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adamewing committed Mar 31, 2020
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Evaluate VCFs against BAMSurgeon "Truth" VCFs
Adam Ewing,
Requires PyVCF (
and PySAM

import sys, os
import vcf
import argparse
import pysam
from collections import OrderedDict

def match(subrec, trurec, vtype='SNV'):
assert vtype in ('SNV', 'SV', 'INDEL')

if vtype == 'SNV' and subrec.is_snp and trurec.is_snp:
if subrec.POS == trurec.POS and subrec.REF == trurec.REF and subrec.ALT == trurec.ALT:
return True

if vtype == 'INDEL' and subrec.is_indel and trurec.is_indel:
if subrec.POS == trurec.POS and subrec.REF == trurec.REF and subrec.ALT == trurec.ALT:
return True

if vtype == 'SV' and subrec.is_sv and trurec.is_sv:
trustart, truend = expand_sv_ends(trurec)
substart, subend = expand_sv_ends(subrec)

# check for overlap
if min(truend, subend) - max(trustart, substart) > 0:
return True

return False

def expand_sv_ends(rec):
''' assign start and end positions to SV calls using conf. intervals if present '''
startpos, endpos = rec.start, rec.end
assert rec.is_sv

endpos = int(rec.INFO.get('END')[0])

if rec.INFO.get('CIPOS'):
ci = map(int, rec.INFO.get('CIPOS'))
if ci[0] < 0:
startpos += ci[0]

if rec.INFO.get('CIEND'):
ci = map(int, rec.INFO.get('CIEND'))
if ci[0] > 0:
endpos += ci[0]

except TypeError as e:
sys.stderr.write("error expanding sv interval: " + str(e) + " for record: " + str(rec) + "\n")

if startpos > endpos:
endpos, startpos = startpos, endpos

return startpos, endpos

def relevant(rec, vtype, ignorechroms):
''' Return true if a record matches the type of variant being investigated '''
rel = (rec.is_snp and vtype == 'SNV') or (rec.is_sv and vtype == 'SV') or (rec.is_indel and vtype == 'INDEL')
return rel and (ignorechroms is None or rec.CHROM not in ignorechroms)

def passfilter(rec, disabled=False):
''' Return true if a record is unfiltered or has 'PASS' in the filter field (pyvcf sets FILTER to None) '''
if disabled:
return True
if rec.FILTER is None or rec.FILTER == '.' or not rec.FILTER:
return True
return False

def svmask(rec, vcfh, truchroms):
''' mask snv calls in sv regions '''
if rec.is_snp and rec.CHROM in truchroms:
for overlap_rec in vcfh.fetch(rec.CHROM, rec.POS-1, rec.POS):
if overlap_rec.is_sv:
return True
return False

def var_dist(v1, v2):
"""compute absolute distance between two variants
assert v1.CHROM == v2.CHROM
return abs(v1.POS-v2.POS)

def get_close_matches(var, vcf_fh, win, indels_only=True):
"""Find close matches for variant (PyVCF record var) in file (PyVCF
VCFReader vcf_fh) within given window win and return as list of
item,distance tuples, sorted ascendingly by distance.

matches = list(vcf_fh.fetch(var.CHROM, var.POS-win, var.POS+1+win))
if indels_only:
matches = [m for m in matches if m.is_indel]
if len(matches) == 0:
return []

dist_map = [(m, var_dist(m, var)) for m in matches]
return sorted(dist_map, key=lambda x: x[1])

def have_identical_haplotypes(v1, v2, ref):
"""Check if two variant produce the same haplotype / variant sequence.
- v1 and v2: PyVCF variants to compare
- ref: PySAM FastaFile

assert (v1.is_indel or v1.is_snp) and (v2.is_indel or v2.is_snp)

if v1.CHROM != v2.CHROM:
return False

if v1.is_snp and v2.is_snp:
assert v1.REF.upper() == v2.REF.upper()
return str(v1.ALT[0]).upper() == str(v2.ALT[0]).upper()
if v1.is_snp or v2.is_snp:
# one snp one indel: can't produce identical results
return False

assert v1.is_indel and v2.is_indel
# only on allele per variant allowed
assert len(v1.ALT) == 1 and len(v2.ALT) == 1, (
+ "Can't handle multi-allelic entries")

# get the sequence context whic fully overlaps both variants.
# note: pyvcf is one-based, but start and end are zero-based half-open
start = min([v1.POS, v2.POS])-1
end = max([v1.POS + max([len(v1.REF), len(v1.ALT[0])]),
v2.POS + max([len(v2.REF), len(v2.ALT[0])])
chrom = v1.CHROM# made sure before they are identical before
seq = list(ref.fetch(chrom, start, end).upper())

if len(seq) != end-start:
# FIXME how to handle?
sys.stderr.write("WARN: Couldn't fetch full sequence window. Skipping"
" allele-aware comparison, otherwise indices would"
" be off\n")
raise NotImplementedError

v1_offset = v1.POS-1-start
v2_offset = v2.POS-1-start
# lower() in replacement for debugging purposes only
v1_seq = seq[:v1_offset] + list(str(v1.ALT[0]).lower()) + seq[v1_offset+len(v1.REF):]
v2_seq = seq[:v2_offset] + list(str(v2.ALT[0]).lower()) + seq[v2_offset+len(v2.REF):]
if False:
print("reference sequence context\t%s" % (''.join(seq)))
print("v1 (offset %d) %s\t%s" % (v1_offset, v1, ''.join(v1_seq)))
print("v2 (offset %d) %s\t%s" % (v2_offset, v2, ''.join(v2_seq)))

assert seq[v1_offset] == v1.REF[0].upper()
assert seq[v2_offset] == v2.REF[0].upper()
assert len(v1_seq) == len(seq) - len(v1.REF) + len(v1.ALT[0])
assert len(v2_seq) == len(seq) - len(v2.REF) + len(v2.ALT[0])
except AssertionError:
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

#if ''.join(v1_seq).upper() == ''.join(v2_seq).upper():
# print ''.join(v1_seq).upper()
return ''.join(v1_seq).upper() == ''.join(v2_seq).upper()

def evaluate(submission, truth, vtype='SNV', reffa=None, ignorechroms=None, ignorepass=False,
fp_vcf=None, fn_vcf=None, tp_vcf=None,
''' return stats on sensitivity, specificity, balanced accuracy '''

assert vtype in ('SNV', 'SV', 'INDEL')
subvcfh = vcf.Reader(filename=submission)
truvcfh = vcf.Reader(filename=truth)

fpvcfh = fnvcfh = tpvcfh = None
if fp_vcf:
fpvcfh = vcf.Writer(open(fp_vcf, 'w'), template=subvcfh)
if fn_vcf:
fnvcfh = vcf.Writer(open(fn_vcf, 'w'), template=subvcfh)
if tp_vcf:
tpvcfh = vcf.Writer(open(tp_vcf, 'w'), template=subvcfh)

reffa_fh = None
if reffa:
reffa_fh = pysam.Fastafile(reffa)
if debug:
print("DEBUG: Using haplotype aware indel comparison")

tpcount = 0
fpcount = 0
subrecs = 0
trurecs = 0

truchroms = {}
fns = OrderedDict()

''' count records in truth vcf, track contigs/chromosomes '''
for trurec in truvcfh:
if relevant(trurec, vtype, ignorechroms):
trurecs += 1
truchroms[trurec.CHROM] = True
fns[str(trurec)] = trurec

used_truth = {} # keep track of 'truth' sites used, they should only be usable once

''' parse submission vcf, compare to truth '''
for subrec in subvcfh:
if passfilter(subrec, disabled=ignorepass):
if subrec.is_snp and vtype == 'SNV':
if not svmask(subrec, truvcfh, truchroms):
subrecs += 1
if subrec.is_sv and vtype == 'SV':
subrecs += 1
if subrec.is_indel and vtype == 'INDEL':
subrecs += 1

matched = False

startpos, endpos = subrec.start, subrec.end

if vtype == 'SV' and subrec.is_sv:
startpos, endpos = expand_sv_ends(subrec)
if relevant(subrec, vtype, ignorechroms) and passfilter(subrec, disabled=ignorepass) and subrec.CHROM in truchroms:
for trurec in truvcfh.fetch(subrec.CHROM, startpos, end=endpos):
if match(subrec, trurec, vtype=vtype) and str(trurec) not in used_truth:
matched = True
if not matched and subrec.is_indel and reffa_fh:# try haplotype aware comparison
window = 100
for (trurec, _) in get_close_matches(subrec, truvcfh, window, indels_only=True):
if str(trurec) in used_truth:
if have_identical_haplotypes(subrec, trurec, reffa_fh):
matched = True
if debug:
print("DEBUG: Rescuing %s which has same haplotype as %s" % (subrec, trurec))
if matched:
used_truth[str(trurec)] = True

except ValueError as e:
sys.stderr.write("Warning: " + str(e) + "\n")

if matched:
tpcount += 1
if tpvcfh:
if str(trurec) in fns.keys():
del fns[str(trurec)]
if relevant(subrec, vtype, ignorechroms) and passfilter(subrec, disabled=ignorepass) and not svmask(subrec, truvcfh, truchroms):
fpcount += 1 # FP counting method needs to change for real tumors
if fpvcfh:

if fnvcfh:
for fn in fns.values():

print(f"tpcount, fpcount, subrecs, trurecs: {tpcount},{fpcount},{subrecs},{trurecs}")

recall = float(tpcount) / float(trurecs)
if tpcount+fpcount > 0:
precision = float(tpcount) / float(tpcount + fpcount)
precision = 0.0
#fdr = 1.0 - float(fpcount) / float(subrecs)
f1score = 0.0 if tpcount == 0 else 2.0*(precision*recall)/(precision+recall)

for fh in [fpvcfh, fnvcfh, tpvcfh]:
if fh:

return precision, recall, f1score

def main(args):

chromlist = None
if args.chromlist is not None:
chromlist = args.chromlist.split(',')

if not args.subvcf.endswith('.vcf') and not args.subvcf.endswith('.vcf.gz'):
sys.stderr.write("submission VCF filename does not end in .vcf or .vcf.gz\n")

if not os.path.exists(args.truvcf):
sys.stderr.write("truth VCF does not exist.\n")
if not os.path.exists(args.truvcf + '.tbi'):
sys.stderr.write("truth VCF does not appear to be indexed. bgzip + tabix index required.\n")

if args.mutype not in ('SV', 'SNV', 'INDEL'):
sys.stderr.write("-m/--mutype must be either SV, SNV, or INDEL\n")

result = evaluate(args.subvcf, args.truvcf, vtype=args.mutype,
reffa=args.reffa, ignorechroms=chromlist, ignorepass=args.nonpass,
fp_vcf=args.fp_vcf, fn_vcf=args.fn_vcf, tp_vcf=args.tp_vcf,

print("precision, recall, F1 score: " + ','.join(map(str, result)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="check vcf output against a 'truth' vcf")
parser.add_argument('-v', '--vcf', dest='subvcf', required=True, help="VCF being submitted for evaluation")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--truth', dest='truvcf', required=True, help="'Truth' VCF containing true positives")
parser.add_argument('-f', '--ref', dest='reffa', help="Reference fasta file (enables haplotype-ware indel comparison)")
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mutype', dest='mutype', required=True, help="Mutation type: must be either SNV, SV, or INDEL")
parser.add_argument('--ignore', dest='chromlist', default=None, help="(optional) comma-seperated list of chromosomes to ignore")
parser.add_argument('--nonpass', dest='nonpass', action="store_true", help="evaluate all records (not just PASS records) in VCF")
parser.add_argument('--fp', dest='fp_vcf', help="print false positive positions to this vcf-file")
parser.add_argument('--tp', dest='tp_vcf', help="print true positive positions to this file")
parser.add_argument('--fn', dest='fn_vcf', help="print false negatives positions to this file")
parser.add_argument('--debug', dest='debug', action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
args = parser.parse_args()
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