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Publishing events using Adobe Experience SDK

Track marketing events for Adform platform using Adobe experience SDK.


  • All events sent to Adobe platform will be routed to Adform as well
  • Easily convert Adform's TrackPoint to Adobe events


  • iOS 10
  • Adobe Core Libraries
  • Adform Tracking SDK

Set-up Adobe experience platform

  • Set-up Adobe experience patform
  • Then install Adform mobile extenesion in Adobe experience cloud platform

Integerate Adform extension

1. Using CocoaPods

We are using CocaPods for dependency management. Therefore, please add this pod to your podfile:

pod 'AdformAdobeExtension'

Then run pod install or pod update to install the latest version of the extension.

2. Manual integration

If you wish to integrate this extension manually, follow these steps:

  1. Copy AdformAdobeExtension folder and add it to your project.
  2. Integrate required dependencies: AdformTracking and ACPCore.

3. Register Adform extension

You should register Adform extension in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions app delegate method like this:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    [AdformAdobeExtension registerExtension];

Sending events

There are a couple of ways to send events through Adobe Experience SDK. If you already have Adform integrated you can use convenience method to convert current track points to event data or just create event data from scratch using provided key constants.

1. Using track point adapter

To minimize code changes needed to migrate to Adobe Experience SDK you can use AFTEventAdapter class to convert AFTrackPoint class instances to event data and send it through Adobe SDK. Following example shows you how to do it.

- (void)sendTrackPoint {
    AFTrackPoint *trackPoint = [[AFTrackPoint alloc] initTrackPoint:123456789];
    [trackPoint setAppName:@"DemoAdobe-iOS"];
    AFOrder *order = [AFOrder new];
    order.orderId = @"1"; = 15;
    order.currency = @"Eur";
    order.orderStatus = @"Sold"; = @"Lithuania";
    order.gender = @"Male";
    [trackPoint setOrder:order];
    AFProduct *product1 = [AFProduct new];
    product1.categoryId = @"1";
    product1.categoryName = @"Category";
    product1.productId = @"2";
    product1.productName = @"Product";
    product1.weight = 5;
    product1.step = AFEcomerceStepView;
    product1.productCount = 3;
    [trackPoint addProduct:product];
    NSDictionary *data = [AFTEventAdapter makeContextDataFrom:trackPoint];
    [ACPCore trackAction: @"Demo-action" data: data];

You can always use Adobe's '.trackState()' as well, though in Adform tracking SDK it works exactly the same, as you would use '.trackAction()'.

- (void)sendTrackPoint {
    AFTrackPoint *trackPoint = [[AFTrackPoint alloc] initTrackPoint:123456789];
    [trackPoint setAppName:@"DemoAdobe-iOS"];
    NSDictionary *data = [AFTEventAdapter makeContextDataFrom:trackPoint];
    [ACPCore trackState: @"Demo-State" data: data];

2. Sending event data directly

If you have not created events for Adform before, there is a more generic way of sending those events:

- (void)sendTrackPoint {
    NSString *trackingPointId = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%ld", [AdformAdobeExtension trackingPointId];
    NSDictionary *data = @{
        kTrackPointIdKey: trackingPointId,
        kTrackPointAppNameKey: @"DemoAdobe-iOS",
        kTrackPointOrderIdKey: @"1",
        kTrackPointOrderSaleKey: @"15",
        kTrackPointOrderCurrencyKey: @"Eur",
        kTrackPointOrderStatusKey: @"Sold",
        kTrackPointOrderCountryKey: @"Lithuania",
        kTrackPointOrderGenderKey: @"Male",
        // Product
        kTrackPointProductCategoryIdKey: @"1",
        kTrackPointProductCategoryNameKey: @"Category",
        kTrackPointProductIdKey: @"2",
        kTrackPointProductNameKey: @"Product",
        kTrackPointProductWeightKey: @"5",
        kTrackPointProductStepKey: @"1",
        kTrackPointProductCountKey: @"3"
    [ACPCore trackAction: @"Demo-action" data: data];

Release notes


Initial release


Update readme


Update state event forwarding