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Signed-off-by: Adam Smith <>
  • Loading branch information
Adam Smith committed Jan 17, 2012
1 parent 224ddd7 commit eb4b61d
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Showing 6 changed files with 322 additions and 281 deletions.
284 changes: 5 additions & 279 deletions Database/CDB.hs
Expand Up @@ -46,14 +46,15 @@
-- it to @file.cdb.tmp@, and then atomically renaming it over @file.cdb@. This
-- means that readers never need to pause when you're regenerating a CDB.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module Database.CDB (
-- * The @CDB@ type
-- * Classes
-- * Reading interface
Expand All @@ -65,281 +66,6 @@ module Database.CDB (
cdbAddMany) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString.Char8
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.IO.Posix.MMap

-- interface

-- |Internal representation of a CDB file on disk.
data CDB = CDB { cdbMem :: ByteString }

-- |An instance of 'Packable' can be losslessly transformed into a 'ByteString'.
class Packable k where
pack :: k -> ByteString

-- |An instance of 'Unpackable' can be losslessly transformed from a 'ByteString'.
class Unpackable v where
unpack :: ByteString -> v

instance Packable ByteString where
pack = id

instance Unpackable ByteString where
unpack = id

instance Packable [Char] where
pack = ByteString.Char8.pack

instance Unpackable [Char] where
unpack = ByteString.Char8.unpack

instance Packable [Word8] where
pack = ByteString.pack

instance Unpackable [Word8] where
unpack = ByteString.unpack

instance Packable Word32 where
pack n = ByteString.pack $ map fromIntegral
[n .&. 0xFF,
(n `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xFF,
(n `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xFF,
(n `shiftR` 24) .&. 0xFF]

instance Packable (Array Word32 Word32) where
pack t = pack $ ByteString.concat $ map pack $ elems t

-- |Loads a CDB from a file.
cdbInit :: FilePath -> IO CDB
cdbInit f = liftM CDB $ unsafeMMapFile f

-- |Finds the first entry associated with a key in a CDB.
cdbGet :: (Packable k, Unpackable v) => CDB -> k -> Maybe v
cdbGet cdb key = case cdbFind cdb (pack key) of
[] -> Nothing
(x:_) -> return $ unpack $ readData cdb x

-- |Finds all entries associated with a key in a CDB.
cdbGetAll :: (Packable k, Unpackable v) => CDB -> k -> [v]
cdbGetAll cdb key = map (unpack . readData cdb) (cdbFind cdb (pack key))

-- |Returns True if the CDB has a value associated with the given key.
cdbHasKey :: (Packable k) => CDB -> k -> Bool
cdbHasKey cdb key = case cdbFind cdb (pack key) of
[] -> False
_ -> True

-- |Returns the number of values a CDB has for a given key.
cdbCount :: (Packable k) => CDB -> k -> Int
cdbCount cdb key = length $ cdbFind cdb (pack key)

cdbMake :: FilePath -> CDBMake -> IO ()
cdbMake fileName f = do
let tmp = fileName <.> "tmp"
h <- openBinaryFile tmp WriteMode
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (256*8)
initState <- initialMakeState h
cdb <- execStateT f initState
tablesArrays <- unsafeFreeze (cdbstTables cdb)
let tables = elems (tablesArrays :: Array Word8 [CDBSlot])
writeHashTables h tables
hClose h
renameFile tmp fileName

-- |Adds a given key-value pair to a CDB
cdbAdd :: (Packable k, Packable v) => k -> v -> CDBMake
cdbAdd k v = do
let (pk, pv) = (pack k, pack v)
cdbAddSlot pk pv
cdbWriteRecord pk pv

cdbAddMany :: (Packable k, Packable v) => [(k,v)] -> CDBMake
cdbAddMany = mapM_ (uncurry cdbAdd)

-- write implementation

type CDBMake = StateT CDBMakeState IO ()

data CDBMakeState = CDBMakeState {
cdbstHandle :: Handle,
cdbstRecordsEnd :: Word32,
cdbstTables :: IOArray Word8 [CDBSlot]

type CDBSlot = (Word32, Word32)

initialMakeState :: Handle -> IO CDBMakeState
initialMakeState h = do
tables <- newArray (0, 255) []
return CDBMakeState {
cdbstTables = tables,
cdbstRecordsEnd = 256*8,
cdbstHandle = h

-- add a slot to the set of slots
cdbAddSlot :: ByteString -> ByteString -> CDBMake
cdbAddSlot k v = do
let hash = cdbHash k
let tableNum = fromIntegral $ hash `mod` 256
cdb <- get
pointer <- liftIO $ fromIntegral <$> hTell (cdbstHandle cdb)
let tables = cdbstTables cdb
oldTable <- liftIO $ readArray tables tableNum
liftIO $ writeArray tables tableNum $ (hash, pointer):oldTable

cdbWriteRecord :: ByteString -> ByteString -> CDBMake
cdbWriteRecord k v =
let lk = fromIntegral $ ByteString.length k
lv = fromIntegral $ ByteString.length v
record = ByteString.concat [pack lk, pack lv, k, v]
in do
cdb <- get
liftIO $ ByteString.hPut (cdbstHandle cdb) record
put $ cdb { cdbstRecordsEnd = cdbstRecordsEnd cdb + lk + lv + 8 }

-- assumes the Handle is pointing to right after the last record written
writeHashTables :: Handle -> [[CDBSlot]] -> IO ()
writeHashTables h tables = do
tableBase <- fromIntegral <$> hTell h
let bufSize = fromIntegral $ (*4) $ sum (map length tables)
buf <- newArray (0, bufSize-1) 0
bufOffset <- newIORef 0
pointers <- mapM (writeTable buf bufOffset tableBase) tables
ibuf <- unsafeFreeze buf :: IO (Array Word32 Word32)
ByteString.hPut h (pack ibuf)
writePointers h pointers

writeTable :: IOUArray Word32 Word32 ->
IORef Word32 ->
Word32 ->
[CDBSlot] ->
IO (Word32, Word32)
writeTable buf bufOffset tableBase table = do
-- compute the number of slots
-- twice the number of actual entries to help prevent collision
let tableLength = length table * 2
pointer <- readIORef bufOffset
-- write the slots in the order they came in
mapM_ (writeSlot buf pointer tableLength) (reverse table)
writeIORef bufOffset $ pointer + fromIntegral tableLength * 2
return (pointer * 4 + tableBase, fromIntegral tableLength)

writeSlot :: IOUArray Word32 Word32 -> Word32 -> Int -> CDBSlot -> IO ()
writeSlot buf bufOffset tableLength (hash, pointer) = do
ibuf <- unsafeFreeze buf
let slot = findEmptySlot ibuf bufOffset tableLength hash
writeArray buf slot hash
writeArray buf (slot+1) pointer

findEmptySlot :: Array Word32 Word32 -> Word32 -> Int -> Word32 -> Word32
findEmptySlot buf bufOffset tl hash =
let tl' = fromIntegral tl
searchStart = bufOffset + (hash `div` 256 `mod` tl') * 2
indices = [searchStart, searchStart + 2..(tl'-1)*2] ++
[0, 2..searchStart - 2]
maybeSlot = find (isEmptySlot buf) indices
(error "fatal internal error: could not find empty slot in table")

isEmptySlot :: Array Word32 Word32 -> Word32 -> Bool
isEmptySlot buf i = (buf ! (i+1)) == 0

writePointers :: Handle -> [(Word32, Word32)] -> IO ()
writePointers h pointers = do
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek 0
mapM_ (\(pointer, tableLength) -> do ByteString.hPut h (pack pointer)
ByteString.hPut h (pack tableLength))

-- read implementation

substr :: ByteString -> Int -> Int -> ByteString
substr bs i n = ByteString.take n (snd $ ByteString.splitAt i bs)

cdbRead32 :: CDB -> Word32 -> Word32
cdbRead32 cdb i =
bytesToWord $ ByteString.unpack $ substr (cdbMem cdb) (fromIntegral i) 4

bytesToWord :: [Word8] -> Word32
bytesToWord = foldr (\x y -> (y `shiftL` 8) .|. fromIntegral x) 0

tableLength :: CDB -> Word8 -> Word32
tableLength cdb n = cdb `cdbRead32` ((fromIntegral n * 8) + 4)

tableOffset :: CDB -> Word8 -> Word32
tableOffset cdb n = cdb `cdbRead32` (fromIntegral n * 8)

-- gets the hash value for a key
cdbHash :: ByteString -> Word32
cdbHash =
foldl' (\h c -> ((h `shiftL` 5) + h) `xor` fromIntegral c) 5381 .

-- finds the indices of hash table entries for a given key
cdbFind :: CDB -> ByteString -> [Word32]
cdbFind cdb key =
let hash = cdbHash key
tableNum = fromIntegral $ hash `mod` 256
tl = tableLength cdb tableNum
if tl == 0
then []
let slotNum = hash `div` 256 `mod` tl
linearSearch slotNum = case probe cdb tableNum slotNum of
Just (recordOffset, hash') ->
let nextSlot = (slotNum + 1) `mod` tl in
if hash == hash' && key == readKey cdb recordOffset
then recordOffset : linearSearch nextSlot
else linearSearch nextSlot
Nothing -> []
linearSearch slotNum

-- returns a tuple (offset, hash) if the slot contains anything
probe :: CDB -> Word8 -> Word32 -> Maybe (Word32, Word32)
probe cdb tableNum slotNum =
let offset = tableOffset cdb tableNum + (slotNum * 8)
recordOffset = cdb `cdbRead32` (offset + 4)
if recordOffset == 0 then Nothing
else return (recordOffset, cdb `cdbRead32` offset)

readKey :: CDB -> Word32 -> ByteString
readKey cdb offset =
let len = cdb `cdbRead32` offset in
substr (cdbMem cdb) (fromIntegral $ offset + 8) (fromIntegral len)

readData :: CDB -> Word32 -> ByteString
readData cdb offset =
let keyLen = cdb `cdbRead32` offset
dataLen = cdb `cdbRead32` (offset + 4)
substr (cdbMem cdb) (fromIntegral $ offset + 8 + keyLen)
(fromIntegral dataLen)
import Database.CDB.Read
import Database.CDB.Write
import Database.CDB.Packable
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions Database/CDB/Packable.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module Database.CDB.Packable (
) where

import Data.Array
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString.Char8
import Data.Word

-- |An instance of 'Packable' can be losslessly transformed into a 'ByteString'.
class Packable k where
pack :: k -> ByteString

-- |An instance of 'Unpackable' can be losslessly transformed from a 'ByteString'.
class Unpackable v where
unpack :: ByteString -> v

instance Packable ByteString where
pack = id

instance Unpackable ByteString where
unpack = id

instance Packable [Char] where
pack = ByteString.Char8.pack

instance Unpackable [Char] where
unpack = ByteString.Char8.unpack

instance Packable [Word8] where
pack = ByteString.pack

instance Unpackable [Word8] where
unpack = ByteString.unpack

instance Packable Word32 where
pack n = ByteString.pack $ map fromIntegral
[n .&. 0xFF,
(n `shiftR` 8) .&. 0xFF,
(n `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xFF,
(n `shiftR` 24) .&. 0xFF]

instance Packable (Array Word32 Word32) where
pack t = pack $ ByteString.concat $ map pack $ elems t

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