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I use surf as my web browser on Gentoo Linux.

First see:

All changes i make are preceded by comments starting with "ada", so
that they can be easily traced by searching for "ada" in the code.
1. Set my CookiePolicy to "a", ie deny all cookies.
2. Enabled WebGL.
   WebGL is supported (built into WebKit), but the feature is turned
   off by default.
3. Applied patches:
   a. bookmarking. I also needed to create/touch a file "bookmarks"
      in the .surf directory for it to work
   b. homepage. You can change your homepage. See at the end of the
      file config.h

What follows is the Original README from Suckless/dwm.

Original Suckless' README

surf - simple webkit-based browser
surf is a simple Web browser based on WebKit/GTK+.

In order to build surf you need GTK+ and Webkit/GTK+ header files.

In order to use the functionality of the url-bar, also install dmenu[0].

Edit to match your local setup (surf is installed into
the /usr/local namespace by default).

Afterwards enter the following command to build and install surf (if
necessary as root):

    make clean install

Running surf
	surf [URI]

See the manpage for further options.

Running surf in tabbed
For running surf in tabbed[1] there is a script included in the distribution,
which is run like this: [URI]

Further invocations of the script will run surf with the specified URI in this
instance of tabbed.
