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A flutter library to easily use Peppermint functionality.

The most common usage of Web3 Wallet is to generate wallet address (public key) and private key. Peppermint SDK makes it easy to do it without much complexity to manually implement other web3 packages. This package also store the keys safely using flutter_secure_storage.

In future, this package is a bridge to use Peppermint’s functionality with ease.


  1. Generate wallet address (public key) and private key
  2. Get current wallet address
  3. Get current private key
  4. Generate random contract name
  5. Bound existing/new wallet
  6. Delete wallet
  7. Pick media file from device
  8. Get image from camera
  9. Launch Url
  10. Scan QR code from camera
  11. Image editor

How to install


  • Add UCropActivity into your AndroidManifest.xml


From v1.2.0, you need to migrate your android project to v2 embedding (detail)


  • No configuration required


Import package:peppermint_sdk/peppermint_sdk.dart, instantiate WalletManager.

You can see the full example in WalletPage class on peppermint-flutter-sdk/example/lib/wallet_page.dart.

Wallet function:

import 'package:peppermint_sdk/peppermint_sdk.dart';

WalletManager manager = WalletManager();

// generate new wallet
WalletKeys keys = manager.createWallet();

// generate new wallet with key
WalletKeys keys = manager.createWallet(key: "wallet1");

// generate wallet from existing private key
String walletAddress = await manager.restoreWallet('enter your private key here')

// get current wallet address
String publicKey = await manager.getPublicKey();

// get current private key
String privateKey = await manager.getPrivateKey();

// delete all wallet
await deleteAllWallet();

// check if has any wallet
bool hasWallet = await manager.hasAnyWallet();

// generate contract name
String contractName = PeppermintUtility.generateContractName();

This library is able to manage multiple private key and public key per device.

You can see the full example in UtilitiesPage class on peppermint-flutter-sdk/example/lib/utilities_page.dart.

Utilities function:

import 'package:peppermint_sdk/peppermint_sdk.dart';

// Upload image from camera.
// You can set edit to false or true to apply the editor
File? file = await PeppermintUtility.getImageFromCamera(edit: true);

// Upload image from Galery.
// You can set squareCrop to false or true to apply the squareCrop
File? file = await PeppermintUtility.getImageFromGallery(squareCrop: true);

// Upload media from explorer.
// You can set edit to false or true to apply the squareCrop
File? file = await PeppermintUtility.getMediaFromExplorer(squareCrop: true);

// Upload video from Galery.
File? file = await PeppermintUtility.getVideoFromGallery();

You can see the full example in WalletConnectPage class on peppermint-flutter-sdk/example/lib/wallet_connect_page.dart.

Wallet Connect function:

import 'package:peppermint_sdk/peppermint_sdk.dart';

WCAttributes attributes = await WalletConnectManager().initWalletConnect(
    maticRpcUri: maticRpcUri, //The RPC URI for the blockchain service provider to be used.
    onDisconnect: (code, reason) {
      // Respond to disconnect callback
    onFailure: (error) {
      // Respond to connection failure callback
    onSessionRequest: (id, peerMeta) {
      // Respond to connection request callback
    onEthSign: (id, message) {
      // Respond to personal_sign or eth_sign or eth_signTypedData request callback
    onEthSendTransaction: (id, tx) {
      // Respond to eth_sendTransaction request callback
    onEthSignTransaction: (id, tx) {
      // Respond to eth_signTransaction request callback

// Create WCSession object from wc: uri.
// Create WCPeerMeta object containing metadata for your app.
// Connect to a new session.
attributes = WalletConnectManager().connectNewSession(result, attributes);

// Approve a session connection request.
attributes = _wcManager.approveSession(
    attributes: attributes,
    chainId: 5,
    rpcNetwork: '',
    walletAddress: walletAddress,

// Approve a sign request
attributes = await _wcManager.confirmSign(
    attributes: attributes,
    id: id,
    ethereumSignMessage: ethereumSignMessage,
    privateKey: walletAddress,

// Approve a sign transaction request
attributes = await _wcManager.confirmSignTransaction(
    attributes: attributes,
    id: id,
    ethereumTransaction: ethereumTransaction,
    privateKey: walletAddress,

// Approve a send transaction request
attributes = await _wcManager.confirmSendTransaction(
    attributes: attributes,
    id: id,
    ethereumTransaction: ethereumTransaction,
    privateKey: walletAddress,

// Get Gas Price
BigInt gasPrice = await _wcManager.getGasPrice(
    attributes: attributes,
    ethereumTransaction: ethereumTransaction,

// Reject a session connection request.

// Reject any of the requests above by specifying request id
attributes.wcClient.rejectRequest(id: id);

// Permanently close a connected session

Peppermint SDK Functionalities

This SDK also provide a global functionality (usecase) to make it easier for a project to use a basic Peppermint function such as 'ExchangeCode', 'GetNftList', 'TokenDetail'. You can see more detail of this function on the 'usecases' folder on path 'lib/src/peppermint_functionalities/nft/usecases'.

How to use:

  1. Before using the function, you need to inject the usecase in your project:
import 'package:peppermint_sdk/peppermint_sdk.dart';

      () => NftRepo(
        walletClient: Get.put(WalletClient()),
        errorHandler: ErrorHandlers(
            wrong: 'Something went wrong',
            forbidden: 'Forbidden request',
            doesntExist: 'Page does not exist',
            underMaintenance: 'Feature is under maintenance'),
  Get.lazyPut(() => GetNftListUseCase(Get.find()));
  Get.lazyPut(() => TokenDetailUsecase(Get.find()));
  Get.lazyPut(() => ExchangeCodeUseCase(Get.find()));

note that the injection example above is using the Get package, you can use your own depedency injection like injectable, get_it. More about this package you can see on

  1. Use the functionalities:

You can use the function below on your controller class or your business logic class in your project.

import 'package:peppermint_sdk/peppermint_sdk.dart';

// Get the data from the repository through the Peppermint SDK.
final resource = await _tokenDetailUsecase.invoke(
  id: id,

// Determine the next step after the resource above return success or fail.
// The onSuccess below will return a define-class-model of the usecase.
// See more detail of this usecase example on this path:
// lib/src/peppermint_functionalities/nft/usecases/token_detail_usecase.dart
resource.when(onSuccess: (onSuccess) {
  detailData = onSuccess;
  }, onFailure: (onFailure) {

You can see more detail of this function in the nft_controller.dart file on path: example/lib/demo_features/nft/nft_controller.dart.


Flutter SDK to support peppermint functionality







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