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laravel-react-booklyb-api is a REST API written with Laravel framework to serve as backend for react-booklyb

The project demonstrates the use of REST API in laravel that can be used across any frontend platform. Laravel sanctum is used for authentication which allows each user of the application to generate multiple API tokens for their account. These tokens are used to grant users access to features to the APIs.

API Consumation

The base URL to consume the API is which can be used with axios. In addition, you should enable the withCredentials option on your global axios instance. like below:

Axios.defaults.baseURL = "";
Axios.defaults.withCredentials = true;

The user's authorization token is used in the configuration below with the fetch API like Axios to access features.

const config = {
    headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${$userToken}`

Authenticating Users

For Authenticating a user, the user table consists of three required colums which are name, email, and password.

Sign-up Feature

  • Signing up a user requires using the URL with a post request.`sign-up`, values);

the values option is the values of the field the user submits i.e name, email, password. This returns a json object with the following values.

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Sign up Successful",
    "token": $userToken, // token generated after signing up a user or logging in
    "username": $username // user's name

Login Feature

  • Logging in a user uses the URL with a post request.`login`, values);

This returns a json object with the following values similar to the sign-up values.

    "status": 200,
    "message": "Sign up Successful",
    "token": $userToken, // token generated after signing up a user or logging in
    "username": $username // user's name

Get user's name

  • To get a user's name we utilize the with a get request which returns a user's name.
Axios.get(`get-user/`, config);

Log-out Feature

  • Logging out a user uses the URL with a get request and config.
Axios.get(`logout/`, config);

Accessing Book Features

The following columns in the book table bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookCategory, comment, numberOfPages, currentPageRead, currentChapterTitle, and currentChapterRead can be populated with the user's inputs.

The bookTitle and bookCategory field are required while the rest are nullable.

Add Book Feature

  • Adding a book requires using the URL with a post request.`add-book`, values, config);

This returns a json object with the following values.

   "status": 200,
   "message": "Book Added Successfully",
   "book": $book

The $book variable from above contains the following values: bookId, bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookCategory, comment, numberOfPages, currentPageRead, currentChapterTitle, and currentChapterRead where bookId is a unique string generated for each books.

Update Book Feature

  • To Update a book we require using the URL with a put request.`update-book`, values, config);

This returns a json object with the following values.

   "status": 200,
   "message": "Book Updated Successfully",

Get Books Feature

  • To get all the books by a single user we use the with a get request.
Axios.get(`books`, config);

This returns the variables bookId, bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookCategory, comment, numberOfPages, currentPageRead, currentChapterTitle, and currentChapterRead of each books by a single user.

Get single Book Feature

  • To get a single book by a single user we use the${bookId} with a get request.
Axios.get(`books/${bookId}`, config);

This returns the variables bookId, bookTitle, bookAuthor, bookCategory, comment, numberOfPages, currentPageRead, currentChapterTitle, and currentChapterRead of a book with unique identity of bookId.

Delete single Book Feature

  • To delete a single book by a user we use the${bookId} with a delete request using the unique identity bookId.
Axios.delete(`delete-book/${bookId}`, config);


  • Sign in user
  • Authenticate user
  • Logging out user
  • Add Book feature
  • Get Books feature
  • Edit Book feature
  • Delete Book feature

Technology Used

  • PHP

  • laravel

  • PHP Code_Sniffer

  • PHP Code Beautifier

Development (Running locally)

  • Clone the project
git clone
  • Install Dependencies
composer require

To check for errors on PHP

composer phpcs

Or to beautify PHP codes

composer phpcs

Style Guides

👤 Author

Adeleye Jamiu

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

MIT licensed.


This is a REST API written in Laravel 8 for [react-booklyb]( project






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