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Get and install casiopeia

Within the next sections, you will get to know how to obtain and install casiopeia, and what prerequisites have to be met to get casiopeia working correctly.

Installation on Ubuntu 16.04

The following instructions show the installation on Ubuntu 16.04. If you are planning to install casiopeia on Linux systems different from Ubuntu 16.04, these commands need to be adapted accordingly.



In order to use casiopeia, please make sure that Python (currently supported version is Python 2.7) as well as Python Numpy (>= 1.8), PyLab and Python Setuptools are installed on your system. This can easily be ensured by running

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib python-setuptools --install-recommends

If you want to install casiopeia using pip, which is the recommended and easiest way, you also need to install pip by running

sudo apt-get install python-pip

Also, you might want to install the Spyder IDE for working with Python. You can install it by running

sudo apt-get install spyder


These commands require root privileges. In case you do not have root privileges on your system, consider using Miniconda to install Python and the necessary modules into a user-writeable directory.


For casiopeia to work correctly, you need CasADi version >= 3.1 to be installed on your system. Installation instructions for CasADi can be found here.


Some plugins for CasADi require extra prerequisites to work on Linux. For a list of the required libraries and installation instructions, see the corresponding section in the CasADi installation guide. If something goes wrong with executing CasADi and/or casiopeia, missing one or more of these libraries might be the reason.

In addition to unpacking the archive you just obtained, please make sure that the unpacked folder that contains CasADi can be found by Python permanently. As mentioned in the CasADi installation instructions, this can e. g. be ensured by adding the CasADi directory to the PYTHONPATH variable permanently. Just open the file ~/.bashrc on your system with your favorite text editor, and add the line

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/<path>/<to>/<casadi>/<folder>

while /<path>/<to>/<casadi>/<folder> needs to be adapted to the path of your unpacked archive. Afterwards, save these changes and close all open terminals. Now open a new terminal, and have a look at the value of PYTHONPATH by typing


It should now contain at least the path your just inserted. If everything went well, you should be able to open a Python console, and execute the following commands

>>> from casadi import *
>>> x = MX.sym("x")
>>> print jacobian(sin(x),x)

without recieving error messages.

Option 1: Get casiopeia using pip (recommended)


casiopeia is listed on the Python Package Index. You can obtain it from there by running

sudo pip install casiopeia

If this command fails with a message that CasADi cannot be found on your system, and you installed CasADi by appending it's directory to PYTHONPATH via ~/.bashrc, it's most likely that your users PYTHONPATH variable is not available when using sudo. In this case, try

sudo env PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH pip install casiopeia


These commands require root privileges. In case you do not have root privileges ony your system, consider :ref:`Option 2: Get casiopeia from GitHub <option2>`.


Upgrades to new releases of casiopeia can simply be obtained by running

sudo pip install casiopeia --upgrade


sudo env PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH pip install casiopeia --upgrade



These commands require root privileges.

Option 2: Get casiopeia from GitHub


You can also obtain the casiopeia module directly from its GitHub repository. You can either clone the repository, or download the contained files within a compressed archive. To just obtain an archive, you do not need to have git installed, but cloning the repository provides an easy way to receive updates on casiopeia by pulling from the repository.

You can install git by running

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git


These commands require root privileges. In case you do not have root priviliges and git ist not installed on you system, consider downloading the archive from the GitHub page using your favorite web browser instead of cloning the git repository.

Afterwards, you can clone the repository using the following commands

git clone

and install casiopeia by running

sudo python install

from within the casiopeia directory. If this command fails with a message that CasADi cannot be found on your system, and you installed CasADi by appending it's directory to PYTHONPATH via ~/.bashrc, it's most likely that your users PYTHONPATH variable is not available when using sudo. In this case, try

sudo env PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH python install


These commands require root privileges. In case you do not have root priviliges, consider adding the casiopeia directory to PYTHONPATH, as described above for CasADi.


If you recieved casiopeia by cloning the git repository, you can update the contents of your local copy by running

git pull

from within the casiopeia directory. In case you did not clone the repository, you would again need to download a compressed archive.

Afterwards, you need to install the recent version again by running

sudo python install


sudo env PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH python install



These commands require root privileges.


If you installed casiopeia by adding the directory to PYTHONPATH, just place the newly obtained files in the previously defined path to upgrade to a new version of casiopeia. You do not not need to add the directory again to PYTHONPATH then. Also, make sure not to add multiple versions of casiopeia to PYTHONPATH, since this might lead to conflicts.

Installation on Windows

The following instructions have been tested on Windows 7 64 bit.


You need to have administrator rights on your system to be able to follow the instructions below.



The easiest way to meet the prerequesites for casiopeia and CasADi on a Windows system might be to install a recent version of Python(x,y), which is also the procedure recommended by the CasADi developers. It is recommended to do a "Full" installation. In the following, the instructions also assume that you are installing Python(x,y) and all components with their default paths.


For casiopeia to work correctly, you need CasADi version >= 3.1 to be installed on your system. Installation instructions for CasADi can be found here.

After unpacking the archive, go to My Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables. If a variable PYTHONPATH already exists, apply the full path to the CasADi folder to the end of the variable value, and separate this new path from the ones already contained by ;. If PYTHONPATH does not yet exist on the system, create a new environmental variable with this name, and fill in the path to the unpacked CasADi folder.

Option 1: Get casiopeia using pip (recommended)


casiopeia is listed on the Python Package Index. Since you installed pip with Python(x,y), you can obtain casiopeia by opening a command line and running

pip install casiopeia


If you have problems obtaining casiopeia with pip (which can e. g. be caused by a company's proxy server) consider :ref:`Option 2: Get casiopeia from GitHub <option2win>`.


Upgrades to new releases of casiopeia can simply be obtained by running

pip install casiopeia --upgrade

Option 2: Get casiopeia from GitHub


You can also obtain the casiopeia module directly from its GitHub repository. Since installing git is more time-consuming on Windows then it is on most Linux systems, it is recommended (at least for less experienced users) to just download the contained files for casiopeia within a compressed archive.

Afterwards, unpack the archive, and install casiopeia by running

python install

from the command line, within the unzipped folder.


If this procedure is for some reason not applicable for you, you can consider adding the casiopeia directory to PYTHONPATH instead, as described above for CasADi.


For upgrading casiopeia, you would again need to download a compressed archive.

Afterwards, you need to install the recent version by again running

python install


If you installed casiopeia by adding the directory to PYTHONPATH, just place the newly obtained files in the previously defined path to upgrade to a new version of casiopeia. You do not not need to add the directory again to PYTHONPATH then. Also, make sure not to add multiple versions of casiopeia to PYTHONPATH, since this might lead to conflicts.


To speed up computations in casiopeia, it is recommended to install HSL for IPOPT. On how to install the solvers and for further information, see the page Obtaining HSL in the CasADi wiki.