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This repository contains health check service.

It polls provided endpoints and checks if they are healthy.

There is a list of response processors that can be used to check the response of the endpoint:

  • LogProcessor - logs the response with appropriate log level
  • EmailProcessor - sends an email if the response is not healthy (mocked)

We can add more processors in the future.

Table of Contents

  1. How to run
    1. Prerequisites
    2. docker-compose
    3. GoLand
    4. Go
    5. Minikube (IaC)
  2. Supported flags
  3. Sources discovery
  4. Future improvements
  5. Mock services

How to run



The easiest way to run the service is to use docker-compose.

make compose_up

This will:

  • run the tests
  • run helm template
  • run the service
  • run 3 additional mock services (with wiremock) that the health check service will poll


There is a run configuration saved in the .run folder. You can use it in GoLand IDE and run the service from there. (Edit Configurations->Go Build)


You can run the runner using the following command:

go run cmd/main.go runner --sources-store-dir=.local/sources --sources-store-file=sources.json

If you combine it with docker-compose command your local runner will poll the mock services running in docker-compose.

Minikube (IaC)

You can run the service in minikube using the following command:

cd terraform
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

This will:

  • create a minikube cluster (docker)
  • deploy the service
  • deploy 3 additional mock services (with wiremock) that the health check service will poll

Terraform is configured to use the minikube provider without cloud backend. This is just for local development. State file is stored locally and .gitignored.

You can inspect the cluster using tools like k9s or kubectl.

Supported flags

Easiest way to see all supported flags is to run the service with the --help flag.

❯ go run cmd/main.go --help
NAME:o run cmd/main.go --help                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ─╯
   health-checker - run health-checker commands

   health-checker [global options] command [command options] 

   runner   run health checker
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h  show help
❯ go run cmd/main.go runner -h
NAME:o run cmd/main.go runner -h                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ─╯
   health-checker runner - run health checker

   health-checker runner [command options] [arguments...]

   --load FILE                           load configuration from yaml FILE [$LOAD]
   --default-health-check-path value     default health check path (default: "/health") [$DEFAULT_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH]
   --workers value                       number of workers (default: 1) [$WORKERS]
   --check-interval value                check interval (default: 1m0s) [$CHECK_INTERVAL]
   --log-level value                     log level (default: "info") [$LOG_LEVEL]
   --log-format value                    log format (default: "json") [$LOG_FORMAT]
   --sources-store-dir value             sources store directory (default: "/sources") [$SOURCES_STORE_DIR]
   --sources-store-file value            sources store file (default: "sources.yaml") [$SOURCES_STORE_FILE]
   --transient-errors-max-retries value  transient errors max retries (default: 3) [$TRANSIENT_ERRORS_MAX_RETRIES]
   --transient-errors-retry-wait value   transient errors retry wait (default: 1s) [$TRANSIENT_ERRORS_RETRY_WAIT]
   --http-client-timeout value           http client timeout (default: 5s) [$HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT]
   --acceptable-response-time value      acceptable response time (default: 3s) [$ACCEPTABLE_RESPONSE_TIME]
   --help, -h                            show help

Sources discovery

At the moment the sources are stored in a file. The file is in the yaml format and for local development it is stored in the .local/sources directory. When running the service in docker-compose the sources-docker-compose.yaml file is mounted as a volume. For local development you can use the sources.yaml file from the .local/sources directory.

Helm chart uses the sources.yaml file from the deploy/charts/health/files directory. It generates a configmap which is then mounted as a volume in the pod.

Loading the sources from a file is just one way of providing the sources. We can add more ways in the future:

  • load from external service
  • load from kubernetes discovery (list services with appropriate labels attached)

Reloading sources

Runner is prepared to reload the sources from the injected Loader (config file loader, k8s labels scraper etc). It should be wired to allow the runner to reload the sources on specific interval (without the need to restart the service.

Future improvements

There are a few things that can be improved in the future:

  • add more response processors (like slack, pagerduty etc)
  • add more sources discovery methods (like k8s labels scraper)
  • make the sources discovery more dynamic (reload sources on specific interval)
  • maybe introduce service as a sources provisioner (service that provides sources to the health check service) so that the health check service can have HPA and scale up/down based on needs. Provisioner would have to keep track of which sources should be provided to the health service (some FIFO queue).
  • add more tests
  • expose health check results via API and/or prometheus metrics
  • add tracing options (Grafana builds service map)

Mock services

Mock services are provided using Wiremock.

There are 3 mock services that the health check service:

  • service-a - always returns 200 and all components are healthy
  • service-b - always returns 502
  • service-c - always returns 200 but one component is unhealthy


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