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Using different models

All models are from the mmdetection framework. (
To use another model:

  • Add the paths to its config file and checkpoint file in, and pass them to the process_folder function.
    • Config files I used can be found in mmdet_configs/
    • Pretrained models were taken from here and for any changes to the network architecture, pretrained weights were copied over using the code in
  • Change the class_restrictions parameter passed to the detector in if needed. This restricts the detector to outputting bounding boxes for those classes only.

See detector_results.txt for rough performances for the models I tested.

Code Structure

  • For each video: (
    1. Background modelling: Filters out moving vehicles (
    2. Load detector (
    3. Run vehicle detection on raw video (
    4. Run vehicle detection on background (
    5. Create perspective cropping boxes (optional) (
    6. Create ignore region (not implemented properly) (
    7. Perform anomaly detection (
      1. Load vehicle re-ID model (reid/
      2. Initialise global spatial-temporal info matrices
      3. For each background frame:
        1. Create temp score & detect matrices, update global matrices
        2. Check for anomaly region, if there is one, backtrack to find start time
        3. Update anomaly status
      4. Finish any current anomalies & return results
    8. Combine overlapping anomalies (
    9. Save results


I had to make some small changes to the mmdetection code to make training/testing detectors work.
The standard library should work for testing the whole code though.

I couldn't get cascade/faster rcnn working properly, after training they produced no detection results.

  • I think the cause of this could have been a mix up between coco/voc labels in the validation set. I fixed it and got some results for cascade.

Other notes

  • Video with gaps in them, (eg frames are black, no data) that happen during an anomaly, will create 2 separate anomaly events, or cause it to stop being tracked properly.
    • see test vid 1: 4:26 - 4:28, 6:04 - 6:06, 11:21 - 11:23, 12:58 - 13:00
    • Increasing interval between frames seems to help deal with these gaps
  • Produces about 680MB of intermediate data per 15 min video processed, mostly in background images.
    • These are not used after object detection, so the anomaly detection part can be re-ran with different hyperparameters without them.
  • Currently the detector was trained on the COCO dataset. The detector in the paper was trained on UA-DETRAC and VisDrone, with a gaussian blur applied. It should be fine tuned on these datasets.
  • Much of the code on the paper's github just does not work. Most of it is full of errors, and does not reflect the algorithm in the paper.
  • test vid 11: doesnt pick up on stopped car, but does when the repair van comes. Seems to work even with large camera movements. Seems to detect anomaly when brightness is increased. see 7:22
  • test vid 6: Seems to be detecting the car fine, but there are periods of large drops in detection scores (see frames 10600-11000)
  • Most of the time, the anomalies happen in the ignored area, so they are not picked up.
    • Reducing the ignore_area_thresh and ignore_score_thresh parameters should help this.
    • There is also the issue of moving anomalies. eg cars swerving off the road/out of camera view.
  • Increasing the interval between detecting frames does not seem to impact performance significantly.
    • Perhaps some sort of adaptive or 2 step detection would work. Run once with a large interval to produce candidate times, then go back with a finer interval to confirm.
  • I want to write the code to run frame by frame, instead of one processing step at a time. This is needed if I want to run the program in a live setting.
  • Background creation is significantly slow.
    • Using SSD detecting every 30 frames: 25 fps, every 4 frames: 19 fps, every 600 frames: 27 fps.
    • Background takes 37ms per frame, detection ~67ms per frame.
    • Potential solution: change bg modelling so it only calculates every x frames, instead of calulating every frame and yielding every x frames.
    • Problem was actually a bottleneck in reading images
      • Changed VideoReader to work on a separate thread, and only decode images that it actually needs.
      • Sped up process by ~4x
    • Moving calulations to GPU was actually slower, running on CPU was significantly faster
  • Using HTC model is ~450ms per frame. A 15 min video takes ~55mins to process at bg_interval=4, ~9mins at bg_interval=30


My implementation of the vehicle anomaly detection from






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