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REST style API for Interlok.


  • As of 3.10.1 this will add a mapped diagnostic context entry of WorkflowHealthCheckComponent against the key ManagementComponent; you can use this to filter your log file.

Allows you to see a status (started, stopped, etc) of all Interlok channels and workflows in JSON form.


Drop the interlok-workflow-rest-services.jar built from this project in to your Interlok lib directory, then modify your to make sure the managementComponents property contains all of "jetty", "jmx" and "health-check".


Optionally, you can also set the property named, which directly affects the REST API URL path. The default value is; "/workflow-health-check/*".


There are 3 modes of operation a health-check, a liveness probe and a readiness probe.

HealthCheck mode

curl -si http://localhost:8080/workflow-health-check
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: Jetty(9.4.29.v20200521)


This will return a JSON array, with all of your adapter, channel and workflow states. A state, can be one of either; StartedState, InitialisedState, StoppedState or ClosedState. For example:

    "adapters": [{
        "adapter-state": {
            "id": "MyInterlokInstance",
            "state": "StartedState",
            "channel-states": [{
                "channel-state": [{
                    "id": "jetty1",
                    "state": "StartedState",
                    "workflow-states": [{
                        "workflow-state": {
                            "id": "jetty-workflow",
                            "state": "StartedState"
                        "workflow-state": {
                            "id": "another-workflow",
                            "state": "StartedState"
                }, {
                    "id": "jetty2(not-started)",
                    "state": "ClosedState",
                    "workflow-states": [{
                        "workflow-state": {
                            "id": "jetty-workflow",
                            "state": "ClosedState"
                }, {
                    "id": "jetty3",
                    "state": "StartedState",
                    "workflow-states": [{
                        "workflow-state": {
                            "id": "jetty-workflow",
                            "state": "StartedState"

Liveness probe

  • From 3.10.2
$ curl -si http://localhost:8080/workflow-health-check/alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: Jetty(9.4.29.v20200521)

This just returns a 200 OK, indicating that the Interlok instance considers itself alive. Alive does not mean useful. There is no response data in the event of a 200 OK.

Readiness probe

  • From 3.10.2
$ curl -si http://localhost:8080/workflow-health-check/ready
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Server: Jetty(9.4.29.v20200521)

{"failure": "jetty2(not-started) is not started"}

This returns a 200 OK if all the channels and workflows are started; otherwise a 503 Unavailable is returned. There is no response data in the event of a 200 OK; in the event of a 503 Unavailable only the first component that was "not-started" will be reported to shortcut response times.

Cluster Manager

  • As of 3.10.1 this will add a mapped diagnostic context entry of ClusterManagerComponent against the key ManagementComponent; you can use this to filter your log file.

Allows you to see a full list of known Interlok cluster instances in this instances cluster; JSON formatted.


Drop the interlok-workflow-rest-services.jar built from this project in to your Interlok lib directory, then modify your to make sure the managementComponents property contains all of "jetty", "jmx, "cluster", " and "cluster-rest".


The cluster component enables basic clustering, cluster-rest enables querying of the known instances.

Optionally, you can also set the property named rest.cluster-manager.path, which directly affects the REST API URL path. The default value is; "/cluster-manager/*".


Using your favourite HTTP GET/POST tool, make a GET request to the running Interlok instance;

http GET http://<host>:<port>/cluster-manager

This will return a JSON array, with all of the known cluster instances.

Below is an example of the resulting JSON.

  "java.util.Collection": [
      "com.adaptris.mgmt.cluster.ClusterInstance": {
        "cluster-uuid": "97015aa0-f9b8-4bd1-93fb-01922b827d08",
        "jmx-address": "service:jmx:jmxmp://localhost:5555",
        "unique-id": "MyInterlokInstance"

Workflow Rest Services

  • As of 3.10.1 this will add a mapped diagnostic context entry of WorkflowServicesComponent against the key ManagementComponent; you can use this to filter your log file.


Drop the interlok-workflow-rest-services.jar built from this project in to your Interlok lib directory along with the following interlok-jmx.jar and interlok-jmx-client.jar.

Then modify your to make sure the managementComponents property contains all of "jetty", "jmx" and "rest".


The API definition

There is a single http GET API endpoint that will return an OpenApi 3.0.1 API definition.

You can reach this definition with a HTTP GET to the root url of ; http://<host>:<port>/workflow-services/

The definition is dynamically built in OpenApi 3.0.1 yaml format to include all of your Interlok workflows; a brief example;

openapi: 3.0.1
  title: Interlok Workflow REST services
  description: A REST entry point into your Interlok workflows.
  version: "1.0"
  - url: 'http://yourhost:yourport'
      description: Post your message directly into your Interlok workflow.
              type: string
                value: MyMessageContent
          description: The response content after your workflow has processed the incoming message.
                type: string
                  value: MyMessageResponseContent
        - url: 'http://yourhost:yourport'
      - url: 'http://yourhost:yourport'

By pointing an OpenApi 3.0.1 tool, such as swagger to the definition url you can visualize the full API available for this instance of Interlok.

Injecting your messages into your Interlok workflows

In true restful style you will POST to the base url with all of the Interlok instance id, channel id and workflow id built into the full url;


The Interlok message content will be drawn from the body of your POST request.

Any http headers will be converted into Interlok message metadata.

If your message was successfully submitted to the workflow then you will get a http status 200 code response with the updated content as the body of the response.

Should your request fail or cause an error, you will receive a http status 400 code along with details of the error in the body of the response.