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[Version request]

[Version request] #25

name: Build version on issue request
types: [opened, reopened]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- id: check
name: Check if issue is a request
run: echo "is_valid_request=${{ startsWith(github.event.issue.title, '[Version request]') }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- id: retrieve
name: Retrieve the version from body
if: ${{ steps.check.outputs.is_valid_request == 'true' }}
run: echo "version="$(echo "${{ github.event.issue.body }}" | tail -n1) >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- id: exist
name: Check if version already exists in release
if: ${{ steps.check.outputs.is_valid_request == 'true' }}
run: echo "value="$(gh release view latest --repo ${{ github.repository }} --json assets -q "[.assets.[].name | select(endswith(\"${{ steps.retrieve.outputs.version }}\"))] | length") >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
- id: trigger
name: Trigger manual build
if: ${{ steps.check.outputs.is_valid_request == 'true' && steps.exist.outputs.value == 0 }}
run: |
gh workflow run manual_build.yml --repo ${{ github.repository }} -f minecraft_version=${{ steps.retrieve.outputs.version }} -f issue=${{ github.event.issue.html_url }}
gh issue comment ${{ github.event.issue.html_url }} --repo ${{ github.repository }} -b "Build process started. You can follow the build progress [here](${{ github.repository }}/actions) or subscribe to this issue to be notified when binaries are ready."
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
- id: redirect_to_release
name: Redirect to already existing binaries
if: ${{ steps.check.outputs.is_valid_request == 'true' && steps.exist.outputs.value != 0 }}
run: |
echo "Binaries for ${{ steps.retrieve.outputs.version }} are already available in the [latest release](${{ github.repository }}/releases/tag/latest)." > body.txt
echo -en '\n' >> body.txt
echo You can close this issue. Feel free to reopen at anytime if you need an updated build for the same version. >> body.txt
gh issue comment ${{ github.event.issue.html_url }} --repo ${{ github.repository }} --body-file body.txt
GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}