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LLVM/Clang Library Version Selector Tool

llvm-select is designed to simplify the management of side-by-side installations of multiple versions of the LLVM and Clang development libraries. llvm-select provides the ability to easily build any version of LLVM/Clang from source, and select which installed version is reported to build tools by the llvm-config command.

Installers are available for Windows, macOS, and Linux from the Releases page.



The following tools are required to be in the system PATH:

  • Python 3.x
  • CMake
  • Curl
  • tar under macOS and Linux (under Windows, the slower Python tarfile library is used instead)
  • A C++11-compliant compiler:
    • GCC or Clang under macOS and Linux
    • Either GCC (through MinGW) or Visual Studio under Windows

Under macOS and Linux, if Ninja is available, it will be used to speed up compilation. Due to issues compiling some versions of LLVM/Clang with Ninja under Windows, Ninja is not used under Windows even if it is available.

Installing library versions

To install a new version of the LLVM/Clang libraries, use the following command (sudo is not required under Windows):

sudo llvm-select --install VERSION BULDTYPE

Where VERSION is the desired version number, and BUILDTYPE is one of the supported CMake build types for LLVM:

  • Release (the default if no build type is explicitly specified)
  • Debug
  • RelWithDebInfo
  • MinSizeRel

The requested version will be downloaded and built from source, and installed to the following location:

  • /usr/local/llvm/VERSION-BUILDTYPE under macOS and Linux
  • C:\llvm\versions\VERSION-BUILDTYPE under Windows (if you used the default installation directory when you first ran the installer)

For example, for a release build of LLVM/Clang 3.9.0, the installed location would be /usr/local/llvm/3.9.0-Release or C:\llvm\versions\3.9.0-Release, respectively.

Selecting the active library version

To make a particular version of the LLVM/Clang libraries the "active" one (the one reported by the llvm-config command), use the following command (again, sudo is not required under Windows):

sudo llvm-select VERSION BUILDTYPE

For example, to set the release build of LLVM/Clang 3.9.0 to be the active version, you would use sudo llvm-select 3.9.0-Release.

The mechanism used to redirect llvm-config is platform-specific:

  • Under macOS and Linux, a symlink is created at /usr/local/bin/llvm-config pointing at /usr/local/llvm/VERSION-BUILDTYPE/bin/llvm-config.
  • Under Windows, the batch script C:\llvm\bin\llvm-config.cmd is written to execute C:\llvm\versions\VERSION-BUILDTYPE\bin\llvm-config.exe.

Viewing the list of installed library versions

To view the list of library versions that are currently installed, use the command:

llvm-select --list

Removing an installed library version

To remove a library version that is currently installed, use the command (again, sudo is not required under Windows):

sudo llvm-select --remove VERSION BUILDTYPE

Compatible library versions

The minimum supported version of LLVM/Clang that can be built from source using llvm-select is LLVM 2.6. This is the first release to include the source tarball for Clang.

Generating the installer

To generate the installation package for llvm-select for your platform, simply run the script in the installer directory.

Under macOS and Linux, fpm is required to be in the PATH. fpm will be invoked to generate a .pkg file under macOS, and either a .deb file under Debian-based Linux distributions or an .rpm file under RPM-based Linux distributions.

Under Windows, the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) is required to be in the PATH. (Either the original 32-bit version or the 64-bit version will work.) makensis will be invoked to generate the installer .exe file.


Copyright © 2016, Adam Rehn. Licensed under the MIT License. See the file LICENSE for details.