work item.

In order to add this new field you should create a new inherited process.

First go to your team collection settings.

Then click the dropdown for the process you want to inherit form.

To add a new field go to the Process tab, then click Work Item Types and select the fields tab for a work item type. You can then create a new field using the New Field button.

For every work item type, add a new field and select the existing field you created in the previous step.

After the integration tool runs, the field should be populated with the source system's WI ID.

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