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Repository for "MAP-Elites with Descriptor-Conditioned Gradients and Archive Distillation into a Single Policy" (GECCO 2023).

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Descriptor-Conditioned Gradients MAP-Elites

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DCG-MAP-Elites-AI builds upon PGA-MAP-Elites algorithm and introduces three key contributions:

  1. The Policy Gradient variation operator is enhanced with a descriptor-conditioned critic that reconciles diversity search with gradient-based methods coming from reinforcement learning.
  2. As a by-product of the critic's training, a descriptor-conditioned actor is trained, at no additional cost, distilling the knowledge of the population into one single versatile policy that can execute a diversity of high-performing behaviors.
  3. In turn, we exploit the descriptor-conditioned actor by injecting it in the population, despite network architecture differences.

This repository builds on top of the QDax framework and includes four baselines and three ablation studies:



  • DCG-MAP-Elites GECCO
  • DCG-MAP-Elites without Actor Injection
  • DCG-MAP-Elites without a Descriptor-Conditioned Actor


To run this code, you need to clone the repository and install the required libraries with:

git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt

However, we recommend using a containerized environment with Apptainer.


We provide an Apptainer/Singularity Definition file, to run the source code in a containerized environment in which all the experiments and figures can be reproduced. In the following, make sure you are at the root of the cloned repository.

To build a container using Apptainer/Singularity, use the provided apptainer/container.def file:

apptainer build --fakeroot --force --sandbox apptainer/container.sif apptainer/container.def

Then, you can run a shell within the container with:

apptainer shell --pwd /project/ --bind $(pwd):/project/ --cleanenv --containall --home /tmp/ --no-home --nv --workdir --writable apptainer/ apptainer/container.sif"

Run main experiments

To run any algorithms <algo>, on any environments <env>:

  1. Build a container
  2. Run a shell within the container, as explained in the previous section
  3. In /project/, run python env=<env> algo=<algo> seed=$RANDOM num_iterations=4000 to run for 1,024,000 evaluations
  4. During training, the metrics, visualizations and plots of performance can be found in real time in the output/ directory

For example, to run DCG-MAP-Elites-AI on Ant Omni:

python env=ant_omni algo=dcg_me seed=$RANDOM num_iterations=4000

The configurations for all algorithms and all environments can be found in the configs/ directory. Alternatively, they can be modified directly in the command line. For example, to increase num_critic_training_steps to 5000 in PGA-MAP-Elites, you can run:

python env=walker2d_uni algo=pga_me seed=$RANDOM num_iterations=4000 algo.num_critic_training_steps=5000

Run reproducibility experiments

The reproducibility experiments load the saved archives from the main experiment (see previous section) and evaluate the expected QD score, expected distance to descriptor and expected max fitness of the populations of the different algorithms.

⚠️ Before running a reproducibility experiment, the main experiment for the corresponding environment and algorithm should be completed.

For example, to evaluate the reproducibility for QD-PG on AntTrap Omni, run:

python env_name=anttrap_omni algo_name=qd_pg

The results will be saved in the output/reproducibility/ directory.


Once all the experiments are completed, any figures from the paper can be replicated with the scripts in the analysis/ directory.

  • Figure 1: analysis/
  • Figure 2: analysis/
  • Figure 3: analysis/
  • Figure 4: analysis/
  • Figure 5: analysis/


Once all the experiments are completed, any p-values from the paper can be replicated with the script analysis/


Repository for "MAP-Elites with Descriptor-Conditioned Gradients and Archive Distillation into a Single Policy" (GECCO 2023).







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