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HBox is a haskell 'shell' experiment for use with ghci.

	cabal sandbox init
	cabal install --only-dependencies
	cabal build

some commands after you cabal repl:

todo: cabal 1.18 - sandbox


:show bindings
:def name (\var -> return $ ":! links " ++ var)

multiline comments:


import Control.Monad
import Data.String
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Directory
import System.Posix.Temp
import System.Posix.Env
import System.Posix.Unistd
import System.Posix.Signals
import System.Posix.User
import System.Posix.Process
import GHC.IO.Handle

-- let columns = mapM_ print
let columns' a = forM_ a print
let cat = readFile
let stat = getFileStatus
let mkdir = createDirectory
let rmdir = removeDirectory
let dir = getDirectoryContents
let pwd = getCurrentDirectory
let cp = copyFile
let renameir = renameDirectory
let rename = renameFile
let mv = rename
let touch = createFile
let touch = touchFile
let cd = setCurrentDirectory
let mktemp = mkstemp
let env = getEnvironment
let truncate = setFileSize
let kill = signalProcess
let idu = getRealUserID
let idg = getRealGroupID

turn some of these into functions using flag, to pass args: mv -f ... .. also to see if string is dir or file, and choose appropriate action

let (>) = writeFile
let (>>) = appendFile
let (<) = readFile
let (<<) = getLine
let f =<< x = x >>= f

ls -al -> getPermissons "/etc/motd"
chmod -> setPermissions ..
getModificationTime "/tmp/hi"
canonicalizePath "hi" -> /tmp/hi

for uname:

for ln -s:

for chmod:

for id:
	getRealUserID, getGroupEntryForID, getUserEntryForID

$$ = getProcessID

getProcessTimes -> for process stats, times()

fork and read output:
(_, Just hout, _, _) <- createProcess (proc "id" []){ std_out = CreatePipe}
-- hout
hGetContents hout

simple way to pipe a process's stdout to returnable data:
readProcess "date" [] []

wc -l
	liftM (length . lines) $ readFile "/etc/motd"
	cat "/etc/hosts" >>= return . length . lines
	length . lines <$> cat "/etc/hosts"

wc -w
	liftM (length . words) $ readFile "/etc/motd"
	cat "/etc/hosts" >>= return . length . words
	length . words <$> cat "/etc/hosts"

wc -c
	liftM length $ readFile "/etc/motd"
	cat "/etc/hosts" >>= return . length
	length <$> cat "/etc/hosts"

head -n N file
	readFile "/etc/motd" >>= return . take 2 . lines >>= return . join
	liftM (take 1) $ liftM lines $ readFile "/etc/motd"
	cat "/etc/motd" >>= return . unlines . take 2 . lines
	unlines . take 2 . lines <$> cat "/etc/hosts"

head -c N file
	readFile "/etc/motd" >>= return . take 2
	take 2 <$> readFile "/etc/motd"

head -w N file
	cat "/etc/motd" >>= return . unwords . take 1 . words
	unwords . take 1 . words <$> cat "/etc/motd"

tail -n N file
	readFile "/etc/motd" >>= return . take 3 . reverse .  lines
	cat "/etc/motd" >>= return . unlines . take 2 . reverse . lines
	unlines . reverse . take2 . unlines <$> cat "/etc/motd"

tail -c N file
	readFile "/etc/motd" >>= return . take 3 . reverse
	(return . take 2) =<< cat "/etc/motd"
	take 2 <$> cat "/etc/motd"

rev file
	readFile "/etc/motd" >>= return . reverse
	(return . reverse) =<< cat "/etc/hosts"

tac file
	readFile "/etc/motd" >>= return . reverse . lines
	(return . reverse . lines) =<< cat "/etc/hosts"
	reverse . lines <$> cat "/etc/hosts"

exec args
	import System.Process
	createProcess $ shell "ls -al"
	callCommand "ls"
	callProcess "ls" ["-al"]
	x <- executeFile "id" True [] Nothing

sort file
	readFile "/etc/motd" >>= return . sort
	sort <$> cat "/etc/motd"
	cat "/etc/motd" <$$> sort

sort -r file
	readFile "/etc/motd" >>= return . reverse . sort
	reverse . sort <$$> cat "/etc/motd"
	cat "/etc/motd" <$$> reverse . sort

touch file
	import System.Posix
	touchFile "/tmp/ok"

> file
	import System.IO
	writeFile "/tmp/q" "qqqq"

>> file
	import System.IO
	appendFile "/tmp/q" "zzzz"

< reverse pipe

	cat "/etc/motd" >>= (>) "/tmp/oogg"
	cat "/etc/motd" >>= (>>) "/tmp/oogg"
	print =<< cat "/etc/motd"
	(return . reverse) =<< cat "/etc/motd"

[ -f <file> ]
	import System.Posix.Files
	fileExist "/etc/hosts"

	import System.Directory
	doesFileExist "/etc/hosts"

[ -d <dir> ]
	import System.Directory
	doesDirectoryExist "/etc/hosts"

size of file:
	(print . fileSize) =<< getFileStatus "/tmp/q"

cool stuff:

cat "/etc/hosts" >>= return . unlines . take 2 . reverse . lines >>= (>) "/tmp/poop"
cat "/etc/hosts" <$$> unlines . take 2 . reverse . lines

parse w for users:
readProcess "w" [] [] >>= return . map head . drop 2 . map words . lines
(return . map head . drop 2 . map words . lines) =<< readProcess "w" [] []
(map head . drop 2 . map words . lines) `fmap` readProcess "w" [] []
map head . drop 2 . map words . lines <$> readProcess "w" [] []

parse yes, forever:
(_, Just hout, _, _) <- createProcess (proc "yes" ["hello"]) { std_out = CreatePipe }
forever $ (hGetLine hout >>= return . reverse >>= print)

import Data.List.Split
readFile "/etc/motd" >>= return . split (oneOf "\n")

let f (x:(xs)) = x


mkdir ["-p","/dosfksdof","/dofksdo","/tmp/ogdfdfg","/tmp/foo/bar/lul/z/bing/boop/dfogkfo/dgdgdfgdffdgdfgdf/dofkgfodkgdfo/dd","-m0o00666"]

liftM (filter (`notElem` [".",".."])) (dir ".")

liftM (filter (\x -> (length x) < 5)) $ dir "/etc/"

let z = liftM (map ("/tmp/" ++)) $ dir "/tmp"
liftM length z
liftM mtime $ liftM (!! 2) z

cd "/tmp"
cd =<< (~/)

globs "/tmp/a*" >>= return . map (\x -> x ++ "_dir") >>= mkdir

globs "/tmp/a*" <$$> map (\x -> x ++ "_dir2") >>= mkdir

globs "/tmp/a*"

reverse $ fsToString $ stat $ fromJust z

ghc: *Main> mtime "/tm"
R {who = "/tm", ret = Nothing, ex = Just /tm: getFileStatus: does not exist (No such file or directory)}
*Main> mtime "/tmp/o"
R {who = "/tmp/o", ret = Just 2014-01-22 01:51:53 UTC, ex = Nothing}
*Main> mtime' ["/tm","/tmp/o"]
ghc: [R {who = "/tm", ret = Nothing, ex = Just /tm: getFileStatus: does not exist (No such file or directory)},R {who = "/tmp/o", ret = Just 2014-01-22 01:51:53 UTC, ex = Nothing}]
ghc: *Main> forM_ it print
R {who = "/tm", ret = Nothing, ex = Just /tm: getFileStatus: does not exist (No such file or directory)}
R {who = "/tmp/o", ret = Just 2014-01-22 01:51:53 UTC, ex = Nothing}
*Main> mtime "/tm" <$$> who
ghc: "/tm"
ghc: *Main> x <- mtime "/tmp/o"
*Main> x
R {who = "/tmp/o", ret = Just 2014-01-22 01:51:53 UTC, ex = Nothing}
*Main> X x
X {getX = R {who = "/tmp/o", ret = Just 2014-01-22 01:51:53 UTC, ex = Nothing}}
*Main> getX $ it
R {who = "/tmp/o", ret = Just 2014-01-22 01:51:53 UTC, ex = Nothing}
ghc: *Main>
ghc: i should change that to unX, instead of getX
ghc: ok does that make any sense............
ghc: HEH
ghc: then i have shit like, type RDir = R String (Maybe Bool) (Maybe IOError)
ghc: type RMtime ...
ghc: gn

*Main> mtime' ["/tmp/o","/t"] >>= mapM_ (print . who)

*Main> mtime' ["/tmp/o","/t"] >>= mapM_ (\x -> print $ who x ++ " -> " ++ (show $ ex x))
"/tmp/o -> Nothing"
"/t -> Just /t: getFileStatus: does not exist (No such file or directory)"

conn <- connect defaultConnectInfo
(Right x) <- runRedis conn $ do get $ B.pack "hey"
fromJust it

l <- readProcess "ps" ["-e","-o","comm,pid"] "" >>= return . lines >>= return . liftM words >>= return . filter (\x -> head x `elem` ["sleep"])

kill $ [ x !! 1 | x <- l ]

p <- con ""
run p "darqios" $ do x <- allDatabases ; y <- allCollections ; return (x, y)
run p "darqios" $ findOne $ [] "test2"
run p "darqios" (findOne $ [] "test2") >>= \(Right a) -> return a

r <- rcon "" 6379
rcmd r $ Database.Redis.keys "*"
Right ["pwn:static","hi","pwn:body","hey","PING","O","pwn:global","Y"]

runScotty 9911 (get ":/word" $ do param "word" >>= html)


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