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This repository contains an implementation of counting words in many files using the map-reduce algorithm. The algorithm is implemented in both OpenMP and MPI. A serial implementation is also available for perf evaluation.

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  1. mpicc will be used for compiling. make sure 'mpicc' is executable from the PATH

Running the program

# For making the serial executable and running
make serial
sbatch ./scripts/submit_serial.sub

# For making the OpenMP executable and running 
make openmp
sbatch ./scripts/submit_parallel.sub

# For making the MPI executable and running
make mpi
sbatch ./scripts/submit_mpi_parallel.sub

# For making the MPI executable and running 
make mpi-openmp
sbatch ./scripts/submit_mpi_openmp.sub

# For cleaning all executables
make clean

Folder Structure

├── files
│   ├── 10.txt
│   ├── 11.txt
│   ├── 12.txt
│   ├── 13.txt
│   ├── 14.txt
│   ├── 15.txt
│   ├── 1.txt
│   ├── 2.txt
│   ├── 3.txt
│   ├── 4.txt
│   ├── 5.txt
│   ├── 6.txt
│   ├── 7.txt
│   ├── 8.txt
│   └── 9.txt
├── Makefile
├── mpi_openmp.c
├── mpi_parallel.c
├── mpi_par.c
├── omp_par_rm.c
├── openmp.c
├── openmp_one_q.c
├── output
│   ├── parallel
│   │   ├── 0.dummy
│   ├── serial
│   │   ├── 0.dummy
│   └── serial_results.txt
├── parallel.c
├── parallel_read_map.c
├── parallel_read_map_new.c
├── parallel_RMcomb.c
├── pout
│   ├── 0.dummy
├── scripts
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── submit_mpi_openmp.sub
│   ├── submit_mpi_parallel.sub
│   ├── submit_openmp.sub
│   ├── submit_parallel_read_map.sub
│   ├── submit_parallel.sub
│   └── submit_serial.sub
├── serial.c
├── submit_mpi_openmp.sub
└── util
    ├── hashTable.h
    ├── queue.h
    └── util.h


Makefile - refer to the Makefile for commands. serial.c - serial program src file which is used as the baseline. parallel.c - OpenMP program where each thread runs Read Map sequentially. This progra does not use a locking mechanism to access data in the queue as Read and Map are run sequentially by each thread. parallel_read_map.c - OpenMP program where some threads run Read functionality while some threads run Map functionality. This program is based on a locking mechanism for queue data access. mpi_parallel.c - pure MPI program w/o OpenMP src file. mpi_openmp.c - MPI w/+ OpenMP src file.


This directory contains input files. Use -f xx for execution where xx denotes the multiplier to multiply the number of files when reading.


This directory contains C language based implementation of queue data structure, hash table data structure, and some utility common functionalities used by differenct source files.


This directory contains sbatch submit scripts for each map-reduce implementation.


This directory is used for writing the final word counts of the serial program and OpenMP programs.


This directory is used for writing the final word counts of the MPI programs.


This repository contains an implementation of counting words in many files using the map-reduce algorithm. The algorithm is implemented in both OpenMP and MPI. A serial implementation is also available for perf evaluation.







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