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addonovan edited this page Jun 22, 2016 · 4 revisions

Setting up an OpMode

A major difference between the standard way and this library is that the ftcext OpModes are completely separate from Qualcomm's. What does this mean? Well, for starters, this means that instead of extending com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.OpMode or com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode, you must extend either com.addonovan.ftcext.control.OpMode or com.addonovan.ftcext.control.LinearOpMode. These classes perform the exact same way that their Qualcomm counterparts do, in that OpMode is loop and update-based, while LinearOpMode runs sequentially.

Another caveat is the Register annotation that must be on an OpMode. In order for the OpModeRegistrar to find your OpModes, it must have @Register( name ) annotation on the class. name is a String that serves as the name that the OpMode is registered as, this is what shows up on the Driver Station device during OpMode selection. This can be almost any string; however, there are a few exceptions:

  1. name is "Stop Robot" - This name is dedicated to a specific OpMode on the Robot Controller that cannot be modified, and so the Robot Controller app will pitch a fit if you try to use it, so don't
  2. name is "" (an empty string) - The Robot Controller app will also pitch a fit if you try to use this, so don't
  3. name contains "=" - I thought equals signs were stupid. Literally no other reason.

And finally, the class must be instantiable, meaning:

  1. It's not abstract
  2. It is public (Kotlin: no visibility modifier is necessary, public is the default)

Note: Since these are phones we're dealing with, emojis are acceptable and do work, feel free to look up the unicode character chains for whatever emoji your heart desires and use the "\uXXXX" escape sequence to insert them into a string.

This is a working OpMode that would automatically get registered by ftcext (granted, it doesn't do anything):


import com.addonovan.ftcext.control.OpMode;
import com.addonovan.ftcext.control.Register;

@Register( "Testing!" )
public class TestingOpMode extends OpMode
    public void loop() {}
    public void init() {}


import com.addonovan.ftcext.control.OpMode
import com.addonovan.ftcext.control.Regsiter

@Register( "Testing!" )
class TestingOpMode : OpMode()
    override fun loop() {}
    override fun init() {}
  1. Intro & Installation
  2. OpModes
    1. [Lifecycle](OpMode Lifecycle)
    2. [Profiles & Configuration](Profiles & Configuration)
    3. Types
      1. OpMode
      2. LinearOpMode
  3. Hardware
    1. [Access](Hardware Access)
    2. Extension Framework
      1. [Advanced Hardware](Advanced Hardware)
      2. [Custom Hardware Extensions](Custom Hardware Extensions)
  4. Utils
    1. Intervals
    2. [Motor Assembly](Motor Assembly)
  5. [Task Management](Task Management)
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