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k3d - Tilt (Example FastAPI app + Helm)

Simple example showcasing an option for a local development setup for python apps in kubernetes.

You need these tools to set this up and try it for yourself:

  • docker: this is where the local cluster will be hosted
  • k3d: installs a k3s cluster in you docker
  • kubectl: the means of interacting with the kubernetes cluster
  • helm: package manager for kubernetes
  • tilt: smart rebuilds and live updates making your live easier. Tilt define your dev environment as code. Very usable for microservice apps on Kubernetes, and better than Skaffold ).

Installing the cluster

Create a local k3d cluster with docker registry using:

make up

Running tilt

tilt up

Example Outout: (s) to stream logs

$ tilt up
Tilt started on http://localhost:10350/
v0.33.1, built 2023-06-28

(space) to open the browser
(s) to stream logs (--stream=true)
(t) to open legacy terminal mode (--legacy=true)
(ctrl-c) to exit
Tilt started on http://localhost:10350/
v0.33.1, built 2023-06-28
I0706 21:51:39.818031   44303 handler.go:232] Adding GroupVersion v1alpha1 to ResourceManager

Initial Build
Loading Tiltfile at: /home/davar/TILT/k3d-tilt-development/Tiltfile
📦 Building
Building docker image:  fastapi-example:latest
🚀 Deploying
Running: helm template fastapi-example /home/davar/TILT/k3d-tilt-development/charts --include-crds --values ./charts/values.yaml
🔧 Configuring
mounting local path:  /projects/app
Successfully loaded Tiltfile (127.423741ms)
Auto-detected local registry from environment: &RegistryHosting{Host:,HostFromClusterNetwork:registry.localhost:5000,HostFromContainerRuntime:registry.localhost:5000,Help:,SingleName:,}
fastapi-exam… │ 
fastapi-exam… │ Initial Build
fastapi-exam… │ STEP 1/1 — Deploying
fastapi-exam… │      Applying YAML to cluster
fastapi-exam… │ 
fastapi-exam… │ Initial Build
fastapi-exam… │ STEP 1/3 — Building Dockerfile: [fastapi-example:latest]
fastapi-exam… │ Building Dockerfile for platform linux/amd64:
fastapi-exam… │   FROM python:3.10.5-alpine3.16
fastapi-exam… │   
fastapi-exam… │   COPY ./scripts/ /
fastapi-exam… │   RUN chmod +x /
fastapi-exam… │   
fastapi-exam… │   RUN mkdir -p /app
fastapi-exam… │   WORKDIR /app
fastapi-exam… │   
fastapi-exam… │   COPY ./requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt
fastapi-exam… │   RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
fastapi-exam… │   
fastapi-exam… │   COPY ./app /app
fastapi-exam… │   ENV PYTHONPATH=/app
fastapi-exam… │   
fastapi-exam… │   ENTRYPOINT /
fastapi-exam… │ 
fastapi-exam… │ 
fastapi-exam… │      Building image
fastapi-exam… │      Objects applied to cluster:
fastapi-exam… │        → fastapi-example-local-sc:storageclass
fastapi-exam… │        → fastapi-example-local-pv:persistentvolume
fastapi-exam… │        → fastapi-example-local-pvc:persistentvolumeclaim
fastapi-exam… │ 
fastapi-exam… │      Step 1 - 0.20s (Deploying)
fastapi-exam… │      DONE IN: 0.20s 
fastapi-exam… │ 
fastapi-exam… │      [1/8] FROM
fastapi-exam… │      [background] read source files
fastapi-exam… │      [background] read source files 1.62kB [done: 857ms]
fastapi-exam… │      [2/8] COPY ./scripts/ / [cached]
fastapi-exam… │      [3/8] RUN chmod +x / [cached]
fastapi-exam… │      [4/8] RUN mkdir -p /app [cached]
fastapi-exam… │      [5/8] WORKDIR /app [cached]
fastapi-exam… │      [6/8] COPY ./requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt [cached]
fastapi-exam… │      [7/8] RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt [cached]
fastapi-exam… │      [8/8] COPY ./app /app [cached]
fastapi-exam… │      exporting to image
fastapi-exam… │      exporting to image [done: 1.084s]
fastapi-exam… │ 
fastapi-exam… │ STEP 2/3 — Pushing
fastapi-exam… │      Pushing with Docker client
fastapi-exam… │      Authenticating to image repo:
fastapi-exam… │      Sending image data
fastapi-exam… │      652f99b6b251: Pushing [==================================================>]     512B
fastapi-exam… │      38160c005ddb: Pushing [=================================================> ]     512B/520B
fastapi-exam… │      e95c491085d9: Pushing   2.56kB
fastapi-exam… │      5f70bf18a086: Pushing  1.024kB
fastapi-exam… │      00c1b8396424: Pushing [>                                                  ]  215.6kB/21.19MB
fastapi-exam… │      652f99b6b251: Pushed 
fastapi-exam… │      5f70bf18a086: Pushed 
fastapi-exam… │      e95c491085d9: Pushed 
fastapi-exam… │      00c1b8396424: Pushed 
fastapi-exam… │      38160c005ddb: Pushed 
fastapi-exam… │      be7d38079d7c: Pushing [=============================>                     ]     512B/870B
fastapi-exam… │      152bb10de66f: Pushing [=============================>                     ]     512B/870B
fastapi-exam… │      75e73dee76a3: Pushing [>                                                  ]  132.1kB/10.18MB
fastapi-exam… │      152bb10de66f: Pushed 
fastapi-exam… │      be7d38079d7c: Pushed 
fastapi-exam… │      0d510656312d: Pushing [==================================================>]     512B
fastapi-exam… │      61046873a9a1: Pushing [>                                                  ]  303.4kB/30.15MB
fastapi-exam… │      75e73dee76a3: Pushed 
fastapi-exam… │      0d510656312d: Pushed 
fastapi-exam… │      dc6b8d77e79b: Pushing [>                                                  ]  18.43kB/1.797MB
fastapi-exam… │      ec34fcc1d526: Pushing [>                                                  ]  68.61kB/5.529MB
fastapi-exam… │      dc6b8d77e79b: Pushed 
fastapi-exam… │      ec34fcc1d526: Pushed 
fastapi-exam… │      61046873a9a1: Pushed 
fastapi-exam… │ 
fastapi-exam… │ STEP 3/3 — Deploying
fastapi-exam… │      Applying YAML to cluster
fastapi-exam… │      Objects applied to cluster:
fastapi-exam… │        → fastapi-example:serviceaccount
fastapi-exam… │        → fastapi-example-configmap:configmap
fastapi-exam… │        → fastapi-example:service
fastapi-exam… │        → fastapi-example:deployment
fastapi-exam… │        → fastapi-example:ingress
fastapi-exam… │ 
fastapi-exam… │      Step 1 - 5.72s (Building Dockerfile: [fastapi-example:latest])
fastapi-exam… │      Step 2 - 10.26s (Pushing
fastapi-exam… │      Step 3 - 0.09s (Deploying)
fastapi-exam… │      DONE IN: 16.06s 
fastapi-exam… │ 
fastapi-exam… │ 
fastapi-exam… │ Tracking new pod rollout (fastapi-example-f8977bd8c-4qbhk):
fastapi-exam… │      ┊ Scheduled       - <1s
fastapi-exam… │      ┊ Initialized     - (…) Pending
fastapi-exam… │      ┊ Ready           - (…) Pending
fastapi-exam… │ [event: pod fastapi-example-f8977bd8c-4qbhk] Pulling image "registry.localhost:5000/fastapi-example:tilt-e1eda2f51c578eea"
fastapi-exam… │ [event: pod fastapi-example-f8977bd8c-4qbhk] Successfully pulled image "registry.localhost:5000/fastapi-example:tilt-e1eda2f51c578eea" in 18.904196478s
fastapi-exam… │      ┊ Scheduled       - <1s
fastapi-exam… │      ┊ Initialized     - <1s
fastapi-exam… │      ┊ Ready           - 21s
fastapi-exam… │ *** running in development mode!!! ***
fastapi-exam… │ INFO:     Will watch for changes in these directories: ['/app']
fastapi-exam… │ INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
fastapi-exam… │ INFO:     Started reloader process [8] using statreload
fastapi-exam… │ INFO:     Started server process [10]
fastapi-exam… │ INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
fastapi-exam… │ INFO:     Application startup complete.
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: - "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: - "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: - "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: - "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
fastapi-exam… │ INFO: - "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK

This will build and install everything. It will watch your files for changes and updates the necessary parts where needed.

Check app

$ curl localhost

Clean dev environment

make down


k3d - Tilt (Example FastAPI app + Helm)






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