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Running the file

  • Go to the Assignment folder.
  • Execute make on terminal. This complies all the .c files in 'shell' object file.
  • Run the program by executing './shell' in the terminal.

Assignment tasks

  • This part of the assignment focused on implementing input-output redirection and piping of processes.
  • Also implemented signal handling for different types of signals and handling their effects on processes.

Files and their functions:

Assignment-2 added files but some are modified in Assignment-3


  • Contains all headers and header files and extern variable declaration.


  • This file initiates our shell program.
  • This file is also used to declare and initialize our extern variables.
  • We also keep our SIGNCHLD signal handling in our main function.
  • This has the shell loop to continously take user inputs from the terminal.
  • Also redirects standard input and output according to input.


  • This file is used to print the username and system name at the start of every command line.
  • This also prints our current working directory in every command line.
  • This assumes that execution directory of file is root directory.
  • Also colors the termial output using ANSI color codes.


  • It parses the given argument with given delimiter.


  • Implements cd function
  • Makes the use of curr_dir, prev_dir and root_dir extern variables to implement previous '-' directory cd command.
  • This assumes that execution directory of file is root directory.


  • prints current working directory.


  • prints everything written after echo after removing extra white spaces.
  • Uses parse.c to remove extra whitespaces.


  • Lists the contents and details of the given directory according to flags -a, -l.
  • Makes use of getopt() function to parse the input to flags and arguments.
  • Uses read_details.c file to print all the details of the contents of the given directory/file according to flags.


  • Uses struct dirent, struct stat to print the details of the contents accoring to the flags.
  • Replicates the content shown by bash terminal.


  • Prints details of the given process id or shell using /proc/[pid]/stat and /proc/[pid]/exe file details.
  • Uses fopen in read to access these files.


  • Executes the argument command, about given argument number of times.


  • Gives the history of the recent executed commands up untill last 20 commands.
  • Assumes history reset after each execution of shell.


  • Execute System commands using fork and execvp.
  • Also handles background processes.
  • Also outputs exit status of background process using linked list.
  • Also handles signals and input-output redirection for child process.


  • Implements linked list to store pids and names of running background processes.


  • Handler function for *SIGCHLD signal in main function, prints the exit status of our background child process.
  • Uses linked list to iterate through process pids and checks exited pids.

Assignment - 3 added files:


  • Parses the input command to extract input and output files according to symbols '<', '>', '>>'.


  • Handles input commands with piping.
  • First parses the command input according to '|' pipe symbol, then uses pipe() and dup2 command to redirect standard input and output for every command execution which is used as input by the next command.


  • Extract values from /proc/[pid]/stat according to pid.


  • Prints all the active background processes with their status and pid.
  • Iterates through the list of bg pids and uses pinfo2() to extract status information.


  • Uses kill() command to send signal according to pid.


  • Uses kill() command to send SIGCONT to change bg process state from stopped to running and then bring the process to foreground and then wait for it's execution.


  • Uses kill() command to send SIGCONT to change bg process state from stopped to running but this time keep the process in background.


  • Handles SIGTSTP signal to send foreground process to background and change their state to stopped but keeping our shell unaffected.


  • Handles *SIGINT signal to kill foreground process but keeping out shell execution unaffected.


  • This file implements the bonus task which executes a command in intervals over a certain period.
  • This was implemented by using forloop for a certain period of input time, and then using sleep function between every iteration we can replicate the periods.


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