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adefelice edited this page Jan 16, 2019 · 1 revision

Use these steps to help you get started with Github.

Click here to download the Initial Steps on Github screen recording.

  1. Go to and create a free account:

  2. Create a new repository on your GitHub account online. Include the Title the repository MEDST255_FirstName . (For example: MEDST255_Allison)

  3. Make me a collaborator:

  • Go to the Settings tab of your repository online.
  • Under Options, click on Collaborators.
  • Search for me: adefelice
  • When you find me, click on Add Collaborator
  1. You now have your own repository on Github. When it's open you'll see it has a number of tabs at the top, "Code, Issues, Pull requests, projects, Wiki", etc.

  2. The "Code" tab will be in front by default. In this section you can simply upload files such as written assignments, presentation files, etc., that I'll ask you to submit to me.

  3. Click on the "Wiki" tab.

  4. In this section you can create new pages (wikis).

  5. When I want an assignment submitted in the form of a page, I'll give instructions for how it should be titled and what the content of it should be. You'll simply create a "New Page", and write into it. Remember to save your pages as you edit them!

We will get into more GitHub basics as we go!


Here are some Noob videos if you want to refer to them for a history of Github and common workflows: