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A Bau plugin for running MSBuild files.

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> scriptcs -install Bau.MSBuild -pre



// execute the default version of MSBuild using default arguments and switches
// execute a specific version of MSBuild using custom arguments and switches
bau.MSBuild("build").Do(msb =>
    msb.MSBuildVersion = "net45";
    msb.MSBuildArchitecture = ProcessorArchitecture.X86;
    msb.Solution = solution;
    msb.Targets = new[] { "Clean", "Build", };
    msb.Properties = new { Configuration = "Release" };

Properties and arguments

  • MSBuildVersion string: The version of MSBuild to use. Defaults to vs12. For a version which ships with Visual Studio 2013 or later, you can use a Visual Studio identifier, e.g. for Visual Studio 2013, use vs12 or vs2013. For older versions which shipped with .NET framework releases, use a NuGet style framework identifier, e.g. net45.

  • MSBuildArchitecture System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture: Controls whether the 64-bit or 32-bit version of MSBuild is used. The default (None/MSIL) is the version matching the current OS. IA64 and Arm are not supported.

  • WorkingDirectory string

  • Solution a.k.a ProjectFile string: The solution or project to build. If not set, the default MSBuild behaviour occurs (see MSBuild Command-Line Reference).


The following properties map directly to MSBuild command line switches. The documentation for each switch is not repeated here. For non-trivial mappings, an explanation is provided.

  • Help bool

  • DetailedSummary bool

  • IgnoreProjectExtensions IEnumerable<string>

  • MaxCpuCount int?: For unlimited CPU usage, set this to -1 or int.MaxValue.

  • NoAutoResponse bool

  • NodeReuse bool?

  • NoLogo bool

  • Preprocess string: To pass the switch with no argument, set this to "" or string.Empty.

  • Properties object: Set this to an instance of an anonymous type. E.g. new { Configuration = "Release", WarningLevel = 2, } will be rendered as the command line switches "/property:Configuration=Release /property:WarningLevel=2".

  • Targets IEnumerable<string>

  • ToolsVersion string

  • Validate string: To pass the switch with no argument, set this to "" or string.Empty.

  • Verbosity Verbosity: Normal (default), Quiet, Minimal, Detailed, Diagnostic.

  • Version bool

  • ResponseFile a.k.a @ string

Switches for loggers

  • ConsoleLoggerParameters ConsoleLoggerParameters: all properties are of type bool with the exception of Verbosity which is of type Verbosity (see above).

  • DistributedFileLogger bool

  • DistributedLoggers IList<DistributedLogger>: DistributedLogger has a CentralLogger Logger and ForwardingLogger Logger.

  • FileLoggers IList<FileLogger>: FileLogger has a Number int and a FileLoggerParameters FileLoggerParameters.

  • Loggers IList<Logger>

  • NoConsoleLogger bool


  • Args string: This can be used to pass undocumented switches or is sometimes useful as a terse alternative to setting the properties described above. The value of Args is appended to the string rendered by any properties which have been set.


A Bau plugin for running MSBuild



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