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AnthonyD edited this page Apr 4, 2020 · 6 revisions

Friday, April 3, 2020


Detailed notes can be found in Google Drive

  • We are not having luck with leads responding to the interview request emails.
  • We are going to create a survey/form that will be quick and easy for leads to complete and add an invite to setup an interview if they are so interested.
  • We are going to research an alternative to Slack called Mattermost, and setup a test instance.
  • We approved the final logo design.
  • We decided on the design for an information webpage for users. Mobile & Desktop views

Monday, March 30, 2020


  • Anthony has been reaching out to other members on the team to see where they can assist.
  • Anthony & Eva worked on determining a url to use for the information page that will eventually come. Deluxe is offering Can't Stop Columbus 10 domains for free and we didn't want to miss out.
  • Hosting will be provided by Media Temple at no cost for a year.
  • Anthony worked on the Google Sheets workbook tracking who is on the Frontline team, CSC Support Team as well as a list of important links.
  • Anthony had a meeting with Josh H., our CSC Project Success Advocate.
    • Sent Josh link to the Wiki
    • Sent Josh link to the project Stake Holders Map
  • Anthony spent some time updating the Wiki and organizing some of the open issues.

Friday, March 27, 2020 Initial Meeting Notes

In Attendance

Anthony, Braden, Eugene, Merry


  • Introductions completed
  • Anthony spoke with Mike C., originator of the idea brought to Can't Stop Columbus. Please see Initial Stakeholder Challenges for more details.
  • Merry, who has first hand experience in the Social Workers field helped paint a big picture of some of the challenges Social Workers face.
    • Frustrations with the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) charting system. Not all information that is needed is available. EMR systems: Epic; HCS; WellSky
    • Confirmed that a mobile solution is a must because of current staffing issues which could potentially get worse as the pandemic gets worse.
  • There are some concerns that Slack may be too complicated for users.
  • We discussed a third application option, What's App messaging platform. It uses phone #; messages through chat channels.
  • There was an idea to have any Social Workers (or Medical Staff) that have been quarantined to act as moderators. They will most likely want to stay in the fight one way or another.
  • Ideas on what stakeholders may be interested in knowing:
    • Fast facts on what they are witnessing in their facility.
    • of patients.

    • Symptoms presented.
    • Location in community.
    • Topic on PPE *Personal Protective Equipment

Action Items

  • Create a Stake Holders Map
  • Prepare a form or times where Braden can interview stakeholders.
  • Merry to reach out to her contacts with the Calendly link.
  • Stakeholder interviews.