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adampresley edited this page Apr 28, 2012 · 2 revisions

Welcome! This Getting Started wiki will help guide you through your first foray into CFLogParser. CFLogParser is a ColdFusion log file parser useful for aggregating and searching through JRun log files, especially when there are a lot of them.


To begin download the ZIP file here at Github. The ZIP contains the executable JAR files as well as the source code, though the JAR files will be what you need to run CFLogParser. You will also need either the Oracle Java 6+ JDK, or OpenJDK 6+. You must also ensure that the Java executable is in your system's path so you can run it from the command line. For information on how to set your system path variable see Oracle's PATH and CLASSPATH article. To ensure that all work, open (or re-open) a command line/terminal and type

$ java -version

If you see some version information about Java you've done it right. Congratulate yourself. The primary files you need are in the dist folder from the downloaded ZIP file. You should see a number of JAR files in there, including cflogparser.jar. That is the exeecutable JAR we will end up using. This wiki will assume you have placed the contents of this ZIP into /opt/cflogparser. Now you can test if the app runs.

$ java -jar /opt/cflogparser/dist/cflogparser.jar

If you see a big message telling you what arguments are expected, more congratulations are in order.

Next: Using CFLogParser

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