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Roomguru is an open source app for managing meetings in your busy working day. It uses Google resource calendars for representing rooms. Google account is required to authenticate with application. Google app has to be created in Google apps to obtain application identifier.

You can also read our blog post Introducing: Roomguru Open Source Swift App!

App is under MIT license.



Roomguru requires Google app set up in Google apps service. You will also need resource calendars to use this app.


All you have to do to build & run Roomguru is to follow 9 simple steps:

  1. Clone project git clone

  2. Create the Google Developers Console project according to step 1. Bundle ID depends on project build configuration:

    • Staging: co.netguru.roomguru.staging
    • Development: co.netguru.roomguru
    • Production: co.netguru.roomguru
    • Test: co.netguru.roomguru

    If you wish to change it, go to Roomguru target: Build settings -> User Defined -> BUNDLE_ID.

  3. Copy Constants_Sample.swift as Constants.swift in project root directory: cd Roomguru/Source\ Files/ && cp Constants_Sample.swift Constants.swift

  4. Rename struct within Constants.swift file to Constants. You can remove Constants_Sample.swift now.

  5. If you want store keys on your own repository, remove Constants.swift from .gitignore.

  6. Copy received ClientID from Google and paste it to Constants -> GooglePlus -> ClientID.

  7. If you wish to distribute Roomguru via HockeyApp copy App ID from Hockey and paste to Constants -> HockeyApp -> ClientID.

  8. Run carthage update and pod install.

  9. Build & Run. Enjoy!


We're not providing any distribution channel for Roomguru. If you want to use our app in your team, we have nothing against it, however we can't provide you with any service to distribute it.

We recommend to use Hockey App, Testflight or Apple Enterprise accounts. You can also install Roomguru on your colleagues' devices using Xcode - the hard way.


You're more than welcome to contribute. Report issue if you:

  • found a problem,
  • want to ask question,
  • have improvement proposal.


Copyright © 2014 - 2015 Netguru