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New CentOS 6 Server Configuration developed for use with Virtual machine cloning

adamtheis edited this page Feb 3, 2014 · 1 revision

#this script is for speeding up new server deployment in a virtual environment.
#after cloning a base image run this as root from the console to setup networking and security.
#this script assumes the base image has IPTables with rules, and AIDE database already installed.
#Check the yum install lines for updates to package names.
#First Run script to set network and hostname with iptables ssh access, Join Domain, Check and configure AIDE database
#Define base files and prepare for default files
#Setup for menu choice
echo “New Server Config for network and hostname with iptables ssh access, Join Domain, Check and configure AIDE database”
echo “Please Select from the following options”
echo ""
mainmenuoptions=(“Network Config” “Domain Config” “AIDE Setup” “Quit”)
mainmenuoptionsprompt=’Please enter your choice or hit [ENTER] for menu: ’

networkoptions=(“Enter All” “Mac Address” “IP Address” “Subnet Mask” “Default Gateway” “Hostname” “View All” “Commit to Changes” “Back”)
networkoptionsprompt=’Select Network Component or [ENTER] for menu: ’

domainoptions=(“Edit Domain” “Join Domain” “View Domain” “Back”)
domainoptionsprompt=’Press [ENTER] for Menu to configure Domain options: ’

aideoptions=(“Check AIDE” “Reset AIDE” “Back”)
aideoptionsprompt=’Press [ENTER] for Menu to check or reset AIDE database: ’

select mainopt in “${mainmenuoptions[@]}”
case $mainopt in
“Network Config”)
#take care entering information the script has limited error correction and checking
select networkopt in “${networkoptions[@]}”
case $networkopt in
“Enter All”)
echo "Enter MAC address from virtual adapter in the form 11:22:33:44:55:66 and press [ENTER]: "
read macaddress
echo "Enter desired IP Addres in the form and press [ENTER]: "
read ipaddress
echo "Enter subnet mask in the form and press [ENTER]: "
read netmask
echo "Enter Default Gateway Address in the form and press [ENTER]: "
read gwaddress
echo "enter HOSTNAME and press [ENTER]: "
read hostname
MAC Address”)
echo “Mac Address will be set to $macaddress Enter new MAC Address in the format 11:22:33:44:55:66”
read macaddress
“IP Address”)
echo “Current Address is $ipaddress Enter new IP Address in the format”
read ipaddress
“Subnet Mask”)
echo “Current Netmask is $netmask Enter new Subnetmask in the format”
read netmask
“Default Gateway”)
echo “Current Gateway address is $gwaddress Enter new Default Gateway Address e.g.”
read gwaddress
echo " Current Hostname is $hostname Enter new HOSTNAME "
read hostname
“View All”)
echo "
2) MAC Address = $macaddress
3) IPAddress = $ipaddress
4) Subnet Mask = $netmask
5) Default Gateway = $gwaddress
6) Hostname = $hostname "
“Commit to Changes”)
echo "

The following data will be written to the relevant system files

MAC Address = $macaddress
IPAddress = $ipaddress
Subnet Mask = $netmask
Default Gateway = $gwaddress
Hostname = $hostname
echo “Now writing inputs to files”
#setup the network card ifcfg-eth0
echo ‘DEVICE=“eth0”’ > $interface
echo ‘HWADDR="’$macaddress’"’ | tr ‘[:lower:]’ ‘[:upper:]’ >> $interface
echo ‘NM_CONTROLLED=“no”’ >> $interface
echo ‘ONBOOT=“yes”’ >> $interface
echo ‘BOOTPROTO=static’ >> $interface
echo ‘IPADDR=’$ipaddress >> $interface
echo ‘NETMASK=’$netmask >> $interface
echo ‘GATEWAY=’$gwaddress >> $interface

#set the hostname echo ‘NETWORKING=yes’ > $network echo ‘HOSTNAME=’$hostname >> $network echo ‘NETWORKING_IPV6=no’ >> $network echo ‘IPV6INIT=no’ >> $network echo ‘IPV6_AUTOCONF=no’ >> $network #Configure IPtables for ssh access sed -i “s/$ipaddress/g” $iptables #restart the services service iptables restart service network restart hostname $hostname echo “data written to the following files” echo $interface cat $interface echo "" echo $network cat $network echo "" echo $iptables cat $iptables | grep eth0 echo "" ;; “Back”) clear PS3=$mainmenuoptionsprompt break ;;
  • echo invalid option;;
    “Domain Config”)
    #To join an active directory controlled domain
    select domainopt in “${domainoptions[@]}”
    case $domainopt in
“Edit Domain”) echo “Enter Domain you wish to join and press [ENTER] :” read domain echo “Enter Windows Workgroup you wish to join and press [ENTER] :” read workgroup echo “Enter Domain Admin account to join to the domain with :” read domainadmin echo “Enter Primary Domain Controller FQDN :” read pdcfqdn echo “Enter Primary Domain Controller IP Address :” read pdcip REALM=$(echo $domain | tr ‘[:lower:]’ ‘[:upper:]’ )


“Join Domain”) #configure the hosts file ip=$(ifconfig | gawk ’ /^[a-z]/ {interface = $1} interface == “eth0” && match($0, /^.*inet addr:([.0-9]+)/, a) { print a1 exit } ’) hostname=${HOSTNAME?} if grep “$ip $hostname.$domain $hostname” $hosts then echo “Hosts file already configured, skipping this part.” else sed -i “1a\\${ip} ${hostname}”.“${domain} ${hostname}” $hosts fi sed -i “2a\\$pdcip $pdcfqdn” $hosts #configure resolv.conf file if grep “search $pdcfqdn” $resolv then echo “resolv.conf file already configured, skipping this part.” else sed -i “1a\\search $pdcfqdn” $resolv fi echo “Installing required software and then joining the domain” yum install -y pam_krb5 samba-winbind-krb5-locator krb5-libs samba nscd authconfig authconfig —enableshadow \ —enablemd5 \ —enablekrb5 \ —krb5kdc=$domain \ —krb5adminserver=$pdcfqdn \ —krb5realm=$REALM \ —enablekrb5kdcdns \ —enablekrb5realmdns \ —smbservers=$pdcfqdn \ —smbworkgroup=$workgroup \ —enablewinbind \ —enablewinbindauth \ —smbsecurity=ads \ —smbrealm=$REALM \ —winbindtemplateshell=/bin/bash \ —enablewinbindusedefaultdomain \ —enablewinbindoffline \ —winbindjoin=$domainadmin \ —enablecache \ —enablelocauthorize \ —enablepamaccess \ —enablemkhomedir \ —disablesysnetauth \ —kickstart pamhomedir1=“session optional” pamhomedir2=“session optional umask=0077” sed -ir s/‘auth requisite uid >= 500 quiet’/‘auth requisite user ingroup linuxadmin debug’/g $passauth if grep “$pamhomedir1” “$passauth” then echo “homedir config already exist, skipping this part.” else echo $pamhomedir2 >> $passauth fi if grep “$pamhomedir2” “$passauth” then echo “homedir config already exist, skipping this part.” else sed -ir “s/$pamhomedir1/$pamhomedir2/g” $passauth fi chkconfig winbind on chkconfig smb on service smb restart service winbind restart echo ‘Removing “sysadmin” account, you will need been to be a member of the “linuxadmin” group in ’$domain’ to access this server through ssh, the root account is unaffected.’ userdel sysadmin echo “The domain has been joined you must Restart the server to use new settings for Active Directory ssh access” echo “Manually check the $hosts and $resolv files for errors as this will affect network operations” ;; “View Domain”) echo “Domain details” echo "

Domain to Join = $domain
Workgroup to Join = $workgroup
Domain Admin Account = $domainadmin
Primary Domain Controller = $pdcfqdn
REALM to Join = $REALM

“Back”) clear PS3=$mainmenuoptionsprompt break ;;
  • echo invalid option;;
AIDE Setup”) clear #auto configure the AIDE security setup PS3=$aideoptionsprompt select aideopt in “${aideoptions[@]}” do case $aideopt in “Check AIDE”) clear #test aide config and db – should return no conflicts echo “Checking The AIDE Database, this may take a few more minutes” /usr/sbin/aide —check ;; “Reset AIDE”) clear echo “Building The AIDE Database, this may take a few minutes” #AIDE config and db Setup #Generate a new database: /usr/sbin/aide —init #Install the newly-generated database: cp /var/lib/aide/ /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz #test aide config and db – should return no conflicts echo “Checking The AIDE Database, this may take a few more minutes” /usr/sbin/aide —check ;; “Back”) clear PS3=$mainmenuoptionsprompt break ;;
  • echo invalid option;;
“Quit”) exit 0 ;;
  • echo invalid option;;